"Even~Morisha accidentally fell into the language trap of Lingmeng~"

Yakumo Zi, who was watching the projection, spoke a little surprised, and there was no surprise expression at all.

Su Feng was not surprised at all.

"I knew that if Lingmeng lifted the table like this, he would definitely not be able to act in the end.

Forget it, let's call everyone back first.

As for whether it will be angry or something later... I'll talk about it then. "

Saying that, Su Feng once again activated his ability and called back everyone who had been prepared to emit an ominous aura.

At the same time, it is also to annihilate all those unknown substances.

What this thing actually was, Su Feng and the others did not know.

Anyway, what Su Feng created with his ability would only release an ominous aura, would not be active, and had no thoughts.

All the actions were actually controlled by Su Feng behind his back.

The three of Yayun Zi had already determined that there would be no hidden dangers left in the Fantasy Township, so Su Feng agreed to this deal and created 19 unknown substances.

Because of today's farce, Su Feng can be said to have gained a lot.

I have a lot more ornaments and collectibles.

"Isn't it not yet for our scene? How did you call us back so quickly? "

The first time after being called back by Su Feng, everyone who was already ready to start the show asked questions as soon as possible.

In this regard, Su Feng only replayed the projection and played out all the process of Mo Lisha's language trap in Bo Li Lingmeng.

"After all, it is Morisha, and what Lingmeng said is indeed easy to misunderstand.

It's just that I really didn't expect that I would be exposed because of this..."

Looking at the picture projected by Su Feng, everyone's expressions became very subtle.

Although it is expected, Morisha may reveal some flaws, and is discovered by Bo Li Lingmeng, and the truth of this abnormality is exposed.

However, they really didn't expect that Bo Li Lingmeng just asked casually, and Morisha was actually like this, and was deceived by someone.

"Huh? What Lingmeng said, is it a language trap? "

Mo Lisha, who had already returned to Su Feng's family courtyard, heard this, and looked at Bo Li Lingmeng with a look of discoloration.

At the same time, he cast an inquiring gaze to Bo Li Lingmeng.

Is Boli Lingmeng really engaged in a language trap? Why didn't she find out?

"Indeed, at first I just wanted to ask you where you were going next.

As a result, you actually asked me, I know all about it? Something like that.

After realizing that something was wrong, I deceived you a little, and indeed played a bit of word games and language traps. "

The left and right have already returned to Su Feng, and Bo Li Lingmeng no longer hides, looking at Morisha and Alice with an unkind face, and then opened his mouth to explain.

"So, let's explain it in detail now.

Explain it well from beginning to end, what is going on?

Also, are you really being manipulated by that unknown substance?

Is the image of the skin and bones before real or fake? "

Looking at Mo Lisha and the others with a kind face, Bo Li Lingmeng spoke again.

Although Morisha had already explained it once before, Morisha did not explain it too clearly because of the misunderstanding.

Now, Bo Li Lingmeng felt that it was time for them to explain it well from beginning to end!

"Eh.... Here's the thing...."

Scratching his head, Morisha smiled and explained, to Bo Li Lingmeng.

This time, everything was explained from beginning to end.

Even, which two skinny puppets were explained. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"In other words, you have not been affected by that breath from beginning to end.

Whether it's heaven or yourselves.

Which two skinny and bones, and the ones I destroyed before are just puppets.

Even the so-called I have to replicator is a puppet, and behind it is the evil dream controlling.

The inexplicable improvement of strength is the reason why Su Feng is behind it? "

After hearing Morisha's explanation, Boli Lingmeng's whole face darkened!

It was hard to be serious once, but let her lose so completely!?

They were acting from beginning to end, and even what she thought that if they didn't bring back to let Su Feng make a move, they might hang up Morisha and Alice, all of them were dolls.

The real Morisha and Alice are actually hidden under that unknown substance?!

"At that time, I was born with a dream, why didn't I kill you?!"

After understanding everything, Bo Li Lingmeng darkened his face and roared angrily!

Because she was so anxious at that time, even when she went to the Celestial Realm later, she was worried that someone would be absorbed into energy again, turn into skin and bones, and hang up if she was not careful.

So just lift the table! What a waste of feelings!

"I'm sorry ~ Lingmeng.

Mainly because it's really boring, so I just want to have fun.

Actually, according to our script, you will first try to seal us, and then find out which two dolls are also fake.

After that, we will go out, explain the specific situation with you, and then destroy the unknown substance together, and then go to the celestial realm for a new plot.

Although we didn't know what the celestial people of the celestial realm planned at the time, at least the design of our part was absolutely free of sad drama 290 love. "

Coming to Bo Li Lingmeng with an apologetic face, Morisha decisively apologized, while trying to explain again.

Dissolve the anger in Bo Li Lingmeng's heart.

"So, you're saying that I blame me for worrying too much about you guys and just lifting the table."

In the end, this aberration can't continue?! "

Bo Li Lingmeng did not choose to forgive Morisha because of Morisha's apology, but became even more angry.

From the perspective of Bo Li Lingmeng, this explanation of Morisha is not thinking of her complaining. Did she lift the table directly?!

"No, no, Lingmeng, listen to my explanation, I didn't mean that!

Although there have been a lot of accidents, but believe me, my intention is just to start a game and then everyone has a good time.

I didn't complain about your thoughts~!

Really, you have to believe me~ Lingmeng! "

Hearing this, Mo Lisha hurriedly waved his hand, pestering Boli Lingmeng to explain again.

She knows Boli Lingmeng very well, as long as she honestly apologizes and honestly explains clearly.

Bo Li Lingmeng will definitely not hold on to a little, even if Bo Li Lingmeng chooses to be vexatious, she is confident that she will dissolve Bo Li Lingmeng's anger!

"Morisha, come on~

When you eliminate Lingmeng's anger, we can have a banquet~."

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