Bayi Yonglin did not let Su Feng wait too long, soon the medicinal effect fusion of the potion had ended, and with the sealing of the bottle of Bayi Yonglin, a tube of potion was officially completed.

"Okay, I'm busy here, is there something wrong with Su Fengjun coming over?"

Putting the finished potion into the cabinet on the side, Bayi Yonglin looked back at Su Feng and asked.

Su Feng hadn't been here since the last time, he accidentally ran to the lost bamboo forest, and then inadvertently walked to the Forever Pavilion.

After two and a half months, Su Feng visited again, and for Su Feng's purpose, Bayi Yonglin still had some concerns.

"Here's the thing..."

Su Feng did not hesitate, and when he opened his mouth to explain to Bayi Yonglin.

And with Su Feng's explanation, Bayi Yonglin is also interested, a medicine that can cure all diseases?

Using Su Feng's ability, directly creating, want to let her see, can you treat Paqiuli's asthma?

This Eight Yi Yonglin is too interested.

"Take out the pill you created first, let me have a look."

I have seen many pills that can cure all diseases, but most of them can only treat some common diseases in humans.

There are many kinds of them, so it is called a cure for all diseases.

However, Pachuli's asthma is obviously not among them, and even I feel that it is difficult to find a cure until now. "

Yayi Yonglin has lived for a long time, and she existed a long, long time ago, when humans still needed gods as a faith.

Naturally, I have also seen a lot of so-called miracle medicines that cure all diseases, but these medicines are basically used for ordinary people, and they can't really cure all diseases.

What can be treated are just some common diseases.

And Pachuli's asthma is not so simple.

What would the all-encompassing requirement created to cure Pachuli look like?

Bayi Yonglin is looking forward to it!

Under the expectant gaze of Bayi Yonglin, Su Feng took it out, a small black pill, which did not emit any smell, nor did it have any divine wonders.

Bayi Yonglin didn't even sense any medicinal power on it, as if it was just an ordinary mud ball.

Bayi Yonglin was a little skeptical that Su Feng had come to entertain her.

"I didn't sense any medicinal power, are you sure I didn't take it wrong?"

Taking the pill from Su Feng's hand, Bayi Yonglin carefully sensed it, and then raised his head, his expression a little subtly questioning.

Su Feng, this really didn't come to entertain her?

"That's right, that's what I created with my abilities.

I'm not that bored yet! "

In the face of Bayi Yonglin's question, Su Feng definitely answered incomparably.

This is what he created with his ability, there is no doubt!

"In this way, then this pill, the way to cure the disease, is not done through medicinal power.

As for whether it can really cure the disease... Let's experiment first. "

Seeing that Su Feng was so sure, Bayi Yonglin was no longer entangled, but was ready to experiment first.

She also has a little understanding of Su Feng's ability, and occasionally communicates with others on her mobile phone, discusses Su Feng's ability, and shares Su Feng's intelligence.

Perhaps, this pill is just that she can't perceive the power in it, but it can play a role in curing diseases?

"So how do you experiment?

Go to the world to find some patients and come back? "

For what Bayi Yonglin wanted to experiment with pills, Su Feng didn't make any sense, this kind of pill he could create at will.

But how to experiment?

Run directly to the world, people may not believe Su Feng.

Or is it Bayi Yonglin coming forward?

"No need, let the rabbit demons of the Forever Pavilion drink some of the potions I have researched.

These potions are all for human healing, but because yokai are different from humans.

Therefore, after the monster drinks these potions, there will be a negative effect. "

Shaking his head, Bayi Yonglin said his intentions.

"And since you said that this pill can cure all diseases, then this kind of negative effect should also be able to treat, right?

Even if the pill does not work, I can take it upon myself to treat the negative effects of the medicine. "

Listening to Bayi Yonglin's explanation, Su Feng silently mourned for a few seconds for the rabbit demons of the Eternal Pavilion in his heart.

May heaven be free of the potion of Eight Minds Yonglin, Amen.

"Then let's get started!"

After the silence ended, Su Feng happily began the experiment with Bayi Yonglin.

As the negative effect of the potion appeared, Bayi Yonglin fed the small pill created by Su Feng to the rabbit demon who fell into the negative state of the potion.

Immediately afterwards, the means were used to observe the state of the rabbit demon and whether the pill worked.

"A strange, life.... The breath of life was liberated from the pill.

It's as if it is... Purification, the negative effects of the agent are purified. "

As the pill took effect, Bayi Yonglin also muttered while recording.

Letting the rabbit demon who had returned to normal leave, Bayi Yonglin looked at the content he had recorded in the book and fell into deep thought.

Begin to simulate Paqiuli's asthma in his mind, if he encounters Su Feng's pill, the possibility of treatment.

"There is no guarantee that Pachuli's asthma can be completely treated, and the life energy in the pill, although it is not ordinary life energy.

But I also tried to treat Pachuli's asthma with my life capacity. But nothing works.

This unusual life energy may not be the same. "

Medicine is rigorous and cautious, and just one example is not enough for Bayi Yonglin to make the right judgment.

"But it's too early to draw conclusions, create more pills, and I'll do more sets of trials to compare."

Therefore, Bayi Yonglin is ready to do a few more sets of experiments. With Su Feng there, how much this pill wants.

Bayi Yonglin can conduct experiments at will, and she is not distressed at all.

Su Feng is also not distressed, he created the pill without consumption at all, as long as he first made a tool man, and then patiently waited for the experimental results of Bayi Yonglin, as well as the final conclusion.

After regathering some rabbit demons, Bayi Yonglin glanced at Su Feng with a meaningful gaze.

"To be honest, your abilities are really powerful and convenient.

I already have some thoughts that want to keep you in the Forever Pavilion.

Some medicinal herbs that have become extinct can be reproduced by your ability. "

"Don't, I'm fine like this now."

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