With the seedlings that Su Feng had appeared, Alice passed through the space door and returned directly to her home in the Enchanted Forest.

Su Feng also returned to his room and rested.

The next day, Su Feng, who was sleeping with his head covered, was woken up by the prompt tone of his mobile phone.

When I opened my phone, it turned out to be a message from Paqiuli.

Pa Qiuli: Su Fengjun, if you have time, come to the Red Devil Pavilion, and we will continue to study your abilities.

Looking at the message sent by Paqiuli, Su Feng didn't think about it, so he resumed a sentence, and then washed up.

Su Feng: Wait a minute, I'll be there soon.

After washing, Su Feng walked through the space door and appeared outside the gate of the Red Devil Pavilion.

To Su Feng's surprise, Hong Meiling was not sleeping lazily this time, but was playing with Furan in the garden of the Red Devil Pavilion.

On the balcony, Remilia and Sixteen Nights Saki Night, quietly looking at Frandolu and Hong Meiling.

The moment he discovered Su Feng, Sixteen Nights paused time and appeared at the door of the Red Devil Pavilion.

This time, Su Feng was affected by the suspension of time, and in Su Feng's eyes, the sixteen nights of saki appeared in front of her instantly.

"Welcome to the Red Devil Pavilion, you have canceled your ability not to receive the influence of time?"

After opening the door of the Red Devil Pavilion and appearing beside Su Feng, he lifted the sixteen nights of time suspension, and asked strangely.

This time, Su Feng actually received the impact of the time pause, did Su Feng take the initiative to disarm his ability?

"No, if you encounter danger, it will still not be affected by time, but if there is no danger.

Then it will be affected by time. Of course, this is not to prepare you for something.

It's just a matter of trying to see what you're capable of going. "

Su Feng shook his head, he didn't cancel the ability, he just improved it, and at the same time, in order to prevent the sixteen nights from misunderstanding, he also explained it separately by the way.

It wasn't that he didn't believe in Sixteen Nights Saki Night, and he felt that Sixteen Nights Saki Night would do something to him during the time pause.

It's just a test of your own ability, and by the way, you can improve your ability not to be affected by Tao events.

"So that's the case, please come with me, Pachuli is already waiting for you in the library."

Nodded clearly, Sixteen Nights Saki Ye didn't say anything more, and walked towards the library with Su Feng.

As for Su Feng's explanation later, Sixteen Nights Saki Ye said that it was understandable.

In the fantasy township, she is not the only one who involves the ability of time.

The Penglai Mountain Kaguya of the Forever Pavilion will also be able to cause a similar effect of time stopping, and it is also the application of the ability in time.

Now the mutation caused by Su Feng has not yet been determined to really end, if the Eternal Night mutation really comes again.

Su Feng's ability can also play a great role in the change of eternal night.

With the footsteps of the sixteen nights, Su Feng once again came to the library of the Red Devil Pavilion.

Pachuli was still the same, wearing a dressing gown, a book in one hand and a quill in the other, constantly recording something.

"You are here, Su Fengjun, I have studied your abilities well during this time.

From what you think about the ability to launch, and how you perform, there are some guesses. "

After sensing Su Feng's breath, Pa Qiuli slowly raised her head to look at Su Feng, and slowly opened her mouth to say to Su Feng.

During this time, she was not only adjusting her mentality, but also studying Su Feng's ability.

"Here are some of my guesses and opinions, you can take a look at them first."

Pa Qiuli said and handed the books on the side to Su Feng.

It recorded Paqiuli's insights and guesses about Su Feng's ability, as well as some suggestions.

"You are very capable, but there is a little problem with the way you control it, and according to what you mentioned, you subconsciously feel that such a thing does not exist, so something will disappear.

Subconsciously feel that there is, and you can create it.

I think that the way your ability is activated is also affected by your own ability. "

Pachuli really studied for a long time, and finally came up with such a guess.

"Because you think it's impossible, your ability will make it impossible, and if you think it's possible, your ability will make it possible."

It is more like the power of affirmation and negation than embodiment. "

"So, we can really try to let you change the way you activate your abilities and quickly master your abilities."

Of course, all this is just my guess, after all, this ability is not mine. "

Listening to Pa Qiuli's speculation, Su Feng thought thoughtfully.

Pa Qiuli's speculation was indeed well-founded and convincing, at least Su Feng was convinced.

It is indeed possible that he may have been affected by the way he activated his abilities.

After all, Su Feng's ability to launch has not felt any fluctuations in ability so far, not even consumption.

Unintentionally using your own ability affects your own use of your ability, and there is a complete possibility of this.

"If that's the case, then what should I do, and ask for the impact of my abilities on myself?"

"It's like you said before, to improve yourself when you are not affected by time, activate your ability again to cancel some of your ability."

"Even the ability to launch subconsciously should be stopped by subjective consciousness."

The method proposed by Pachuli is very simple.

But before, Su Feng didn't think of it at all.

Because although Su Feng lived in the era of the information explosion and his thoughts were active, sometimes he would forget something.

"So, I want to directly activate the ability, cover the use method that only the subconsciously thinks can activate the ability, and become the use you can use it if you want?"

I'll just try. "

Paqiuli proposed the idea, then the next step was for Su Feng to realize this idea, or to verify whether this idea was correct in the end.

"No, not this part, but all the parts except for the non-consumption launch ability.

Did I say that? Your ability is more like affirmation and denial, directly negating them! "

Seeing this, Pa Qiuli hurriedly shook her head and reminded Su Feng.

What she said is not just to cancel the point alone, but to deny everything except the use of the ability is not consumed!

In this way, if it is successful, then the abnormality caused by Su Feng can officially end!

At the same time, this can also make it convenient for Paqiuli to guide Su Feng to use his ability more quickly, as well as master his ability!

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