Inside the Boli Shrine, everyone gathers, and the famous and surnamed yokai of the fantasy town, even those who are not big youkai, come.

After all, this time the matter is a little big, it is good that the Red Devil Pavilion was blasted in front, and the Boli Shrine in the back was actually bombed, and the most important thing is that it also affected the Boli Great Enchantment!

If Su Feng hadn't made a move, it would have been a problem with the Boli Great Enchantment by now!

Although the broken will not be broken, after all, there are still Yayun Zi and Boli Lingmeng who can repair the Boli Great Enchantment, but the problem is certain.

"Lingmeng, let's talk about what happened first, how could the Bori Shrine suddenly explode, and the power is still so great.

Even the Great Glass Enchantment has been affected. "

Yayunzi sat calmly on the side, staring at Boli Lingmeng with dead eyes, waiting for Boli Lingmeng to give her an explanation.

Even if Boli Lingmeng is usually unreliable, there should not be such a big problem.

"When the explosion happened, I was present with Misfortune Dream, Morisa and Ibuki Chuika, and I didn't feel anything.

Suddenly, the Hiri Shrine exploded.

We only had time to lay out the enchantment, but even with the double enchantment that both me and Misfortune Dream used, the aftermath of the explosion still broke through our enchantment.

The cause of the explosion is still unknown. "

Bo Li Lingmeng was also rare and serious, and opened his mouth to describe the situation to Yakumo Zi.

Bori Lingmeng did not defend anything, it is useless to argue, and it is the most important thing to find the murderer who caused the explosion at Bori Shrine.

"What about Remy? Is there anything to add? "

Although he has been sitting in place calmly, Yayunzi gives people an undoubted feeling at this time, and the majesty of the monster sage Yayunzi is at a glance!

"Before the explosion of the Bori Shrine, there was also an unexplained explosion in the Red Devil Pavilion.

Su Feng and I looked for the cause of the explosion of the Red Devil Pavilion by looking at the Destiny Line and going back in time.

Finally, it was found that a magic book in Pachuli's library suddenly exploded~. "

"And, most importantly, when I was looking at the Destiny Line, I didn't find the fate of the explosion at Bori Shrine.

After knowing that the explosion had occurred at the Hiri Shrine, this line of fate seemed to jump out of the blue, and I observed it. "

Remilia also nodded with a flat face, and then said the observation results of the Destiny Line.

After hearing this, Yayunzi thought for a little for two seconds, and then looked at Su Feng.

"Su Feng, although I know that you will not do this, it cannot be ruled out that it is the result of your ability to run away.

What do you say here? "

Yayunzi was willing to believe Su Feng, but now all the big monsters in Fantasy Township ran over, no matter how detailed Su Feng was. ,

Yayunzi also had to ask the previous sentence, so that Su Feng could prove his innocence and prove that it was not his ability to storm away.

"My abilities, you all know, and also know that in the case of violent runs, there may be situations that I did not notice to launch the ability.

So even if I explain more, you will probably still be suspicious of me.

I also don't want to explain anything more, in a word, after catching the murderer, everything will be clear. "

Su Feng was slightly silent when he heard this, and then understood Yayunzi's thoughts, wanting him to prove his innocence.

But Su Feng also understood another thing, that is, no matter how much he argued, it was also a fact that his ability might be activated without him noticing.

Therefore, instead of trying to prove yourself, it is better to directly catch the mastermind behind this abnormality, and then everything will be understood.

He doesn't have to prove his innocence either!

"Are you sure that your ability really didn't launch and caused this explosion?"

He did not leave his sight because of Su Feng's words, Yayunzi still stared at Su Feng, and then spoke again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if Su Feng didn't want to explain too much, Su Feng had to express his position, his ability had never been out of control!

"No, when I was repairing the Great Enchantment of Boli, I entered that mysterious state again.

In order to determine if this matter is out of control of my ability, I have already done an investigation, and I have never lost control from beginning to end. "

As Yayunzi asked again, Su Feng also understood that this matter involved the safety of the entire Fantasy Township, and he must also give a clear attitude and guarantee!

Make sure that his abilities have not lost control and there will be no oolong incidents!

"I've been here for so long, you all know me, and I know that everyone is releasing kindness to me.

I believe that even if this matter is really done by me, as long as I admit it, I will only be warned by Zi lightly, and then this matter will pass.

However, since I didn't do this, then it's not me! "

Listening to Su Feng's words, the big monsters in the Boli Shrine nodded secretly in their hearts.

Yes, what Su Feng said was not wrong at all, this time, even if they knew that Su Feng did it, they would not say more.

Yayunzi really will, lightly warning Su Feng, and then this matter turned over.

But since Su Feng said so, it also shows that Su Feng is very confident, and this time is indeed not because of his ability.

Then, now it can be made clear that things were not done by Su Feng.

In Fantasy Township, there is a ghost character who creates this explosion while we are not paying attention.

And, success hinders Remi's observation of the line of destiny..."

"Su Feng, go back in time in Fantasy Country and project it.

It's not suitable for the projected picture, you add a blur, I want to know what everyone is doing this recent (good money) period.

Even me, including me, after eliminating our suspicions, he enlarged the target to the entire grass and tree of the fantasy township!

There will always be regiments that show flaws! "

After a simple thought, Yayunzi opened his mouth and said to Su Feng.

With Su Feng here, everything has become a lot easier, and it is definitely very convenient to directly project through time backtracking time to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Zi, why don't you just let me, through my own ability, find out behind the scenes.

Instead, choose this way? "

Hearing this, Su Feng's brows furrowed slightly, and he looked at Yayunzi with some puzzlement, and immediately asked.

Obviously, he directly used his ability to find out behind the scenes, isn't it simpler?!

"Even if you want evidence, you can directly project the timeline behind the screen after you find out behind the scenes?"

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