"Sure enough, you're all here."

Inside the Boli Shrine, Su Feng had just walked through the torii gate and saw the Boli Lingmeng and Ibuki Zhuoxiang lying on the roof, as well as the Misty Rain Demon Risha.

There are also three bowls of sake around.

"Why did you have time today to come to the Hiroshi Shrine?

Get me a cold beer, it's been pretty hot lately. "

The waist sat up from the tile hard, and Bo Lilingmeng was not polite to Su Feng, and said directly.

Can't let Su Feng help, but it's always no problem to order wine for Su Feng, right?

The recent day is indeed hot, and sake that what is the cold beer comfortable?

"It's so hot, you still run to the roof?

Give, cold beer. "

With a glance at Boli Lingmeng, Su Feng complained while creating a cold beer and handing it to Boli Lingmeng.

It is true that the recent days have been quite hot, but on a hot day, running to the roof and lying on the tiles, isn't this looking for guilt?

Although, in the realm of Bo Li Lingmeng, this level of heat will not be put in the eyes at all.

"It's not Cuixiang yet, I have to run to the roof to drink.

Moreover, the view here is not bad. "

The Hiri Shrine is built on the top of a large mountain, and you can see from the rooftop.

After passing the torii, you can see the scenery under the mountain in Fantasy Town, and the view is very open.

If you don't consider the hot weather, drinking on the roof is indeed a good choice.

Therefore, the three of Bo Li Lingmeng ran up to drink.

"But drinking on the roof is a novel experience.

I've never tried it before, and I ran up here to drink.

This can be regarded as three days without fighting, go to the house to reveal the tiles? "

Su Feng took a sip of wine silently, looked down the torii, and while agreeing with Bo Lilingmeng's statement, he also opened his mouth to complain.

The vision is good, and drinking on the roof, for Su Feng, it is still the first time.

"Where are your proverbs?

It's quite interesting. "

Sitting on the roof, Su Feng and the four slowly drank like this.

While drinking, make small talk.

The time of the day passed quietly.

By sunset, the battlefield has changed.

From the roof of Hari Shrine, it became the torii gate of Hari Shrine.

Watching the sunset from here is also a good experience.

And Su Feng, in just one day today, experienced the double happiness of drinking on the roof and drinking on the torii.

As well as the double freshness, I only felt that the decision to come to Hari Shrine was really the right thing.

"Well, the time is about the same, it's time to go back and tidy up, and then go to Tia's place and eat barbecue."

As the sun set, Su Feng also slowly stood up on the torii, stretched out, and spoke with a little lazy opening in his tone.

Go back and tidy up your personal hygiene, and it's time to change venues and continue drinking.

"Again, go to Mistia's place every day and eat roasted hachime eel.

Wouldn't it be boring? "

Also getting up from the torii, Boli Lingmeng began to complain about Su Feng.

After all, Su Feng went to Mistya's place every night, and it had been a while.

"It's not a question of whether you will get tired of eating grilled hachime eel.

It's not a question of whether to drink or not, the main thing is that there, I get to know you better.

Occasionally, people will come over and drink alcohol to vent their depression and so on.

Just right, I can join in, get to know you better, and make more friends.

By the way, you can also listen to gossip. "

Eating hachime eel every day, of course, you will get tired of it.

But this is not important to Su Feng, it's just a drink.

The reason why I go by every day is to listen to gossip and get to know them better.

The more he knew them, the more real Su Feng would have.

It is clearer to realize that he has come to the real fantasy town, not a dream. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And he can also hear gossip that he can't hear on weekdays, so why not Su Feng?

"Knowing that we still have friends or something, I see it as an excuse.

Listen to gossip when it's true.

Then you might as well go directly to Wen Wen, she has the most gossip in her hands.

After all, it is journalists who run around every day. "

Hearing this, Mo Lisha pouted, and he could see Su Feng's true purpose at a glance.

What to make friends, what to know about fantasy town, are just excuses.

More not to listen to gossip?

"Wen Wen, I feel that it is better to avoid her recently.

After all, she was so impressed that I guess now I'm going to find Wen Wen.

Wen Wen may be frightened and run on the spot. "

When it comes to shooting pills, Su Feng is not ready to meet her, at least not recently.

Last time, the impression she left on Marufumi was too deep.

So much so, Shotmaru Fumiyu was deliberately avoiding him.

As long as he appears, Shotmarufumi basically will not appear.

Originally, he clearly sensed that Marufumi was hiding in a tree inside the Hiri Shrine.

But as he walked past the torii, Marufumi slipped away silently.

"After all, I was fed so many devil fruits, if it were me, I would also avoid you."

Listening to Ibuki Suika's complaints, Su Feng shrugged his shoulders, raised his feet and disappeared on the torii gate of the Bori Shrine.

"It's really said to go, Lingmeng, do you want to go to Mistia in the evening?"

Maybe you can really hear some gossip? "

After casually pouring a sip of wine, Ibuki Chuxiang complained, and began to invite Bo Li Lingmeng.

Life in Fantasy Country is still quite boring, and they don't like to play any video games.

So, if you can hear any gossip in the past, Ibuki feels that she can go over today and try her luck.

What if you really hear some gossip?

"I'm not going to go (promised), I still have to clean."

"What about Morisha?"

"I'm going to find Alice."

"Then I'll go alone."

After getting the answer from Bori Lingmeng and the two, Ibuki decided to go to Mistia's barbecue stall alone.

By the time Izukuka came to Mistia's barbecue stall, Su Feng was already drinking wine and chatting with the people on the side.

And what surprised Yi Bui Cuixiang a little was that the person sitting next to Su Feng was actually Yayun Blue!

The nine golden tails on the back are too easy to distinguish.

"You say, why did Lord Zi recognize my tail hair?

Every time I was in a bad mood, I plucked my tail hair, it hurt not to mention, and the tail hair was still plucked bare. "

Taking a sip of wine, Yakumo Lan spoke with some resentment.

Yi Bui Cuixiang, who was about to say hello to Su Feng, froze slightly, this is really what she can listen to for free?!。

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