"How long are they going to fight?"

Looking at the empty eight-eyed eel bucket, Misty looked up at Su Feng and the two who were fighting in the air, and said a little dazedly.

At this time, it was already the afternoon of the second day, and all the inventory she had brought in from Su Feng was sold out.

I can only bake some other things, but there is not enough alcohol.

Recently, Mistia has purchased from Su Feng, and it is Su Feng who is cheap and good.

But now it is obviously impossible to find Su Feng, because Su Feng and Kazemi Yuxiang are still fighting in the air.

"This depends on Youxiang, if Youxiang feels happy, he won't fight."

But if Yuka hits the head, it may continue to fight.

It didn't matter if there was no eight-eyed eel, Yuyuko brought the foodie tablecloth that Su Feng had entrusted to create.

We still have food, so let's borrow your venue. "

Yayunzi didn't know when Su Feng and Kazemi Youxiang were going to fight.

But there is no big problem, when Yuyuko came over, she specially put on the foodie tablecloth, and she ate and drank without worry.

This was the first time that Mistia had seen a foodie tablecloth, and it was also the first time that most of the monsters present had seen a foodie tablecloth.

Seeing Yayunzi ordering food on the foodie tablecloth, then the foodie tablecloth itself showed the corresponding food.

While expressing surprise, they were relieved.

Since there is no shortage of food and wine, let's continue to watch!

Then, a month passed!

The battle between Su Feng and Kazemi Yuxiang still did not stop, and the tired look in Su Feng's eyes could not be hidden at all.

But the wind sees that the fragrance is that he can't take Su Feng, and even occasionally he will be suppressed by Su Feng and fight back.

And Mistia's barbecue stall, most of the monsters in Fantasy Township all came over, just as a banquet.

It's time to eat, it's time to drink, and then watch the battle in the air.

Except for one person who is an exception, and that is Shotmarufumi, although a month has passed.

But the shadow brought by Su Feng was still shrouded in Shooting Pill Wen.

Now no matter what Shotmarufumi ate, he felt like he was eating the Devil Fruit, and he couldn't stop vomiting.

According to the on-site diagnosis of Yayi Yonglin, it is said that the shooting pill is a stress trauma, and the treatment is simple, as long as you drink a tube of medicine.

However, Shotou Pill mentally agreed to drink the medicine, but his body refused, and as soon as he drank it, he was spit out.

Therefore, Shotmaruwen can only sit alone on the tree trunk now, holding his knees with his hands, and looking up at Su Feng with resentment.

Waiting for the battle between Su Feng and Kazemi Yuxiang to end, find a way to let Su Feng help.

Anyway, now Shooting Pill Wen does not dare to write about Su Feng in the Wen Wen Daily anymore.

Long memory! Really long memory!

Su Feng really did what she said, and she was very impressed.

The tragic situation of shooting Maruwen also made the big monsters in Fantasy Township reacquaint themselves with Su Feng.

Although Su Feng was quite kind and casual before, if he really annoyed Su Feng, Shotmaru Wen was an example!

As for the battle between Su Feng and Kazemi Yuka that lasted for a month, this was expected by them.

Who is the wind and fragrance? What about the tyrant of flowers!

Su Feng is even more difficult, and it is not too much to even regard Su Feng as a creator who has not yet grown up!

In this case, it is only a month of fighting, and it is still early.

"Youxiang is really on top, but it still can't beat Su Feng.

This battle is estimated to last a long time'~"

Looking up at the two who were fighting in the air, Yakumo Zi sipped the wine over and over again, while whispering softly.

Sure enough, as expected by Yayunzi, Su Feng's battle with Kazemi Yuxiang lasted another month. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Su Feng finally couldn't bear it, and chose to directly increase his strength, forcefully crush the wind and see the fragrance, and end this two-month battle!

And the wind sees the fragrance is also no way, her strength is very strong, but Su Feng opens the plug-in!

The strength can be improved at any time, say and you five or five, just open with you, say ruthlessly crush, then directly ruthlessly crush the past.

It does not leave a trace of room for manipulation at all.

Even if it was a perfect defense, it was still forcibly caught by Su Feng's improved strength.

With one move of the guillotine, the wind and fragrance were split from the sky, hundreds of meters underground.

Then he was washed out by Su Feng.

But at this time, the wind was fragrant, and the fighting intent in his eyes had completely disappeared.

The body is also embarrassed, after all, Su Feng and the wind see Yuxiang have been fighting for two months.

Su Feng's body was no better.

With a wave of his hand, Su Feng helped Fengjian Youxiang treat the injuries in his body, and helped Fengjian Youxiang sort out his appearance for free.

At the same time, his body is also completely new.

His eyes flashed with a shimmer in his eyes, and while the environment was restored as before, it also accelerated the growth of plants and caught up with the seasons in a very short time.

"Very enjoyable fighting, comfortable.

If you call me Huama, I won't pursue you. "

After moving his body twice, the smile on Kazemi's face became elegant and easygoing again. Softly said to Su Feng.

Hearing this, Su Feng was also relieved, fortunately, Feng saw that Yuxiang did not ask to continue fighting.

Otherwise, he may really not be able to hold on, and he must go back to rest for a while.

After sorting out his mood, Su Feng followed the wind and fragrance to the barbecue stall of the night finch.

In the past two months of watching the battle, whether it was the wind and the fragrance or Su Feng, they all knew.

But what Su Feng didn't expect was that the big mouth of Calamity Spirit Dream actually directly said the reason why he and Kazemi Yuxiang fought.

The little (good) heart glanced at the wind and saw the fragrance, and after seeing that the wind saw the fragrance, Su Feng breathed a sigh of relief again.

He was really worried, and the wind saw that Yuxiang temporarily repented and pulled him to fight again!

However, Su Feng was about to order from Mistia, when a black shot should have suddenly struck.

Subconsciously, Su Feng just threw a punch, and then hurriedly reacted, retracted the strength, and stopped his fist in mid-air.

Shotmaru also stopped in place with a shame, looked at the fist less than ten centimeters from his brain, and swallowed.

But immediately, Marufumi's gaze became firm.

"Brother Su Feng, I promise you that I will write truthfully about your reports in the future.

I won't write any lace news about you, and I won't add any more oil and vinegar!

Can you please give me a candy that the evil spirit dream ate before?

I really know it's wrong. "。

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