Stretching out his hand to cover his forehead, Su Feng's whole person was stunned in place, and the pain and information flow emerged in his mind.

Let Su Feng understand that he is not dreaming, but also understand how he did it before, opening the gap between the eight clouds.

The look on his face changed wildly.

It's over, it's really crossed, and it also forcibly ripped open the gap of Yayunzi, and it won't be directly caught by Yayunzi into the gap and made into a sin bag, right?

Thinking about it, Su Feng's face turned green!

In other words, is there really such a thing as a sin bag in the realistic fantasy township?

The face changed from green to doubt, full to curiosity, and finally to panic.

"What an exaggeration.... Speaking of this little brother, how did you come to Fantasy Town? "

Opening his mouth to complain about Su Feng's face change, Misty Rain Magic Lisa looked Su Feng up and down, and then asked with curiosity.

For this kind of unknown thing, Fog Rain Magic Lisa is still very interested.

Although Yayunzi has already said that it was not she who pulled Su Feng into the fantasy township, but the fog and rain demon Lisha is still a little unbelievable, in this regard, Yayunzi does not have a few words of truth in his mouth!

"I vividly remember just sleeping in bed and then coming to fantasyland.

At first, I thought I was dreaming, until I was given a brain crash by Yakumo Zi. "

Since Yayunzi was also there, Su Feng didn't have the idea of hiding it, so it was better to honestly explain it.

After all, Su Feng doesn't know much about Fantasy Township, and he has only occasionally seen Erchuang's anime.

I haven't really played the original game, no matter how much to say that Yakumo Zi is also an old demon who has lived for I don't know how many years, there is no point in lying.

"Allah ~ always feels that the little brother is thinking about something bad~"

Eight Clouds Zi, who had already narrowed his eyes, inexplicably exuded a terrifying momentum on his body, which made Su Feng a little unable to penetrate.

Is this an old demon who has lived for an unknown number of years? What a terrifying intuition!

"No, no, I just wondered why I came to the fantasy town, and I still have abilities that I didn't have before....

Will humans who enter the fantasy land get a share of their own abilities? "

Su Feng, who felt the crisis, hurriedly shook his head, frantically denyed, and began to change the topic in a hurry.

Although he understood what his ability was, Su Feng still didn't quite understand what his ability was, and this ability was somewhat outrageous.

"No, the humans hidden by my gods will not gain abilities in Fantasy Land.

What it was like before being hidden by the gods, what it was like after the gods were hidden.

I should have got some kind of chance, judging by your appearance, it is obviously not a human in the outside world. "

The fox stared at Su Feng suspiciously, but Yayunzi did not continue to pursue, and opened his mouth to explain.

"Occasionally, outsiders like you, but basically women, capable and male, you are still the first.

Don't be afraid, you should have traveled from that parallel space-time, and the same person has run from parallel space-time to fantasy land through a ship called 'possibility space mobile spaceship'.

Want to live in Fantasy Town? "

Listening to Yayunzi's words, Su Feng's whole person was a little confused.

Yakumo Zi is also too good to talk a little, right? Don't ask anything, come up and ask him if he wants to live in fantasy township?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you want to investigate what color his pants are?

Is this reaction somewhat wrong, and it is also caused by your own ability? As for Yayunzi's mouth, he ran over with a boat, Su Feng had an impression.

It is said that there are characters in the original work, but I don't know much about them, but it seems that he is still a professor among humans?

"Wondering why Zi didn't investigate you?

After you settle here, you will go to where Aqiu is, and what abilities you have at that time, Zi can also know.

As long as you are honest and don't want to destroy the fantasy town, it doesn't matter if you start a mutation.

Then I will fight you with Lingmeng!" "

At a glance, he saw Su Feng's thoughts in the Mist Rain Demon Lisha, reached out and patted Su Feng's shoulder with a big grin, and took the initiative to explain to Su Feng.

After Su Feng went to where Aqiu was, Su Feng's ability must be recorded by Aqiu, and Yayunzi could know it by taking a look at it.

Moreover, this makes Su Feng not want to destroy the Fantasy Township, even if he launches a mutation, it doesn't matter, basically the forces that come to the Fantasy Township will come to a mutation.

Besides, Su Feng's ability is so strong, is it as strong as a Spirit Dream of being a Boli witch? Apparently unlikely!

"Hey! It's okay to stay, don't start a mutation to make trouble for me, otherwise it will really restrain you! "

Before Su Feng could speak, Bo Li Lingmeng took the lead in speaking, warning with a look of disgust.

A force is about to launch a mutation, bother?!

Trouble is dead!

"Eh.... I'm not going to mutate, and I'm in trouble.

Let's just say, why do you think I must know about Ah Qiu so naturally? "

Reaching out and scratching his head, Su Feng had some strange openings.

Ah Qiu really knows that writing fantasy country origins, even if reincarnated will carry the memories of the previous life, so the little girl who has lived for a short time is called the same name every time, referred to as Ah Qiu.

However, Su Feng wondered, how could Bo Li Lingmeng the three of them, and tacitly assumed that he would know about Ah Qiu?

Moreover, he felt that he should not be from a parallel time and space, but a real crossing, so they weren't curious?

"Came from parallel time and space, and called out our names at the beginning, you will know if there are some famous fantasy townships, isn't it quite normal?"

Looking at your appearance, your time and space have also reached the age of technology, right? The theory of parallel space-time is always understood, right? "

He waved his hand casually, and after getting that Su Feng would not initiate a mutation, he relaxed again, and answered casually while holding the teacup.

Su Feng is not the first parallel space-time outsider to arrive in Fantasy Township, and should not be the last, they also learned the concept of parallel space-time through the first outsider who came to Fantasy Township.

Moreover, the outside world is also a technological society now, so there is nothing surprising at all.

"I understand parallel time and space, you are not strange at all, I did not think of it.

It feels completely different from the fantasy town in my impression, but it looks reasonable. "

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