After dealing with the biggest unstable factor of shooting Marufumi, Remilia and the others were at the dinner table and began to talk about the problem between Remilia and Frandollu.

"I think it would be nice to just let Fra do what she thought was right.

Love often does not go home, even if it is now that it can open its eyes, and the sense of existence is not weak.

Lian Lian will also run out to play everywhere, often not coming home for several days in a row.

But I'm a big supporter of romance. "

There is also a younger sister, Gu Mingdi Jue, who also loves his sister very much, took the lead in opening his mouth to put forward his opinion.

Lianlian and Fran are the same guys who make her sister uneasy, but Gu Mingdijue supports all of Lianlian's actions.

Even at the beginning, love closed his third eye as a jue, and Gu Mingdi Jue did not stop it.

She chooses to isolate based on love and let love do what she thinks is right! This ~ is enough.

"Although the mind of love is also not mature, but in the past, because it will not be easily noticed - the reason.

So love is also in that situation, has experienced a lot, seen a lot, is more mature than Fran.

I don't think your proposal is suitable for Fran's body. "

After taking a bite of oily tofu, Yakumo Lan put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and then opened his mouth to refute.

Unlike Remilia and Ko Mingjie, she is an orange who has cultivated her own Shikigami, and is also immature in mind and has not grown.

Therefore, the starting point is not the same, Lan's mentality is closer to Remilia and different from Remilia.

It's the kind of child care... Similar to mom getting perspective.

"No, no, no, you're just taking care of your own children to Orange.

And Orange is a little lively, as a cat demon is a little curious about everything, and the situation is different from Fran and Lianlian.

Your idea doesn't apply to Remilia. "

Shaking his head quickly, Su Feng refuted Yayun Lan's statement.

Compared with Fran and love, Orange is simply a good baby, well-behaved!

Moreover, Yayunlan's education method is also completely motherly education, which is not suitable for Fran's body at all!

Although it is true that Fran may lack maternal love, there is nothing wrong with that.

But this maternal love is something Remilia can give?!

Apparently not!

"Remy herself thinks I'm right."

Not caring about Su Feng's rebuttal, Yayun Lan instead turned his head to look at Remilia on the side, and replied lightly.

The meaning is obvious, no one else needs to agree with her idea, just Remilia's approval is enough.

Anyway, how to implement it in the end, it is still Remilia!

"Even if Remilia really did that, Fran would definitely not obediently accept her life!

In which world I grew up in, there is such a saying, the period of rebellion!

This will make Fran's rebellious period come early! "

With a light snort, Su Feng refuted again, and by the way, he also explained some of what is called the rebellious period.

The consciousness is obvious, if Remy continues to go her own way like this, then in the end, the relationship between Fran and Remilia will only get worse and worse.

In the end, if you don't take Remilia, it will only mean that both sides will be heartbroken to varying degrees!

"According to you, Fran has already rebelled.

A long, long time ago, when the Red Devil Mutation was first launched..."

After understanding the meaning of the three words of rebellion, Remilia said flatly.

When the Red Devil changed, and even before the Red Devil Mutation, Fran was rebellious enough!

"That's not rebellion, it's just a psychological problem that you have been locked up in the basement for many years, only one person, so there are just psychological problems!"

Don't say Fran, I put you in a basement without seeing the light of day for hundreds of years, and your mentality will gradually be distorted!

Isn't Fran's quadruple existence a move made under such circumstances!? "

With a blank look at Remilia, Su Feng began to express dissatisfaction with Devlandor.

That was not a period of rebellion at all, but a psychological distortion! Exactly two states, right!?

"Far away, all in all, that is not a rebellion, it is just distorted by your psychology!"

If you continue to manage Fran like this, the day when Fran's rebellious period will come is definitely not far away! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Listening to Su Feng's explanation, Remilia rarely refuted Su Feng immediately, but fell into silence.

Everyone on the side also went into a state of silence, all wondering what it would be like if they were locked up in the basement for hundreds of years.

The answer is simple, of course nothing will happen. Because their minds have long been mature, it is a big deal to think of it as a retreat, and it is good to honestly cultivate in the basement for hundreds of years.

But what if it was an immature childhood, locked up for hundreds of years?

This idea, combined with various reasons such as the environment around them at that time, finally came to the conclusion that the heart would be absolutely distorted.

"Remy did not do it right before, but you must also understand Remy~

At that time, Fran was completely unable to control his abilities, and wasn't Fran's wings destroyed by Fran's own abilities?

It was Pachuli who made a move, so that Fran's wings became what they are now and recovered.

At that time, Fran couldn't understand Remy, but now she can understand ah, so even if Fran may be rebellious now, she can understand Remy in the future, right? "

The Great Tengu is obviously on Remilia's side, and there are many small monsters on her youkai mountain, and she is quite strict with them.

The big tengu felt that even if Fran couldn't understand it now, it would definitely be understandable in the future!

"But can the injuries received during this period be ignored?

Because you can understand each other later, so you can hurt each other now? "

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye glanced at Su Feng, and then at the big tengu, and then his gaze fell on Remilia's body, and slowly opened his mouth for several words.

Unswervingly choose to stand in Su Feng's camp!

Moreover, this matter Penglai Mountain Kaguya does have enough say, isn't she and Fujiwara Meihong at the beginning?

She deliberately left a Penglai medicine for Fujiwara Meihong, a playmate, and under the guidance of Kaguya, Fujiwara Meihong did indeed take Penglai medicine.

Although the relationship between the two is very strange now, they are still friends, and even eat each other's soup.

But, before this, Fujiwara Meihong was alive with hatred, and when Fujiwara Meihong appeared in front of Kaguya again, what was Kaguya's mood?

Although, two things are completely true: It's pretty much the same, right?.

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