Seeing that the money was open, it was Bo Li Lingmeng.

Worthy of being an unrestrained witch.

And Su Feng, for the appearance of Bo Li Lingmeng's wave of money, is already strange.

When he lived at Bori Shrine before, Bori Lingmeng had already exposed his nature.

"I remember, don't you have Yakumo Zi's communication method, sent it to me, I have some questions I want to ask her."

Then, there is one more thing, Pachuli has helped me a lot lately, and I want to thank her, but I don't know what to give.

Would like to ask your opinion. "

Throwing the money to Bo Li Lingmeng casually, Su Feng stated his purpose.

This is also why, when Bo Li Lingmeng opened his mouth to ask for money, he really created money.

"Zi's contact information, I'll push it to you.

As for what gift to give to Pachuli as a thank you, I can't say, but you can call Morisha over, Morisha often runs to borrow books, and should know something about what Pachuli likes. "

With one hand in his chin, Bo Lilingmeng gave an answer after thinking for two seconds.

Yayunzi's contact information was handed over to Su Feng, and this matter would be easy to handle at that time.

However, Su Feng wanted to give Paqiuli a gift to thank him, and Bo Li Lingmeng was not very clear about what Paqiuli liked.

Pachuli often stayed in the library of the Red Devil Hall, and occasionally when she came out, Bo Li Lingmeng was in a daze again.

Although they are very familiar with each other, what Paqiuli likes, Bo Li Lingmeng has not asked, so I don't know.

But Morisha, who often goes back to the library to borrow books, is more familiar with Pachuli, and if you ask Morisha, Morisha may know the answer.

"Morisha... I'll contact her! "

What Bo Li Lingmeng said made sense, so Su Feng chose to contact Moli Sha directly.

And I want Morisha to express his thoughts.

"Want to give Pachuli a gift to express your gratitude?

Haven't you created a lot of conceptual items before?

Just create one and give it to Pachuli to study. "

Hearing Su Feng's thoughts, Paqiuli gave a direct answer without thinking.

Pachuli is a magical messenger, what could make Pachuli more excited than sending the existence in the concept to Pachuli?

Moreover, wouldn't it be beautiful to be able to let Pachuli use it for research?

"I had that idea, too, but Pachuli and I came up with dozens of concepts.

Which one to send her? "

Of course, Su Feng also knew this, but this was also the reason why Su Feng was entangled, and one of the dozens of them jumped out and gave it to Paqiuli.

Which one to send?

"What about the magic of the Seven Dawns?"


"Conceptually the least easy to achieve?"



Listening to Su Feng's answer without hesitation, on the other end of the phone, Mo Lisha was also in trouble.

There are too many things created by Su Feng and Pa Qiuli, right?

"It's better to let Su Feng try to see if he can create an item to cure Paqiuli's asthma."

Supposed to be a nice gift, right? Her asthma was not cured even by Bayi Yonglin. "

The voice that made Su Feng feel familiar came over the phone from Morisha's side.

Well, so it was, Morisha didn't come to play with Lingmeng today because she ran to where Alice was.

The idea that Alice put forward made Su Feng have a feeling of brightening in front of her eyes. I immediately decided to use this as a gift.

"Alice is right, I just created something that can cure Pachuli's asthma.

Then give it to Pachuli!

Thanks Alice, come little broken bones at night.. Ahem, come to Mistia's barbecue stall, please drink~! "

To solve the gift for Pachuli, Su Feng was still in a good mood, and decided to invite Alice to a drink in the evening to express her gratitude.

"Okay, I'll take Morisha with me in the evening."

Alice on the other side of the phone heard this, and also directly agreed.

In the past two months, Su Feng has not left the Red Devil Pavilion, and she has not drunk cold beer for two months.

She had no reason to refuse, and the beer was quite delicious. And with their physique, if they don't want to, they can't get drunk.

"Then see you in the evening, Su Feng, Alice and I still have something to do."

"Okay, see you in the evening."

Hanging up the phone, Su Feng's whole person became happy.

Directly start using your abilities and start creating gifts for Pachuli.

Make it first, then put it in the storage space, and when the time comes, directly surprise Pachuli.

"In other words, Pachuli's matter has been settled.

But what are you looking for purple? "

After witnessing Su Feng's creation of gifts throughout the process, he opened his mouth to ask Su Feng with some curiosity.

Now she has nothing to do, just to be in a daze here, it is better to chat to pass the time.

"It's about my abilities, and Yakumo's abilities.

I'll send a message to Zi first, call her over and you'll know. "

Su Feng didn't explain much, and directly sent a message to Yayunzi, inviting Yayunzi to come to the Boli Shrine.

Bo Li Lingmeng pouted, did not say much, anyway, when Yayunzi came, she would also be able to know what medicine Su Feng bought in this gourd!


Within a few minutes, Yakumo Zi, who received the news, snapped and appeared in the Boli Shrine.

"Suddenly came to me, did something happen?"

It can be seen that the current Yayunzi is in a very good mood, and I don't know what the previous Yayunzi was doing.

However, judging from the gap behind the eight cloud purple, the eight cloud purple just now should be in the white jade building.

"Didn't bother you, did it?"

Instead of rushing to answer the question, Su Feng asked instead.

But in his heart, he has already begun to think about it, just now Yakumo Zi is sticking to Yuyuzi, right?

It must be like this, right? Stick! Can be pasted!

Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko pair CP, he snorted!

"Ahhh~ I feel like you're thinking something bad~


However, today is a good temperament, so I won't worry about you.

What's the matter with me? "

Some foxes looked Su Feng up and down suspiciously for a few seconds, and then Yayunzi put away his suspicions, with a faint smile on his face, and asked.

Her mood today is really good, so she doesn't care about Su Feng's crankiness.

"Well, when Pachuli and I were experimenting with our abilities.

Pachuli renamed my abilities 'affirmations and denials'.

It feels a bit similar to your realm, so I'm curious if you can also do what I do, Void Creation. "

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