Telling Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko about the Sixteen Nights Saki Night, Su Feng was not just honest.

I even hope that I can get some help from Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko.

And, ask what Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko think.

What is Yuyuko's opinion, it is only secondary.

After all, Yuyuzi's personality is there, and the whole person even speaks in a fluttering tone, and likes to think about the good.

But Yakumo Zi, as a monster sage, she has to consider both good and bad sides in everything.

It can also give the most reasonable answers and explanations.

This is what Su Feng needs.

"So it is, can't accept ~ Remy is with you.

It feels like you snatched Remy, and even showed hostility.

But he controlled himself well, and the whole person was in a state of relative devilishness.

After holding out for a few days, Sakiya has done a great job. "

Nodding his head clearly, Yakumo Zi felt that Sixteen Nights Saki Ye had done a good job.

Although there is indeed hostility, and there is a tendency to get stronger day by day.

However, they have also learned to turn a blind eye and hear without hearing, close their eyes, close their hearings, and only hear what they need to hear.

All the resentment towards Su Feng, that is, I can't sleep at night, so I turn it over and over.

In the end, the sixteen nights of trouble were covered with a big black circle, which made Su Feng and Remy very distressed.

So, there was a proposal to give Sakiya a holiday to let Sakiya relax.

"Your idea is right, don't tell Sakiya who is right and who is wrong, let Sakiya recognize reality and ease his mood.

Even specially made a different space for this, which was very dreamy, and even Yuyuko was clamoring to go after seeing it. "

Su Feng's purpose for saying about Saki Ye, Yakumo Zi couldn't be clearer, although she had been a monster idler for a while, she was also forced to helpless.

However, with the continuous collision with the moon capital, the monster sage Yakumo Zi is back online.

"Sakiya obviously realized what you were thinking when she heard that you were giving her a day off.

And chose to cooperate, she knew that her state and emotions were not right these days.

Moreover, judging from the fact that Sakiya will also send messages to Yuyuko, Sakiye's mood is not bad now. "

"Maybe it's because of this alien space you've created.

Because I was worried that Saki was hungry at night, even the clouds were marshmallows in the dream space.

Because I was worried that I wouldn't sleep at night or even sleep badly, I had a room made of candy.

It may not even be possible that Sakiya has not discovered it until now, and if she wants to choose to learn about herself in another space, it is completely impossible. "

"Sakiya senses the kindness you unleash on her, and may even have some thoughts of crying and laughing.

This alien space is dreamy to the point of being somewhat funny, and it is overdone.

So much so that after Sakiya just entered the alien space, he no longer entangled things between you and Remi, but still had leisure and sent a video to Yuyuko. "

"Sakiya knows that after Yuyuko sees it, she will definitely clamored to come over, and may even trade with you directly without disturbing her.

She's proving to you through her actions that it's okay, I can. Do not worry.

So, as long as you give her time, even if Yuyuko and I don't go over and don't help you enlighten, Sakiya will still figure everything out in the end. "

Listening to Yayunzi's analysis, Remilia and Su Feng were expressionless, because they suspected that Yayunzi had not finished speaking.

What is the best side of it all envisioned, and what about the bad side?

"What are you all looking at me for?

There is no bad side, the moment she posted the video, you should be relieved. "

Seeing Su Feng and Remilia staring at themselves expressionlessly, with a stern look, Yayunzi rolled her eyes angrily.

What is it to look at her like this? She has already said everything that should be said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is no bad side, and when Sakiya makes this decision, there is no possibility of a bad side!

Yakumo Zi doesn't really want to say anything, but the reality is like this!

"Are you sure? Purple? "

Looking at Yayunzi with a serious face, Remilia spoke again with some unease and confirmed to Yayunzi.

Yayunzi, on the other hand, showed a helpless expression, and then nodded vigorously.

Prove that you are not joking, but that you are telling the truth.

0 for flowers 0

"That's great, as long as it's okay."

After getting Yakumo Zi's affirmation, Remilia was also relieved.

For Yakumo Zi, the former Remilia was unconvinced, and even felt that she could dominate the fantasy town.

So he launched the Red Devil Mutation, also to lay the foundation for his sister, as long as he unified the fantasy township, even if Fran broke something outside, Remy didn't have to worry.

But now, Remilia is convinced by Yakumo.

She has lived in Fantasy Country for so long, and she understands more and more things, and she also understands Yakumo Zi more and more.

So, convinced.

"Thank you, Zi.

So, you guys are going to a different space where Saki is going.

Or am I just creating a different space on my own? "

Su Feng, who was also relieved, thanked Yayunzi and asked again.

His problem, his meaning, Yakumo Zi flawlessly understood, and solved.

Next, naturally, is his reward.

It was also the reason why Yayunzi would be willing to help Su Feng analyze these things, of course, Su Feng also knew that even if there was no return, Yayunzi was still willing to do so.

However, Su Feng is a good person, and he will not let the eight clouds pay in vain.

"Although you are already relieved, I am afraid that after we leave, there may be other places that will worry."

Moreover, Sakiya has sent a video to Yuyuko, so it's also a good choice for us to go over and take a look at Sakiya, right? "

Saying that, Yayunzi raised a faint smile on his face and winked at Su Feng.

Choosing where to go is completely the freedom of Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko.

However, isn't it also a good choice to go over and find Sakiya to eat melons, and comfort Sakiya by the way?

Recently, Fantasy Township is a little boring again.

Isn't this a good gossip to relieve boredom?

"Although it feels like you just want to listen to gossip.

However, forget it, who made you purple.

If you really go to Sakiya, we will indeed be more relieved.

Then, get ready, I'll send you directly to Sakiya's side to go four. "。

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