The more she experimented, the more shocked Pachuli became.

The truth that he had dreamed of, the existence that he had been trying to prove hard, was like a plaything in Su Feng's hands.

It was constantly shown by Su Feng.

After the experiment, Pa Qiuli took the initiative to let Su Feng destroy all the experimental products that he had appeared.

Some doubts sat on the desk, looking at the data recorded in the book, and were silent for a long time.

"So, are you really all right?"

Su Feng, who was standing on the side, hesitated for two seconds, and then asked.

Su Feng was still quite worried, Paqiuli couldn't accept the reality and did something stupid.

Isn't he an indirect murderer?

"It's nothing, it's just a little envious of your ability and questioning what the point of your efforts all this time is."

Let's do it today, give me a while, let me calm down.

After that, I went back to your house to find you. "

Rubbing her temples with her hands to force herself to calm down, Pachuli replied after taking a deep breath.

Su Feng's ability is really too perverted.

It took a while for Pachuli to get used to, and it's okay now, just a little skeptical of life.

Pachuli worries that if she doesn't quickly adjust her heartbeat, there may really be problems.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, Pachuli, you must calm down.

Little devil, I'll give you the contact information on my phone first, and if Pachuli really can't bear it, contact me quickly. "

Pa Qiuli said so, Su Feng is not good to say anything else, comfort people or something, he is a half-way out of the house, only twenty years old young man, where will comfort hundreds of years old Pa Qiuli.

But still made an insurance, if Pachuli really can't accept reality and wants to do something stupid.

Then let the little devil contact him quickly.

He can also try it and use his own ability to help Pachuli.

"Leave it to me, Su Fengjun."

Looking worriedly, the little demon who looked at Paqiuli heard this, nodded vigorously to Su Feng, and exchanged contact information with Su Feng.

Although she was summoned from the Demon World by Pachuli with magic, she has also lived with Pachuli for a long time, and her usual job is to help Pachuli tidy up the library.

The so-called long-term love, the little devil is also worried about Pachuli.

After exchanging contact information, Su Feng left the Red Devil Pavilion.

Su Feng's side had just left, and Remilia and Frandolu still had sixteen nights to come to the library.

"Paqiuli, my sister said that she was a little uneasy, are you okay?"

The first to fly to Pachuli's side was Frandollu, with a slightly worried look on her face.

Originally, Remilia said this, she was very unimpressed, in her opinion, her sister Remilia's so-called ability to control the degree of fate is completely ignorant, used to fool people.

But after seeing that Pachuli was really in the wrong state, Frandolu was really worried.

Shouldn't it really let her sister get it right?

"Nothing, just a big blow.

I worked hard to study the Seven Magic Magic, and without him understanding it at all, he came up with a new Seven Magic Magic.

The magic envoys tried to prove that the items that only existed in the concept, Su Feng also casually appeared.

Such a comparison will give you a sense of what I have been doing all these years. "

Pachuli also knew Remilia's ability, and they could come to see her, which made Pachuli's mood a little better, and a bitter smile pulled out on her face and opened her mouth to explain.

"Pachuli, the world is like this, it has never been equal.

Some people are born with great power, others are born doomed.

The moment Su Feng came to Fantasy Township, he was destined to be the most perverted existence in Fantasy Township. "

Remilia opened her mouth, hesitated for two seconds, and spoke.

She also wanted to persuade Pachuli, but looking at Pachuli's current appearance, Remilia felt that she didn't need to persuade Pachuli anything.

Pachuli was able to adjust her heartbeat herself, but she was too worried before.

Even now, Pachuli's smile is a little bitter. But with her understanding of Pachuli, being able to laugh shows that this matter, Pachuli is not difficult to solve.

"Yes, suddenly I understood, when I actually created the Philosopher's Stone.

Other magic made them feel good. Doubt life.

Don't worry, Remy, Fran, I'll be fine. "

Nodding slightly and sighing, Pachuli waved her hand to Remilia and the others, signaling that Remilia and the others did not need to worry.

What Remilia said, she already understood.

It's just that all this time, she has always made others doubt which side of her life, until Paqiuli met Su Feng and offered to let Su Feng cooperate in conducting an experiment.

This time the doubtful side of life became Pachuli.

She will soon convince herself that she will not do anything stupid if she adjusts her mentality.

"If I can't even bear this setback, then I will live for so many years in vain."

It's just that the mentality still needs to be adjusted, rest assured. "

After Pachuli spoke again and expressed that she really had nothing to do, Remilia left the library with Frandolu and Sixteen Nights.

However, the moment Frandolu left the library, she still looked back at Pachuli with a little worry in her eyes.

"Sister, is Pachuli really okay?"

Compared to Remilia, although Frandolu is only five years younger than Remilia.

She has also lived for hundreds of years, but because of her uncontrollable ability, she has been locked up in the basement by Remilia for a long time, so that Frandol is still just a child in her mind until now.

Even though Fran was not locked up in the basement after the Red Devil's mutation, and the sisters reconciled, Fran Dorolu's mind did not grow much.

"Trust Pachuli, she can.

It's just a little uncomfortable for a while, which is why I was too worried before.

It's okay. "

Hearing her sister's inquiry, Remilia nodded lightly and replied with a calm face.

Seeing that Remilia's face was so calm, without the initial worry, Frandolu had to choose to believe her sister.

Even so, for the next period of time, the library became one of the places where Frandol was active.

Not to play, but to worry about Pachuli, if something really happened, she could quickly notify her sister.

And Pachuli also saw everything in her eyes.

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