Su Feng is sometimes very straight, but sometimes he is also very smart. Very smart.

But when Geng is straight, that's really Geng straight!

Penglai Mountain Kaguya said that the dead hand was dead, and he didn't care about her injuries.

This product is a Penglai person, he has nothing to do, he will play sudden death, and then resurrect and then play liver games.

Su Feng was also merciless when he got down!

Speech... That's what I said...

However, it is not the same as when the school was extinguished, and the image that the school itself showed was a shadow wrapped in black fog, and there was no human form at all.

Moreover, after the school was pinched and exploded, it directly turned into ashes and disappeared!

Su Feng didn't have any psychological burden at all.

But when Su Feng saw that Penglai Mountain Hui Ye faced his attack, he didn't hide at all, so that Su Feng directly unloaded Penglai Mountain Hui Ye's hand.

Su Feng Bengbu lived....

"Gan! My special lady kind of knows, why did you invite me to fight! "

Even though a long time had passed since this incident, at this moment Su Feng still recalled the scene when Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Fujiwara Meihong lay down together in the corpse.

For the 19 non-humanoid guys, Su Feng could kill without hesitation.

But for the existence of the human form, Su Feng really couldn't get his hands off, but Penglai Mountain Kaguya sent it to the door by himself!

Without defense, Su Feng couldn't stop it, and directly unloaded Penglai Mountain Hui Ye's arm!

Completely caught off guard!

Penglai Mountain Kaguya, this is completely using himself to exchange Su Feng's adaptation and familiarity with such a scene!

And the next scene made Su Feng's heart tremble.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya didn't say a word, just smiled slightly, and then slapped himself on the head.

The whole person fell directly from the air to the field of the gladiatorial arena, and then visible to the naked eye, the wound, blood vessels, granulation of Penglai Mountain Kaguya gradually grew, and finally, and then reopened his eyes.

Resurrected again, and the other arm of Penglai Mountain Kaguya is still held in Su Feng's hand!

"No more fighting!"

Seeing this, Su Feng directly denied the existence of Penglai Mountain Hui Ye's arm in his hand, and then said directly to Penglai Mountain Hui Ye.

This is not a discussion at all!

"Get used to it as soon as possible, Su Feng.

You see, last time you vomited so much that your legs were soft, but this time, you just turned pale.

Keep playing with me, keep playing until you should. "

"Don't think that Remy will come over to stop you, the first time Yonglin left, it was to go to Remy's place, and wanted Remy to confirm this time.

Will it bring bad effects to go, apparently opinion, Remy did not see a bad line of fate.

Moreover, when dealing with school before, no one was injured and vomited blood, didn't you still drink outside and watch the battle? "

With a bright smile on his face, Penglai Mountain Kaguya slowly spoke.

Since she dared to do this, since she was sure, there would be no bad consequences if she did so.

At the same time, it is also to let Su Feng get used to such a picture, so that he can be taken out of Su Feng's so-called place that will not be regarded as one of the other half of the reserve objects!

Therefore, no matter what, Su Feng must continue to fight with her today!

Or rather, forced to hurt her!

Does Penglai Mountain Kaguya feel no pain? Of course there is, who said that the Penglai people don't feel pain!?

Su Feng didn't know? Of course, Su Feng knew, otherwise Su Feng would not have turned pale and said that he would not fight!

But Penglai Mountain Kaguya wants such an effect!

Indeed, this is very painful, but Penglai Mountain Kaguya, or in other words, basically just the big monsters of Fantasy Township.

Growing up, who didn't suffer this level of injury?

Already adapted, used to it, okay !?

However, it can be used on Su Feng!

"Your special mother is a madman!

Just because you are a Penglai person, so you dare to play so crazy, right?! "

Looking at Penglai Mountain Hui Ye with a pale face, Su Feng opened his mouth with some gritted teeth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Can he not understand Penglai Kaguya's thoughts? Of course he understands!

People grow!

However, it was precisely because he understood Penglai Mountain Kaguya's thoughts that Su Feng felt that Penglai Mountain Kaguya was a madman!

As for?! Even if you take Penglai medicine and become a Penglai person, you won't play so ruthlessly, right?!

"You won't use your ability to erase my Penglai characteristics, will you?

And it's not just that I'm injured now~

When you adapt, I will not hesitate to fight back, and you will experience the same feeling~"

Still with a faint smile on his face, Penglai Mountain Kaguya didn't care about Su Feng's call for his madman at all.

Indeed, it seemed that she was sacrificing herself now to promote Su Feng's growth.

But when Su Feng adapts to such a picture and can strike without hesitation, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye will also fight back.

Needless to say, before Su Feng came to Fantasy Township, after coming to Fantasy Township, he may have suffered the biggest injury, which is when he was attacked by Feng Mi Yuxiang without sparing any strength when he was fighting with Kazemi Yuka.

It is still uncertain whether Su Feng transferred his pain at that time. Or increased his own defense, anyway, in the end, Su Feng didn't even vomit blood.

This can't work, you have to learn to be beaten before beating!

Even if Su Feng has such a convenient ability now, but may Su Feng not be injured by someone in the future?

As a result, Su Feng, who had never experienced such pain, directly fainted with 520 pain, good guy, isn't it directly sending his neck head to the opposite side to cut off?!

So when it comes to the back, Kaguya will definitely not stay his hand!


Listening to Penglai Mountain Kaguya's words, looking at Penglai Mountain Kaguya with a smile on his face, Su Feng was silent.

I understand the truth, but it is very difficult to act.

She knew that Penglai Mountain Kaguya was a Yang Scheme, on the one hand, it was for his good, and on the other hand, it was also beneficial to Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

But, I just can't get my hands on it!

"If you don't attack, I'll attack it~"

Seeing that Su Feng fell into silence, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye also knew that it was impossible not to force Su Feng to make a wave!

Simply took the initiative to attack Su Feng directly, the ability was launched, the timeline was directly extended, and Penglai Mountain Kaguya punched Su Feng's nose and hit it!

In short, let Su Feng taste the pain first!

"Lean! Kaguya you play really!

Yes! Come and come! Who is afraid of whom?! "

Within the elongated timeline, he evaded the attack of Penglai Mountain Kaguya, and Su Feng was also ruthless in his heart!

Come and come, who is afraid of whom ?!

This is not that Su Feng's wolf nature has been stimulated, but Su Feng himself has a decision in his heart!

Even if he can run today, he can run the monk and can't run the temple, it's a matter of early night!

If you can't hide, then don't hide!.

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