On this side, Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Yakumo Zi quarreled, while on the other side...

Bayi Yonglin and Huo Qing'e were standing in front of Su Feng's window, staring at each other.

Huo Qing'e was ready to take the opportunity to move on Su Feng, but Bayi Yonglin naturally did not want to see it.

This is Kaguya's fancy! How can people take advantage of the mobile hands and feet to snatch it!?

And Su Feng, what is he doing at this time?

Su Feng was still making a salted fish, lying honestly on the bed, even if Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Kazemi Youxiang quarreled.

Even if Bayi Yonglin and Huo Qing'e were staring at each other, Su Feng didn't have any thoughts of wanting to get up.

Still staring at the ceiling in a daze, it's really comfortable~

Fantasy Country is really nice...

Sighing in his heart, in the situation where the atmosphere was so stiff, Su Feng was motionless and took a full day on the bed.

It wasn't until night fell and everyone left, that Su Feng gradually withdrew from the state of drinking nectar.

After rubbing his temples with some headaches, Su Feng dug a spoonful of honey out again, took a sip, and instantly burst with happiness.

The troubles caused by the stiffness between Penglai Mountain Kaguya and others?

I don't know where the 480 road has flown for a long time, honestly sleep~

The next day, this day, was destined to be an extraordinary day.

Because all the big monsters in Fantasy Township have all recovered from their injuries.

The group ran to Su Feng's house.

And Su Feng, who was also beautiful and slept, got up refreshed, and opened the door.

"In this way, everyone has recovered from the injuries in their bodies~."

Early, everyone~"

With a faint smile on his face, Su Feng waved his hand at a large monster gathered in the courtyard and greeted him.

Don't say it, the fragrance of this nectar, the effect is really good.

Now Su Feng did not feel the fatigue of the previous two days at all, and the whole person became relaxed.

"Yesterday Yuka and Kaguya were still arguing in the group, what about the effect of the nectar she brewed.

Now it seems that Su Fengjun, you are resting very well~"

Also with a faint smile on his face, Shenqi slowly opened his mouth and said to Su Feng.

Yesterday evening, their small group was lively.

It was precisely because of such a lively scene in the group yesterday that everyone ran to Su Feng in unison after the healing was over.

"Well, I ate another spoonful of nectar before I went to bed yesterday.

The effect is very good, this nectar brewed by the fragrance is really a good thing~"

Smiled and nodded, and Su Feng replied without care.

He already knew about the fact that there was a small group of people.

Therefore, I don't feel strange about Shenqi's words.

Offline is not enough, online also continues to be online.

"However, I still haven't figured out that Yuxiang is made from thousands of different kinds of flowers there."

The shimmer in his eyes flickered, and the big tengu turned his head to look at the wind suspiciously.

All the flowers in the fantasy township, all the types combined, are only more than two hundred kinds.

She still knows this, where did the wind see the fragrance get so many types of flowers to make such honey?

To be honest, the big tengu also had some doubts, the nectar sent by Yukaze was actually Yuxiang's own nectar!

"Have you forgotten? Hundreds of years ago, there should have been a war in the outside world or something.

Many souls have come to Fantasy Township, and Komachi has no time to extradite at all, resulting in even a small grass blooming in Fantasy Township. "

Glancing at the big tengu quite dissatisfied, Kazemi Yuka opened his mouth to explain.

If before, it was just Penglai Mountain Kaguya, Kaguya really didn't bother to explain too much.

But now, so many big monsters are there, and the wind is also forced to explain the situation.

At that time, there were thousands of flowers in full bloom, and there were thousands of types of flowers in the fantasy township (bjed) department!?

She is a flower demon, a tyrant of flowers, and the lord of flowers in all seasons. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No one likes flowers more than her, but in just one day, she directly visited the fantasy township!

"So that time..."

Hearing this, the big tengu also remembered that such a thing had indeed happened at that time.

At that time, even trees that did not bloom bloomed.

Kazemi Yuka wandered around and enjoyed the flowers at will, and also scared some of the yokai of Youkai Mountain, thinking that Kazemi Yuka was preparing to attack Youkai Mountain.

However, what the real situation is, the big tengu is still skeptical.

After all, it has been hundreds of years, and it is really possible for this thing of nectar to maintain its deteriorating for hundreds of years?

"Speaking of which, Yuka was indeed a little too excited at that time, and scared a lot of little monsters."

"At that time, I was also frightened, and I thought that I had caused Yu Xiang, and I thought about coming over to find trouble.

It's troublesome to fight with Yuka. "

"Can you think about waking up full of flowers and a scene of a flower tyrant around you?!"

"Don't say it, there is a picture. At that time, I almost got into a fight with Yuxiang. "

With the explanation of the wind and the fragrance, everyone also tacitly changed the topic and began to talk about the original situation.

Su Feng did not interject, but created tea and pastries to send to everyone, and after a simple reception, he began to listen to gossip.

Be a melon-eating masses with peace of mind.

For the previous fantasy township, although Su Feng already knew enough, he would occasionally hear things that he never knew.

For example, now they are talking, and they were frightened by the wind and the fragrance at that time.

There were even some words that made Su Feng have a strong sense of picture in his mind.

Imagine that I slept casually on the grass, but I opened my eyes again and didn't say anything about flowers.

The famous Flower Tyrant is also around, and he has a smile on his face that he has never seen before.

I also understand the character of the tyrant of flowers, and there are several pressed flowers under him.

What a horror to get one.

Just thinking about it, Su Feng sweated a handful of incense and pinch it!

That's right, when the above situation happened, it was officially Ibuki Chuxiang, and after drinking too much, he directly lay on the ground and slept.

"Fortunately, Yuxiang was in a good mood at that time, and did not stay long and left."

"I was really angry at the time, and I didn't do it, just didn't want to affect the other flowers.

They're beautiful flowers, aren't they? If you don't do it, just a few flowers are overwhelmed by watermelons, do it, that is, the flowers will suffer from the battle. "

"My name is Cuixiang, not watermelon!".

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