"With so many people coming together, it seems that you have already discussed it?"

Do you want me to resurrect Chang'e? "

A little surprised to look at the people who arrived together, Su Feng scratched his head, while maintaining his ability and cooperating with Pa Qiuli to complete the experiment, he opened his mouth to ask.

The great youkai in the fantasy town, as well as the sages and Tsukimi Tsuzun in the moon capital, arrived at the same time.

If it wasn't for wanting to resurrect Chang'e, Su Feng really couldn't think of what it would be to get them to come together.

"Here's the thing, after going through the body size of a pure fox, we found out.

Now everyone in the fantasy township is too dependent on you, and they have unconsciously thought about the direction of the giant baby and began to develop.

It's not good, it's very bad. "

Eight Clouds Zi came to Su Feng and slowly opened his mouth to explain to Su Feng.

At the same time, Tsukimi Zun and the others also followed Yakumo Zi and explained the purpose of everyone's coming.

"In other words, you are going to listen first, what do I think about the fantasy town in the future."

And then decide what kind of way to avoid you becoming giant babies, right? "

A look of clarity flashed in his eyes, and Su Feng understood the explanation of Yayunzi and the others.

At the same time, his face also showed some doubts, unconsciously, did the people in the fantasy township have a tendency to develop in the direction of giant babies?

After seriously recalling, Su Feng found that it was okay, so it was not a giant baby, right?

There are actually not many people trading with him, so it should not be considered to be developing in the direction of giant babies, right?

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with that.

Brother Su Feng, can you tell me what you are going to do after Fantasy Township is completely independent? "

Nodded vigorously, as the Sage of the Moon Capital, opened his mouth to ask Su Feng.

She felt that she and the others had to know Su Feng's thoughts in order to better limit herself and the others, and would not become giant babies in the future.

"I, ah, when Fantasy Town completely becomes a new world, I will greatly increase the intensity of a wave of Fantasy Township.

At the same time, try to connect the heavens and worlds, pull some geniuses of the heavens and realms, and the talents enter the fantasy town.

Let the fantasy town become an existence, the communication center of the heavens and all worlds.

There may be people who make deals in Fantasy Township, there may be people who stay in Fantasy Township, and it is more likely that everyone is just meeting in Fantasy Township.

That's probably the idea. "

Hearing the Sage of the Moon's question, Su Feng did not choose to hide it, and directly said his thoughts and ambitions.

He wants to develop Fantasy Township into an existence like the Heavenly City according to the setting in the novels he has read!

This is Su Feng's wild hope for the fantasy town.

At the same time, you can also broaden your horizons, and even go to other worlds to play and experience the style of other worlds.

After all, because of the emergence of learning, it has now been concluded that the other world really exists~!

Of course, it is not the otherworlds that Hekatia is talking about, and those otherworlds are just dependent on the existence of the main world.

Su Feng's purpose was those real, solitary other worlds!

"Introducing people from another world into fantasyland.

Let the fantasy town become a similar existence on the platform, and famous among the heavens and realms

But is there really a real other world, not a small world attached to the existence of the Overworld? "

The people present were all smart people, and after hearing Su Feng's explanation, they instantly understood Su Feng's thoughts, and then the Sage of the Moon opened his mouth and asked.

They have not experienced the invasion of fantasy land in the first place, so it is still uncertain whether the real other world exists.

"Of course it really exists.

It's just that you don't know it.

Originally, when Shenqi was creating the Demon Realm, he once lost an artifact.

Later, this artifact drifted into other worlds, allowing tricky existences in a world similar to the game world to see.

And brought it to the resurrection of fantasy land decades ago, the name is Xue, and the ability is also very simple.

Except for Su Feng's ability, which cannot be learned, all of our abilities have been learned. "

Hearing the Sage of the Moon's inquiry, Bayi Yonglin immediately opened his mouth to explain.

The original study was really tricky.

The ability to learn is extremely powerful, and it seems that because of the resurrection across the world, even if they have learned all their abilities.

And unscrupulous use, the energy is actually as if it is infinite, without the slightest lack of energy.

"Learn... In the other world, there are indeed many beings called learning.

However, it is just called learning, and there is no real ability to learn the abilities of others instantly.

Moreover, it is basically subhuman and so on. It is obviously not the same as the learning in Yonglin's mouth. "

After Hekatia carefully recalled a wave, he then nodded, this study is really not from another world, but from other worlds.

That is to say, in addition to the other world she is currently in charge of, there are many real other worlds.

This guess is valid!

"Are you sure, isn't it because of Su Feng's ability that the guy who appeared?"

The brows furrowed slightly, and the Sage of the Moon still had some distrust.

After all, Su Feng's ability is here, is it sure that it is not the existence that Su Feng accidentally created when he can't control his ability well?

827 "No, the identity of that student was personally determined by me.

If it is caused by my ability, I will not deny it.

It's like the mutation I inadvertently started. "

Shaking his head, Su Feng opened his mouth to deny it.

After all, there is no need for him to forcibly pull out what has been given and does not exist. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That Xuezhen thought that he had accidentally run to Fantasy Town.

If it was created by Su Feng, Su Feng would never hide it.

"Then, suppose that there really are heavens and realms.

At that time, there will be people from other worlds who will come to Fantasy Town, either to communicate, or to stay, or to open a shop in Fantasy Town.

Constantly in contact with members of the other world, it seems unlikely that we will continue to develop in the direction of giant babies.

Just like this time, as soon as Pure Fox came to Fantasy Township, he discovered the current tendency of Fantasy Township to be subtly moved. "

"In the eyes of those who have not received the influence, they can see the current situation of Fantasy Township at a glance.

We can use this to alert ourselves and at the same time...

Otherworldly existence, right? There must be proud people, right?

There must be existence such as vainly trying to invade Fantasy Country and rule Fantasy Township.

At that time, it would be up to us to solve it, and it would also prevent us from relying too much on Su Feng, wouldn't we? "。

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