"Lingmeng, I think I can explain, do you want to listen first?"

Turning his head to look at Bo Li Lingmeng, Lumia who found that Bo Li Lingmeng really saw it, laughed twice, and tentatively spoke.

Obviously, in Lumia's perspective, if she does this, Boli Lingmeng may be angry.

"No need to explain, originally I told you that I would come to Su Feng when I was hungry.

However, let's wait for a while, when I finish settling accounts with Morisha, we will hold a banquet. "

The wind said to Lumia lightly, and Boli Lingmeng turned his head to look at Morisha again, a picture of you continuing, I am listening.

He didn't take the matter of Lumia leaving the Boli Shrine without permission at all.

Lumia was also slightly stunned, is Boli Lingmeng actually not angry?

But immediately, Lumia reacted instantly, Boli Lingmeng was not angry, she must not have said it.

However, after thinking about it, since Bo Li Lingmeng did not say it, it means that he is ready to save her face in front of everyone?

If that's the case, why don't she go down the slope and wait until she returns to the Hiri Shrine.

How does Boli Lingmeng love get angry, how can he get angry?

Thinking about it, the corners of Lumia's mouth rose slightly.

Silently retreating to find Yakumo Zi and the others, Lumia chatted with them.

And 577 Su Feng saw this, this is a silent sigh.

It seems that this wave of melons between Lumia and Boli Lingmeng can't be eaten.

But not all of the fun is gone, at least, Morisha is still thinking about Bo Li Lingmeng's continuous apology, is it not a loss.

Even Alice joined in.

It can also be regarded as marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog, right?

"Just forgive us~Lingmeng~"

Reaching out and hugging one of Bo Li Lingmeng's arms, Mo Lisha saw how he apologized, and Bo Li Lingmeng did not move to the end, and simply played the set of selling cute.

And, the effect is remarkable!

Between them, Bo Li Lingmeng instantly shivered, and withdrew his arm with a look of disgust.

"Okay, okay, forgive, forgive!

Please don't disgust me in this way.... However, Alice looked a little surprised

I'm counting you past this level, Alice this level, you come on

Hurriedly distanced himself from the magic salad, and Boli Lingmeng only felt goosebumps all over his body. While choosing to forgive Morisha, he dug a hole for Morisha by the way.

Let's not mention that Morisha itself is a tomboy's character, and in the past, when playing with Morisha, or chatting and drinking, Morisha was like this.

I have never been coquettish and cute, which has brought discomfort to Boli Lingmeng.

Just to say that the pressure coming from Alice's side made Bo Liling dream unbearable.

Absolutely a death gaze!

And hearing the words of Boli Lingmeng, Mo Lisha first smiled on her face, and she was relieved in her heart, and Boli Lingmeng finally forgave herself.

Immediately, the expression on his face froze.

Because she found that Alice was staring at herself expressionlessly, and there seemed to be a black mist behind her that was being released without faintness.

Stiffly reached out and rubbed his eyes, how Morisha wished he was dreaming.

But.. Apparently the opinion is that Morisha is not dreaming.

There are really black weapons behind Alice that are constantly being released~!


Alice, calm down, calm down.

What's the matter, let's go back and talk about it, okay? "

Swallowing her saliva, Morisha hurriedly came to Alice's side and cautiously opened her mouth to test it.

As long as Alice can promise to go back, then everything is negotiable.

In other words, as long as Alice is willing to agree, then this matter is not a big deal in Alice's heart.

I still have a way to live!


Then wait to go back. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Snorting softly, Alice did not directly burst out of dissatisfaction in her heart, but agreed to Morisha's proposal.

After all, this was in the courtyard of Su Feng's house after all, and there were quite a few people present.

If you really want to make a fuss, it will be a bit humiliating.

"Whew ~ good good, go back and talk again, go back and talk again."

Seeing this, Mo Lisha was finally relieved, very good, it seems that there is still a way to live today.

"Gee, the family status ah, you can see it at a glance."

While smacking his mouth and shaking his head, Su Feng opened his mouth with some gloating, joking about Morisha.

Su Feng was the second time he saw Mo Lisha so provoked, the first time was when he was in the Red Devil Pavilion.

Coincidentally, both times it was because of Alice.

The status of this family is clear at a glance!

"Whatever you say, I'll write it down.

You see when I seize the opportunity in the future, I don't believe how high your family status can be after that! "

Like Su Feng, Morisha didn't want to talk too much to Su Feng.

In other words, Su Feng's schadenfreude was just a small matter in Mo Lisha's heart.

Now it is time to gloat, after the definition Su Feng also has the other half, Morisha believes that he will have a day to take revenge and come back!

At that time, she would like to see who is higher and who is low in their family status!

"Hmm.... Anyway, it should be a hundred million points higher than you. "

Pinching his chin with one hand, Su Feng thought a little, and felt that what Mo Lisha said made sense, this wave was his sloppy, but the loser does not lose the battle~!

Su Feng said that his body was not hard anywhere else, and his mouth was the hardest!

"Wait and see."

"Then wait and see~"

"Well, since it's all already talking.

Next is the banquet time, to be held at Su Feng's house, or to Boli Shrine? "

Seeing Mo Lisha and Su Feng fighting each other, it seemed that they had a big fight.

Yakumo Zi stood up and began to organize the situation.

Now that the mutation has ended, Morisha has also successfully eliminated the anger of Bo Li Lingmeng.

Even, even Alice was temporarily suppressed by Morisha.

So, it's time for the banquet!

As for Su Feng and Morisha? As long as the situation has not escalated, is it good to suppress it?

"Everyone is here in Su Feng, let's open it at Su Feng's house.

It's not that banquets have been held here.

As for where the Hiri Shrine is, just pay more attention.

Didn't Morisha and Alice come up with a perception magic? "

The moment he heard this, Bo Li Lingmeng expressed his position on the spot.

A banquet was held here in Su Feng, and in the end, Su Feng cleaned up all the garbage with his own ability.

But hold a banquet at Hiri Shrine: After that, the garbage was all to be dealt with by herself.

Very troublesome!

So it definitely can't be the Hiri Shrine, she didn't have a choice before, and now she wants to be lazier! .

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