"Penglai Yuzhi.... It's pretty good, it's full of gems....

But why exchange it with me with Penglai Jade Branch? This stuff is a lot more expensive than those games, right? "

In Su Feng's villa, Su Feng looked at the Penglai jade branch in his hand, thinking about the purpose of Penglai Mountain Hui Ye doing this.

A bunch of games, in exchange for Penglai jade branches?

Penglai Mountain Kaguya must have other plans, Su Feng felt so.

"First of all, to rule it out, she likes me, one of the three illusions of life.

Emmmm, yes, definitely an illusion.

By the way, this thing seems to be a branch on the moon, and it is not so valuable.

Just because of the legend of Kaguya..."

After thinking for two seconds, Su Feng successfully ruled out the most unlikely answer and came up with a seemingly reliable answer.

Looking down at the Penglai jade branch again, Su Feng thought about it, and simply created a handmade cabinet directly and put the Penglai jade branch inside.

Think of it as a collectible and collect it.

Anyway, this thing, there is no special ability to help Su Feng, simply use it directly for collection, it is also worth the money.

After all, there are no Penglai trees in Fantasy Township!

That thing is in the moon capital.

"Princess Kaguya, although Penglai Yuzhi is not the only one, you didn't bring down much, why..."

Inside the Forever Pavilion, looking at Penglai Mountain Kaguya, who is connecting a keyboard and mouse to the computer and a stereo, Bayi Yonglin wants to say nothing.

Penglai Yuzhi is indeed not just one, but it was sent out by Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, and this is the only one.

Why did Penglai Mountain Kaguya do this, Bayi Yonglin was a little confused.

"There is no reason, just the treasure in my hand, only Penglai Jade Branch can take it.

It was used to exchange games with Su Feng, so he did it. "

Faced with Bayi Yonglin's inquiry, Penglai Mountain Kaguya replied calmly.

In fact, there are so many, but there are just extra Penglai jade branches, and they can be exchanged with Su Feng, so they took them out and exchanged them with Su Feng.

It's that simple.

"Is it really that simple?

It's not worth it at all. "

Although Penglai Mountain Kaguya said lightly, Bayi Yonglin obviously did not believe that Penglai Mountain Kaguya got this explanation.

Some games are just that, is it worth giving Penglai Yuzhi?

Obviously not worth it!

"So what else can I give? With Su Feng's ability, let alone Penglai Jade Branch.

Even if it was my first five problems, he could create them at will.

Penglai Jade Branch was not so valuable in front of Su Feng. "

"For Su Feng, Penglai Jade Branch and the game can be completely equated.

He only needs one thought to play the game, and creating a Penglai jade branch is also just a matter of thought.

So there is absolutely nothing worth it. "

Give the computer a point, press the boot button, Penglai Mountain Kaguya did it, turned to look at Bayi Yonglin, and spoke again.

Bayi Yonglin is very smart, but she is just too smart, so she likes to think more.

In fact, how can Eight Yi Yonglin think so much?

Wherever Su Feng's ability swings, what he wants, Su Feng can create by himself.

Even the existence of concepts can be created.

"Indeed, as you said Princess Kaguya.

But, in the same way, some coins and Penglai jade branches can also be equated in front of Su Feng.

Why not exchange them directly for coins from Fantasy Township?

After all, they were also things that Su Feng could create at will. "

Bayi Yonglin nodded, indicating that what Penglai Mountain Kaguya said made sense, but it didn't make much sense.

According to the logic of Penglai Mountain Kaguya, isn't the coin directly given to Su Feng Fantasy Country still the same?

Because for Su Feng, it can be created with a single idea.

Hearing Bayi Yonglin's rebuttal, Penglai Shanhui's face froze.

Careless, why didn't she take this wave into account, Bayi Yonglin was right, isn't it the same that she directly gives money?!

"Of course I know, but I can Princess Her Royal Highness, the things that come out are important and valuable, right?"

After two seconds of silence, Penglai Mountain Kaguya still found an excuse and answered Bayi Yonglin with a hard mouth.

Listening to Penglai Mountain Kaguya's answer, Bayi Yonglin just sighed helplessly.

How long has she been with Penglai Mountain Kaguya, and she really knows Penglai Mountain Kaguya too well.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya definitely didn't turn a corner at that time, so he exchanged the Penglai jade branch for it!

It was completely different from what she thought, it was not that Penglai Mountain Kaguya had any plans, but it was not reacted.

But fortunately, she asked this time and also reminded Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

After the province, if Penglai Mountain Kaguya wanted to exchange something with Su Feng, he would throw away more precious things.

After all, those were of little value to Su Feng, but they were precious to the Eternal Pavilion.

No, you can't let Penglai Mountain Kaguya continue to exchange with Su Feng, otherwise Penglai Mountain Kaguya will not become more and more addicted to the game?

Now it's all like this, and it will be there later?!

Bayi Yonglin also reacted, in order not to make Penglai Mountain Kaguya become more unspeakable in the future.

It was necessary for her to stop....

"Alas~ forget it..."

Bayi Yonglin sighed helplessly, she had to stop it, but she couldn't stop it!

Kaguya must not be able to convince, even if she persuaded Su Feng, the root problem was still not solved!

Bayi Yonglin suddenly gave birth to a feeling of weakness.

"....., I'll pay attention to this later.

Yonglin, don't worry. "

Penglai Mountain Kaguya, who thought that Bayi Yonglin sighed because of his mistake and exchanged the Penglai jade branch, opened his mouth to assure Bayi Yonglin.

I don't know at all that the reason why Bayi Yonglin really sighs is actually that she has become a game house.

Even if he knew, Penglai Mountain Kaguya would definitely not change.

Forever Pavilion is very boring, fantasy township to tell the truth, although the scenery is good, but after watching for a long time, there is no feeling.

What's so interesting about the game?

Perfect for passing the time!

“....... Her Royal Highness has a good idea. "

After two seconds of silence, Bayi Yonglin turned around and left Penglai Mountain Kaguya's room.

Anyway, this is the life that Penglai Mountain Kaguya chose herself, and she simply came directly from Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

Anyway, it is very safe in Fantasy Township, and it is impossible for Moon Night to see Zun on the moon capital to hit Fantasy Township.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya continues to be addicted to the game, at least, in the case of guests, as well as at the banquet, Penglai Mountain Kaguya still does a very good job.

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