The reason why Remilia ran over to make a fuss was not just to attract Su Feng's attention.

There must be a good reason for everything!

That non-fantasy work Remilia has also seen.

She hadn't remembered it before, but after eating, she remembered everything.

Ma Ya, isn't it the same as ambition?!

"Well, it's indeed a referential ambitious.

Originally, I wanted to stuff it directly into your body.

But after thinking about it, if you don't use this thing in the future.

If you take it out directly, if you stuff it directly into your genes, it will be a trouble to take it out at that time.

So simply, it's ambitious. "

"The good thing is that if you don't want to use this thing in the future, I can take it out directly."

You need to pick bones in the genes all over your body, one by one, in the eggs.

The downside is that in this way, you will be guilty. "

For Remilia's doubts, Su Feng could also understand it.

But he also has his own considerations in it~

The specific reason was directly explained by Su Feng.

As for acceptance, do not accept

Looking at Remilia's appearance, Su Feng knew that Remilia accepted this explanation.

"Feelings can be re-retrieved.

But I remember that in the previous fantasy work, isn't it that as long as the gene is damaged, the ability will disappear?

Is it really that troublesome? "

Although she accepted Su Feng's timely appearance, it was more obvious that Remilia still had a lot of doubts.

For example, in fantasy works, as long as the gene is damaged, then you will lose the genetic ability and become a mortal.

And they themselves are monsters, even if their genes are damaged, without the ability of the engine, there should not be much of a problem, right?

"It's not that simple, Remy.

Human genes alone are complex enough.

And you're still monsters, and your genes are more complicated. "

"I can't guarantee that your abilities will still be there after your genes are damaged.

If it's gone, then I'll fix it and continue to strip the Void Engine.

Maybe one carelessly, this step has to be repeated several times,

And this feeling... That's not something anyone can afford. "

"The worst outcome is that I use the means of time against you.

By going back to the timeline to remove the engine from you, the result is that your strength will regress to this stage.

But when to eliminate the gene engine, and how much your strength will increase, these are not fixed for the time being.

What is certain is that you will eliminate this thing in the future. "

Su Feng shook his head slightly, and explained to Remilia again.

He can be sure that in the future, Yakumo Zi and the others will definitely not continue to use this engine.

"How are you so sure?

Are we sure if we can check the line of destiny? "

"Your own ability has not been raised to the limit, but your realm is limited by the world.

As Fantasy Land improves, so will your strength. In the same way, your abilities will be enhanced.

In the end, the engine can actually play very little. "

This is also one of the conclusions that Su Feng and Paqiuli came to after studying together for a hundred years.

The big monsters in the fantasy township even include individual humans.

The abilities they have are very perverted and unreasonable.

This kind of ability, if it is put into the so-called great world, or what kind of strong world traverses the eternal world.

That's definitely all one-to-one ability.

It's just that the world limits their development.

And in the future, as Su Feng begins to improve the Fantasy Township, after the origin of the Fantasy Township increases, then it is destined that the big monsters of the Fantasy Township will usher in another breakthrough in strength.

And this kind of scientific and technological means, they will gradually find that they do not have their own original ability to use.

It may even affect their continued development. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So being excluded is also a matter of early age.

Although in fantasy works, the void engine can even create black holes, it seems that this technological system can go far.

But in some fantasy works, the same scientific and technological system is directly used as energy by black holes!

Therefore, the three of Yayun Zi, Yayun Blue, and Remilia are themselves only relying on their own abilities to upgrade to the level of the Great Monster.

I didn't like to contact the existence of technology very much before, and it is inevitable that the Void Engine will be eliminated in the future.

"Although that is also less about a thousand years from now, more about thousands of years from now.

But I have to say that your concept of time is really adapted to the immortal species.

I'm already thinking about things at that stage. "

Listening to Su Feng's explanation, Remilia also sighed.

Su Feng really adapted to the concept of time of the immortal species, and now he would already start thinking about things in a thousand years.

It's a huge improvement!

"But before that, don't you think about marrying me home?"

I'm pretty cute, aren't I? "

After sighing, Remilia changed her words, and after winking at Su Feng, she suddenly smiled and proposed.

Since Su Feng thought she was quite cute, why not marry her home directly?

"As long as you want, you don't have to wait for eight hundred years, I can marry you directly~."

After all, after all, I'm over a thousand years old now. "

Saying that, Remilia's eyes narrowed slightly, and her hands pinched her waist to reveal a slight smug look.

Although she looks quite small on the outside, in fact, she is more than a thousand years old!

You can marry Su Feng now!

"Being cute doesn't mean liking it.

I also think Kiluno is cute when she is stupid. (Good money)

1+1 or something, isn't it cute, stupid cute? "

Shrugging, Su Feng directly chose to avoid Remilia's proposal.

In Su Feng's heart, cuteness and liking cannot be equated.

It's just an appreciation and compliment.

"Then figure out the definition of liking as soon as possible.

I've been paying attention to this for hundreds of years.

If you figure it out, remember to share it with me as soon as possible~"

Blinked, Remilia was not lost, used to it, this is where it is.

Okay, able to carry it!

If you don't like it now, it's good to let Su Feng like it in the future.

"Oh, well, I'll tell you as soon as I figure it out.

At that time, it will be very sad to attack everyone, but I don't have the idea of opening a harem.

It is inevitable that you will be sad.

I'm mentally prepared for that. "。

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