Resemble! So much like that!

Then and then, exactly this moment.

From Su Feng's brain-racking attempt to rescue it, it became a shooting pill, racking his brains to try to save it.

After all, to make such a literary post, at first, it was only because I took a wonderful photo, but I was still reluctant to throw it, hiding it and worried about being discovered.

In the end, he simply sorted out the Wen Hua post, hid it in his own reverse feathers, and as time passed, he was reluctant to throw more and more photos, which became Wen Wen's hobby.

However, Wen Wen can swear that he really has not exposed the existence of Wen Hua Post, not once!

Based on this alone, Shotmarufumi felt that he should be able to be rescued by a wave!

"It really wasn't exposed before, but now it's exposed."

This kind of thing is too dangerous, we destroy it humanely, Wen Wen should not mind, right? "

With a dangerous smile on his face, Yakumo Zi slowly spoke.

At the same time, the terrifying momentum pressed on the body of Shotmarufumi, and there was a posture that if you didn't agree, you would be finished!

"I think, as long as it's not ...

No, no, no, destroy! Must be destroyed! This thing is too dangerous, only by destroying it can you be at ease! "

Marufumi, who was about to struggle, instantly shook his head again after sensing Yakumo Zi's even more terrifying momentum!

Hurriedly changed his tone!

Isn't it just cultural stickers! This time the wen hua post is gone, she can go back and collect it again!

But if the little life is gone, then everything is really gone!

"Very good, Wen Wen is still very sensible~"

Nodding in satisfaction, Yakumozi said, a flame had appeared in his hand, and the big tengu even threw the Wen Hua post over.

Looking at the Wen Hua Tian who was gradually burned to ashes in the flames, some tears gradually appeared in the eyes of Shotmaru.

Her collection over the years is gone.


"You seem to be reluctant?"

"No, no, no, I'm in tears of relief! Definitely not a reluctance! "

Shotmaruwen, who was suddenly questioned by Yakumo Zi, hurriedly shook his head again, pulled out a smile with a smile, and hurriedly said to Yakumo Zi.

Yes, she is a tear of relief, definitely not reluctant!

"I still feel a little bit unsatisfied...

Su Feng! Come and make a deal~! "

Looking at Shotmaru's forced smile, Yakumo Lan felt that he was still a little unsatisfied.

She also didn't know how Marufumi managed to find the lost house, and she also photographed her running wildly in the yard when she released her pressure, and she didn't notice it at all.

But now, the title of the Eight Clouds Blue Fruit Heavenly Fox is estimated to be exposed.

Just like that, Yakumo Lan still felt that he was not relieved enough!

However, with the call of Eight Clouds Blue, Su Feng did not run over, but still sat in place, motionless with a bored face.

"Su Feng, is this angry?"

His brows frowned slightly, looking at Su Feng, who was motionless, Yaoyunlan said with some doubts.

They didn't even do the transaction, could Su Feng be angry because they didn't let Su Feng read the Wen Hua post?

"No, I think it should just be that Su Feng closed all his perceptions and didn't hear your voice at all."

Just guessing to speak, the wind saw the naughty Qilunuo, and the whole person rode on Su Feng, but Su Feng did not react in the slightest.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and his tone became more certain.

It was definitely like this, Qi Lunuo rode on Su Feng's head, but Su Feng was still bored, and he was motionless in place.

"Ah this....

So what would it take to wake up Su Feng? "

Yayun Lan was also slightly stunned, obviously he didn't expect that there was such a possibility, and turned his head to look at Yayun Zi at the moment.

Anyway, she didn't think of any reliable way.

I can only look at my master, the monster sage Yakumo Zi, is there any good way.

"All in all.... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Eat Me a Magic Cannon! "

Looking at Su Feng thinking for a moment, Yayunzi directly aimed at Su Feng and bombarded with a magic cannon.

The magic cannon has never been an exclusive skill, and Morisha likes to use the magic cannon. The wind saw that Yuxiang even used the magic cannon to the peak.

And Yakumo Zi, isn't it normal to use a magic cannon?

Seeing the magic cannon attack, Kiluno hurriedly threw it away, although her IQ was only one, she still knew that the danger was not dangerous.

And Su Feng was also without exception, successfully hit by a magic cannon, and set off the protective mechanism that Su Feng left in his body.

As the smoke from the magic cannon dispersed, the golden Su Feng appeared in front of everyone's eyes, not moving.

Even, vaguely, everyone heard the ding~! of a sound.

A few seconds later, the golden light on Su Feng's body disappeared, and at the same time, Su Feng also turned his head to look in the direction where Yayunzi and the others were.

The expression was serious.

"What just happened? How did I set off the protective mechanisms I left in the body?

Someone attacked me?! "

Listening to Su Feng's words, everyone was also a little speechless and held their foreheads with one hand.

How afraid Su Feng is of death, he actually leaves a protective mechanism in his body until now.

Obviously, Su Feng's head was cut off, and he would not die.

"It's nothing, because you've closed your senses, and we tell you not to hear.

So, I gave it a try to see if I could trigger any protection mechanisms on you and remind you that you can unlock the block.

It seems that I guessed correctly, you really left a protective mechanism in the body. "

The corners of Yayunzi's mouth twitched, and he opened his mouth to explain to Su Feng.

In fact, it was just a good thing to say, and the eight (good and good) Yun Zi Cun couldn't think of any good way, and finally chose to give Su Feng a magic cannon first.

See if Su Feng can rely on instinct, take the magic cannon, and then after sensing his movements, he will lift the shield of perception.

As a result, the protective mechanism in Su Feng's body was accidentally set off.

Although it was an accident, the goal was indeed achieved, right?

"This way.... So, what do you call me to do?

Have you already seen the post? What's the difference between the above and what I saw in the records? "

"There is no difference, it is indeed the so-called nude photos killing.

Although I have burned the cultural stickers, I still feel unsatisfied.

Su Feng, come and trade!

My collection you pick at will.

I'm going to trade ten, the kind of devil fruit you fed Wen Wen before.

Only taste, no ability, Wen Wen can not refuse the devil fruit. I'm going to feed her ten! "。

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