After another few days, Pa Qiuli called Su Feng to the Red Devil Pavilion again.

The two continue to study the application of capabilities and the optimization of how they are used, while trying to deduce more possibilities of capabilities.

Su Feng also disappeared into the fantasy town again.

When I left the Red Devil Hall again, it was already snowing heavily in Fantasy Township, and it was officially winter.

Su Feng also did not expect that he and Paqiuli studied the ability, and it was such a long time since he directly studied it.

After coming to Fantasy Town, he spent more time in the Red Devil Pavilion than he spent at the Bori Shrine.

I don't know how much more time than I spent living in my own place.

The Red Devil Pavilion has sixteen nights and is fine to clean the snow all night.

When Su Feng returned to his home, the outside of the small villa he had built was already covered with snow.

Even the door of the villa could not be opened.

Looking at the snow piled up in the yard, I looked up at the sky again.

The clouds are thick and the snowflakes are constantly falling, and it is clear that this heavy snow should not stop for a while.

Su Feng simply made a large snowman with snow, stood at the door, and then used his ability to clear all the snow in the yard.

Another protective cover came out to protect the entire yard and set up a good hygiene.

Only then did he live in the villa again.

Turning the air conditioner to the maximum and standing in front of the windowsill watching the snow fall outside, but wearing short sleeves in the room is hot, this is definitely the biggest enjoyment in winter.

Day one, enjoy.

Day 2, enjoy.

Day three, enjoy.

On the fourth day, why didn't this snow stop?

On the fifth day, continue to enjoy.

Day 6.

"Is this snow endless?

It's almost moldy to carry at home. "

Looking at the sky that was still covered with dark clouds, Su Feng complained about the weather with some dissatisfaction.

The heavy snow in Fantasy Township is so persistent?

Six days in a row is not over yet?

Are you not afraid that all the human beings in the world will freeze to death?

What the? Will anyone on earth take refuge? The yokai don't care about this bit of snow?

That's okay.

After staring at the sky for two seconds, Su Feng began to think, should he directly use his ability to dispose of this heavy snow?

There was silence for a long time, and in the end, Su Feng still chose to leave it alone for the time being.

It's only been seven days of snow, what can I do?

Perhaps, winter in fantasy town is such a scenery?

Maybe this heavy snow will continue for a few days, and then it will be sunny?

Is it also possible that winter in Fantasy Country is full of heavy snowfall and lasts until spring?

Isn't Yakumo Zi still hibernating?

Left and right, Su Feng appeared a computer full of single-player games and began to live an otaku life.

In front of the black hole of time in the game, time seems to have lost its meaning, especially Su Feng, who can now do it without rest.

Su Feng, who was preoccupied, did not notice how much time had passed outside.

He only knew that the snow had not stopped, and he continued to play.

Until the arrival of a guest.

"Su Feng! Are you at home~? "

Bo Li Lingmeng fell into the courtyard from the air, casually took off the snowflakes on his body, and shouted into the villa.

Judging from the fact that the entire yard has received protection, Bo Li Lingmeng has nine layers of certainty, and Su Feng should be at home.

"Someone called me?"

Su Feng, who was playing with headphones, only heard a trace of Bo Lilingmeng's voice, took off the headphones blankly, and walked towards the window.

Following the window, Su Feng soon saw that Bo Li Lingmeng was standing in the courtyard.

A flash opened the door of the villa, and Su Feng looked at Bo Li Lingmeng with some curiosity.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the snow has fallen and prices have skyrocketed, and there is no money at the Hiri Shrine?

Or did you come over to eat today? "

After glancing up and down a few times, Su Feng opened his mouth to joke about Bo Li Lingmeng.

Although Bori Lingmeng said that he would come to his house to eat, he left enough incense money for the shrine.

Therefore, Bori Lingmeng did not take the initiative to come to him at all, and occasionally he ran to the Boli Shrine.

After that, I went to the Red Devil Pavilion, which took several months, and this time it was already winter.

After all, this is the first time that Bo Li Lingmeng has taken the initiative to come to his house as a guest.

"You're right, that's it.

Because of the heavy snowfall, prices on earth have risen a lot.

So I decided, just come and rub the rice.

You can create food without spending money at all. There is also no consumption, the effort of a thought. "

Bo Li Lingmeng nodded comfortably, confirming Su Feng's guess.

She really came to rub rice, and she was still preparing to rub rice for a long time!

"Okay, let's come first, after that, I will open a space door directly to the Boli Shrine, and you will come over when it is time for dinner."

After listening to Bo Li Lingmeng's timeliness, Su Feng didn't say anything more, and immediately agreed generously.

Just like Su Feng said, his creation of food was completely a matter of thought, and it was not a troublesome thing.

There was a shortage of materials on Bo Li Lingmeng's side, so he ran over and took the initiative to rub rice.

He naturally helped if he could, and Bo Li Lingmeng also took good care of him at the beginning.

Especially when he doesn't have good control over his abilities.

"Speaking of which, in the winter in Fantasy Township, the snow is so long?

How long has it been? I started counting from the Red Devil Pavilion for six consecutive days.

After that, I became addicted to the game, but the snow never stopped. "

Bringing Bo Li Lingmeng to the villa, Su Feng began to complain about the weather in Fantasy Township.

He had forgotten how long it had been snowing, and after becoming addicted to the game, he never cared about the passage of time again.

"Occasionally, there are cases where it falls from winter to spring.

It's so hot, why is it so hot in this room? Didn't see the stove? "

When Bo Liling heard this, he also sighed, and then took off the shawl on his clothes. While spitting up.

She flew directly from the Boli Shrine, and naturally wore thicker.

And the temperature in Su Feng's villa, there is no problem in wearing short sleeves to eat ice cream.

"In winter, you have to hide at home and eat ice cream with short sleeves, which is comfortable.

As for the temperature of the room, it is the role of air conditioning, and there should be air conditioning among youkai, right?

When I was in the Red Devil Pavilion before, I didn't notice the temperature change at all, and if it wasn't for the snow outside after coming out, I wouldn't have known that it was already winter. "

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