Although Su Feng shouted for someone to slander, it was obvious that no one would stand up and uphold justice.

Because time is now suspended, although Su Feng can also break this time pause.

However, Su Feng did not do this.

He could see that Sixteen Nights Saki Night was just a simple desire to throw the pot, and from Su Feng's point of view, it was Sixteen Nights Saki Night Tsundere!

It's kind of fun.

But Sixteen Nights Saki Ye, obviously did not think so, felt that he had inadvertently exposed something that should not be exposed, which was already humiliating enough.

Therefore, for the next part of the road, Sixteen Nights Saki Night did not say a word, worried that he was exposing other problems.

After bringing Su Feng to the library, Sixteen Nights saki Ye instantly slipped away.

I didn't want to continue to stay by Su Feng's side for another second, otherwise the ghost knew what he would say again.

At this time, Pachuli was sitting quietly on the long desk, pressing a thick blank book in one hand and holding a quill in the other hand to write continuously.

Specifically, Su Feng couldn't understand it, it was a text that Su Feng had never understood.

"You came, just right, I already have a general idea, but I still need to understand the specific steps of your ability.

We start from scratch, step by step, full of analysis. "

Seeing Su Feng's arrival, Pa Qiuli stopped writing and raised her head to look at Su Feng.

His eyes were full of curiosity and exploration, and Su Feng's goosebumps rose all over his body.

"It's all good to say, can you not look at me with such eyes?

How do I feel like you want to slice me for research? "

Under Pa Qiuli's gaze, Su Feng shivered, and then spoke with some fear.

Su Feng really had such a feeling, as if he might be sliced by Paqiuli at any time.

Although he knew that Paqiuli couldn't hurt him, this did not prevent Su Feng from being afraid.

I even feel scared than fighting Frandolu!

"I'm a magician, I just love to study magic and mystery.

I won't slice you for study, but Yonglin may have the idea of wanting to unpack you, maybe she is a doctor. "

Shaking her head lightly, Paqiuli explained in a flat tone, and even made a small joke with Su Feng.

She didn't know that Su Feng had inadvertently gone to the Forever Pavilion some time ago, which did not prevent Paqiuli from making small jokes.

And Su Feng, also under Pa Qiuli's joke, recalled the scene when he last met Bayi Yonglin.

He was basically chatting with Penglai Mountain Kaguya, and he also chatted a lot with Suzusen and Emperor Inba.

In contrast, he really only spoke to Bayi Yonglin the least, and most of the time Bayi Yonglin just sat quietly on the side and listened quietly.

However, he did not show Pachuli's gaze.

"I feel that Bayi Yonglin should not have such thoughts, at least, she didn't show such a gaze last time we met."

After the memory, Su Feng refuted a sentence of Paqiuli.

"She's Yonglin, forget it, it feels like she's saying bad things behind her back."

Let's study your abilities first. "

The words hurriedly replied casually, and Pachuli changed the subject.

If you pay tribute to each other like this and talk in a hurry, if you don't talk about the party affairs time, maybe it may leave a bad impression on Su Feng.

It was as if she was the one who spoke ill of people behind her back, and although Pachuli didn't care what others thought of her, she didn't want to ruin her reputation for no reason.

Su Feng also nodded, expressing certainty for Pa Qiuli's words.

Then, the small talk ended here, Su Feng began to explain his ability to Paqiuli, and he had just entered the fantasy town from the beginning.

The whole person was ignorant, and also got a mango on the poplar tree, and finally, he flew to the torii gate of the Bori Shrine and realized that he should be dreaming, lucid dreaming.

How to open the gap of Yakumo Zi, how to be woken up, and finally how to test the usefulness ability.

Everything was said.

"When I first came to Fantasy Town, I was confused, as if I was in a dream, and I didn't think about anything.

It should be caused by your ability, including the way ordinary people dream of flying in the back, and tearing the gap is the same.

All of them are called 'subconscious', that is, the subconscious mind mobilizes the ability. "

"But when your subconscious also realizes that this thing is unreasonable and is woken up by purple, you lose that ability for a while."

Until later, I slowly mastered the ability, but also relied on the subconscious to complete the activation of the ability. "

"Then why did you name this ability with a word like 'embodiment'?

It feels more like an ability to achieve things. Affected by ability? "

Nodding her head clearly, Pachuli took notes again while analyzing, and asked questions at the same time.

From the performance point of view, Su Feng's ability is obviously just as simple as manifestation, so why did Su Feng name it as manifestation?

Was it affected by his ability, or was it a decision made by Su Feng himself?

"I've read a novel before in which the protagonist has the ability to control distance, and even ends up pushing the target away to years or years later.

Moreover, after I used my ability, I could obtain abilities that I didn't have before, and the items I created were all created out of nothing, so I put the word 'realization'.

In fact, it did not receive any impact. "

The word Guxian means to turn imagination into reality, which is very consistent with the performance of Su Feng's ability, so Su Feng applied the word Guxian and named his name.

Su Feng was sure that he was not affected by his ability.

"That's why it was possible, through the ability Remy to launch a mutation.

Although, judging from the current performance, your ability is not only as simple as manifestation, but the use of tools is indeed more appropriate.

So, let's start experimenting. "

"First try to see how much you can do, first of all, you have to do it with infinite strength, there is no upper limit.

Then, try to see if you can create a stone on top of that you can't lift. "

Nodding her head clearly, a light flashed in Pachuli's eyes, as well as a little madness.

It gave Su Feng a difficult problem.

Su Feng's qualified ability can even regard Su Feng as a god.

So, can God create a stone that he cannot lift himself?

Or, could Su Feng really be able to have infinite strength and no upper limit?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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