"Is there anything you want to talk to me about alone?"

Seeing that Yayunzi casually arranged an enchantment, Su Feng immediately understood that Bayunzi definitely had something to do and wanted to talk to him alone.

It should be, why not let him directly find out the murderer behind the scenes, right?

"The Great Glass Enchantment in Fantasy Township hasn't fluctuated for a long time.

Everyone hasn't shot at full strength for a long time, and although I don't know who is behind it this time, let's let them remember what it's like to fight. "

After nodding slightly to Su Feng, Yayunzi opened his mouth to explain.

Everyone in Fantasy Township really hasn't really fought once, and this time is a good opportunity for them to remember what the real battle is all about.

How do I seem to have heard this "eight eight seven" somewhere? "

Hearing this, Su Feng's gaze instantly became subtle, how did he feel, where had he heard this sentence?

"And, regarding the guy who is able to use the gap, I want you to help determine if the other party is a gap demon."

Is it my new kind? "

Not caring about Su Feng's complaint, Yayunzi spoke again.

She really cares if the guy who used the gap is her own kindred!


Not your kindred. "

After closing his eyes and determining his ability, Su Feng reopened his eyes and shook his head slightly.

Although the other party used the gap, it was not a gap demon!

"That is to say, like you, through your own ability, use such an ability in the gap."

With a slight loneliness in his eyes, Yakumo Zi whispered.

But the loneliness flashed, and Yakumo Zi's gaze instantly became calm, from the big monster's emotional management!

"It should be, I didn't ask much, nor did I ask who the real culprit behind the scenes was.

What is the origin, when you really catch the background, everything will be clear.

However, I still can't understand why, the other party can enter the fantasy land without attracting any attention? "

Saying that, a strong curiosity appeared in Su Feng's eyes.

"It can't be, it's the fantasy village born by itself, or something that spawned it, right?

It was as if a calamity dream was born in parallel time and space, and it was banished by the fantasy township.

This guy was born in Fantasy Township himself? "

"But if that's the case, there's no reason why he would attack the Boli Shrine and cause fluctuations in the Bori Great Enchantment?!"

A bold guess appeared in Su Feng's heart, but it was quickly denied by Su Feng himself.

It shouldn't be, if it's really a new youkai born in Fantasy Town, there's no reason to attack the Glass Assembly and the Bori Shrine!?

"A new youkai born in Fantasy Town?

Is the dragon god ghosting? But the Dragon God is also attached to the existence of the Great Enchantment of Bori...

I'll ask the dragon god. "

The folding fan in his hand touched his chin, and Su Feng's words successfully provided inspiration for Yayunzi.

Maybe, it's really the dragon god who is behind the ghost?!

All in all, let's go to the dragon god first.

And Su Feng was even more dazed, who is this dragon god?

As the eight clouds purple disappeared in place, the enchantment arranged by the eight clouds purple also disappeared naturally.

Su Feng followed the trend and looked at the monsters who remained in the Boli Shrine, and after scanning left and right, his gaze stayed on Mistya.

Among these people, he and Misty were the most familiar.

"Mistia, come here, I have something I want to ask you." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What's wrong?"

"Who is the Dragon God?"

Hearing Su Feng ask like this, Mistia was slightly stunned, Su Feng actually didn't know that the dragon god was coming!?

Immediately, Mistia opened her mouth to explain to Su Feng.

And with Mistia's explanation, Su Feng also understood.

It turned out that the establishment of the original fantasy township was completely equivalent to a stronger world from the world, and this snatched world had no world consciousness.

Therefore, Yayunzi found the dragon god, and no one knows what Yayunzi talked about with the dragon god, anyway, in the end, the dragon god became a fantasy township, similar to the existence of world consciousness.

The deity enshrined in Hari Shrine is this dragon god.

It's just that until now, Bori Lingmeng himself doesn't know who the god enshrined in Bori Shrine is..........

Because there are no idols, and no other items that can prove identity are left on it.

"So that's the case, is the dragon god the world consciousness of the fantasy town now...

I know. "

Nodding clearly, Su Feng waved his hand at Mistya, and fell into thought again.

There is also the theory of world consciousness in Fantasy Township, and Su Feng has really heard of it for the first time.

So, is it possible that this time, it is the dragon god who caused what new monsters were born in the fantasy township?

However, the dragon god is impatient? The Great Enchantment of Boli is broken, don't think about it in Fantasy Township, the dragon god will also hang up, right?!

Here, Su Feng fell into deep thought.

On the other side, a group of big monsters almost ploughed the land of the fantasy township, but they didn't find the monster that appeared in the picture projected by Su Feng.

Even the big monsters with spatial abilities shot in unison, and there was no clue.

Remilia flew in the air, with an occult light flowing in her eyes, and was constantly checking the Destiny Line, trying to find the location of the black shadow through the Fate Line.

But as time passed, sweat dripped from Remilia's forehead, but she still found nothing.

"No, it's like disappearing, and you can't find such a guy on the Destiny Line at all."

How the hell is it hidden!? "

Reaching out and wiping the sweat on her forehead 5.2, Remilia complained a little dejectedly.

She had tried her best to use her abilities, but she still hadn't seen the line of fate related to that black shadow.

In particular, it stands to reason that now that the entire fantasy town has taken action, that black shadow will inevitably have a connection with the big monsters in the fantasy township.

In this way, in terms of the fate line, it should be very conspicuous, but Remilia can't find the other party's fate line at all.

Strange, it's so strange that I can't understand it at all!?

How the hell is this done?!

"Space can't work, fate line can't work, where did you hide?

Even if you can open the gap, the gap is just a gap between spaces, right?!

How could it be that after looking for so long, I couldn't find it!? "。

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