"Zi, you don't want me to be born suddenly and want to open a harem, right?

I really can't hold on. "

It was clear that he was not firm enough, but Su Feng used a threatening tone to threaten Yayunzi with such words.

Yayunzi only felt full of question marks at this time, your own will is not strong enough, in turn you want to threaten me ~, help you strengthen your will?!

"Although we have been in contact with more than one foreigner, we have hidden many of the human beings in modern society.

They found that the living environment in the world, compared to ancient times, was born with the same ideas as you.

But they are just ordinary people who all end up letting go of the so-called harem dream. Choose the ordinary end doctor.

But like you, I really met it for the first time. "

Weakly stretching out his hand to support his forehead, Yakumo Zi slowly opened his mouth and complained.

It was really the first time she had met Su Feng like this.

Such a threat is really useful to Yayunzi.

Man, with the dream of opening a harem, is normal, she has not yet established a fantasy township, and it is a commonplace harem existence.

But Su Feng, obviously wanted to be single-minded, but couldn't withstand the temptation, so such a thing threatened her.

Yayunzi really didn't know how to evaluate Su Feng.

However, with Su Feng complaining so much on his mouth, Yayunzi really smiled like that.

"However, being able to realize my own inadequacies, although it is used to threaten me, I do not hate it.

Don't you want to know if you really like it? Wouldn't it be good to use your own abilities directly and figure it out?

Why do you need her opinion? "

Although he was threatened by Su Feng, Su Feng was able to calmly recognize his shortcomings and speak out.

This is enough to make Yayunzi happy, not afraid that Su Feng will not recognize his mistake, and he is afraid that he will not admit it if he does not recognize it!

Su Feng said this, although there was the idea of threatening her Eight Cloud Purple in it, but on the other hand, Su Feng was also thinking about Eight Cloud Purple to express his own inadequacies.

Yakumo Zi felt that this deficiency seemed to be unexpectedly easy to solve.

How convenient is Su Feng's ability, wouldn't it be good to let Su Feng use his ability directly?

"Use your ability to determine if you like it?

You think I don't want to? But this kind of problem, my ability will not have any feedback back. "

Pouting, Su Kai retorted.

He was a little confused about what Yayunzi thought, but he said it calmly, and he couldn't bear the temptation.

Yakumo Zi actually didn't get serious and gave him an answer that at least said in the past.

"Not only humans, but also monsters are very complex.

So, what exactly is in your mind?

Even if you ask the whole fantasy town, you won't get an answer. "

"On the contrary, they may be trying not to let you be with Kaguya, even if they really understand, they can see that you are really moved.

It will also tell you that this is a heartbeat, and similarly, if Kaguya knows, even if you are not a heartbeat, it will become a heartbeat in her mouth.

Answers that your abilities can't give, we can't give.

Only you can realize your own body and get your own answer in your own heart. "

A faint glimmer flashed in his eyes, and after using Remilia's ability again, Yayunzi slowly opened his mouth to answer Su Fenglai.

Although Su Feng threatened her with the excuse that she might not be able to withstand the temptation as she developed over time, in fact, above the line of destiny she saw, Su Feng did not really fail to withstand the temptation after all.

Although all kinds of things happened, sooner or later, Su Feng himself would understand his body and get the answer in his heart.

It's like they once were.

"Your ability to live is still very short, and although you are growing fast, there are some things that you still haven't experienced.

It is very necessary for us to realize our own bodies. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There have been periods of confusion, knowing that I have my own answer in my heart.

Therefore, no matter how much you threaten me, my answer will not change, it is all up to you. "

Without waiting for Su Feng to speak, Yayunzi spoke again and added.

The so-called enlightenment of one's own body is just a statement, but indeed, they have all experienced it before.

Misfortune Dream is also going through this step now, but sooner or later, they will all be able to understand their bodies and know what they want and what they want to do.

Know what's really going on in your mind.

And these, obviously, do not rely on external forces to take shortcuts.

"Obviously, I'm just asking, did I have a heartbeat, why did it suddenly become such a serious topic?"

Reaching out and scratching his head, Su Feng also spoke a little helplessly.

He obviously only asked his own mood, in the end, was it a heartbeat, why did it get involved in such a serious matter?

"Essentially, that's your problem right now, not being able to see your heart, not knowing what you want and what you want to do.

So even though he suddenly felt that he seemed to have a good relationship with Kaguya, he still didn't know if he liked it or not.

These can only be realized by yourself, and others cannot help. "

"Of course, if someone really raids you, you don't have to worry about whether you are moved or not, because then you have been raided and like another person."

But after that, you still go through a period when you can't figure out what you want and what you want to do, and then you wake up. "

Yayunzi shrugged his shoulders and did not answer, but instead answered Su Feng's question on the side.

"It's like, I don't have any memories of my life, and I knew Zi when I didn't know anything.

I went through a similar period after that, and it took a long time to figure it out.

Or is it not to understand, but after experiencing some things, you will naturally understand? "

Saying that, Yuyuzi pointed his index finger on his lips, tilted his head slightly, and looked a little unconfident in what he said, but it gave people an unquestionable feeling.

It is obviously ending with a questioning sentence, but it gives people an undoubted feeling, very contradictory, but this is indeed Su Feng's true feelings.

It's weird!

"In other words, what you want to express is that I am too young.

There are not enough things to experience, and there is still a lot of time in the future, enough for me to slowly understand some things and figure out some truth.

And to give birth to your own opinions and your own thoughts, right? "

After two seconds of silence, Su Feng sighed faintly and concluded with some helplessness.

He had heard this too many times, and he knew it in his heart, but he had lived for a short time!

"It's like this... mountains".

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