Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Yakumo Zi in surprise.

The wind saw that Yuxiang's face changed instantly, it was extremely gloomy, and the demon power in his body became active, and his eyes were glowing with scarlet light, staring at Yakumo Zi.

"I'm a plant monster, and I've never found my other half after taking shape, why call me Flower Mother?

Zi, I thought you could give me an explanation. "

The momentum of the big monster was released without reservation, and Kazemi Yuxiang said in a cold voice.

She had never looked for a man, except for Su Feng.

But Yayunzi called her Mother Hua, was this trying to ruin her reputation and ruin her image in Su Feng's mind!?

"Hmph~! Su Feng still calls me Zima!

I want to ask Su Feng! "

With a cold snort, Yayunzi did not care too much about the wind and fragrance at all, but looked at Su Feng~

Su Feng promised her that she would not let the title of purple mother spread in the fantasy-township!

"I feel that I am wronged.

I just made a slip of the tongue, and everyone didn't think much about it at first, it was Shotmaru who had to ask.

Also, it was you yourself who called out the nickname of the flower mother, so that now I can't even make up excuses. "

Swallowing his saliva, Su Feng tried to save himself again and opened his mouth to explain.

If it weren't for Yakumo Zi directly exposing the title of Flower Mother, he could really come back!

Even if he can't, now he must be sure that he can definitely come back!

In this way, the main mistake did not happen to himself, but to Yakumo Zi.

It has little to do with yourself!

"Where did you get this nickname from Su Feng?"

Hearing this, the momentum on Feng Jian Youxiang's body disappeared, and the demon power also returned to calm, and looked at Su Feng with a stunned expression.

Su Feng called her Mother Hua, that is, she wanted to be Su Feng's girlfriend, and Su Feng was ready to be her son!?

Thinking about it like this, Kazemi's face instantly became more and more strange.

No way? No way? Don't do it!

"You want to be my son!?"

Thinking in his heart, Feng Yukou asked directly and directly.

In an instant, everyone's faces changed, especially Su Feng, looking at the wind and fragrance, there were slowly question marks.

Even, Su Feng directly used his ability to create a background full of question marks for himself to increase his doubts.

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

Looking at the wind and fragrance with a stunned face, Su Feng really wanted to know ah, what was going on in the head of the wind and the fragrance!

How did it come out, he wanted to do this conclusion of the son of Kazemi Yuka!

"Because the title of flower mother came from you.

You call me Mother Hua, don't you want to be my son? "

Looking at Su Feng with a subtle expression, the wind saw that Yuxiang opened his mouth to give an explanation.

Even with, Kazemi Youxiang was still wondering in her heart whether Su Feng was just a little shy now, embarrassed to admit it.

"Hehe, I also add purple is purple mother, and holy white lotus is lotus mother!"

One lotus, two yu, three eight, fantasy township six aunts. Saint White Lotus, Yuyuko, Kazami Yuka, Yakumo Zi, Yayoshi Yongrin, and Kanako all have the same nickname.

Just prove that I'm ready to be their son!? "

Listening to the timely fragrance of the wind, Su Feng sneered twice, somewhat annoyed and angry, and replied.

The moment the voice fell, Su Feng was stunned again, and his face turned green in an instant!

Ma Ya, the title of a purple mother and a flower mother was exposed, so forget it, how to say this sentence in anger!

"Don't panic, don't panic, all in all, find a time machine first...

No, no, I can go back in time directly, yes, just backtrack... Woo hoo..."

Su Feng, who was extremely flustered, subconsciously prepared to look for a time machine, but quickly reacted, and he could still go back in time.

As he spoke, someone covered his mouth from behind, and at the same time forcefully locked Su Feng's throat.

"Su Feng stop! Calm down! You have to calm down! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Don't want to go back in time! "

Bayi Yonglin's forehead was bruised, and he locked Su Feng's throat hard, covering Su Feng's mouth at the same time, trying to calm Su Feng down by the way.

Yayunzi and the others were also in a hurry to come up, cooperating with Bayi Yonglin together, trying to calm Su Feng.

Then, Su Feng was pressed to the bottom by Eight Clouds Zi and the others, as if they were stacked arhats.

"Calm down! Be sure to calm down! We won't kill you, we can't go back in time! "

"That's it, you must be calm, Su Feng, we forgive you, really, forgive you!"

"Su Feng, you must hold on, don't have the idea of going back in time!"


Su Feng, who was covered with his mouth, wanted to open his mouth to show that he had calmed down, but...

Su Feng, whose mouth was covered, couldn't say anything at all, and even, Bayi Yonglin was still locking his throat, not giving him a chance to speak at all!

But fortunately, Su Feng's ability is invincible!

"Calm down! I've calmed down! I'm not going back in time, let me go..."

Su Feng directly used his ability to make a sound, indicating that he had calmed down.

In the lock he roared, for a while he was afraid that he would not hang up!

Although, Su Feng was not afraid that he would hang up at all, and he could be resurrected.

"Really calm?"

"It's so calm."

"No going back in time?"

"There will be no going back in time."

"You promise?!"

"I promise!"

After repeated inquiries, Su Feng was finally put down by everyone.

At the same time, Su Feng was also relieved, fortunately, although he was locked in his throat and stacked arhats, at least, he was forgiven by the six aunts.

"May I ask Brother Su Feng, the one lotus and two yugs in your mouth... Ahem, where did this statement come from?

Why is it called that? "

With his wings flapped behind his back, his eyes were shining, and Shotmaruwen asked Su Feng again with great excitement.

Of course, one lotus, two ghosts, three eight, fantasy of the six aunts in the township, she doesn't have the guts to say it.

Maruwen was worried that after she said it, she would really hang up, after all, she was not Su Feng!

"Ahem... Wen Wen, curiosity will kill cats..."

Coughing dryly twice, Su Feng stared unkindly at the shooting pill and opened his mouth to warn.

If it weren't for Marufumi's question, he would still have to go through this?!

"Explain it, Brother Su Feng.

I'm also curious, one lotus, two ghosts, three eight, fantasy township six aunts, how this order is arranged.

How do you know that? "。

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