Night is empty.

In Mistia's barbecue stall, Su Feng and Morisha were drinking and chatting together.

Mistia and the other monsters who came to drink on the side looked at Morisha in amazement.

Those who know Morisha know that this is Morisha, and those who don't know it all think that this is a version of Lingmeng separated from Bo Li Lingmeng.

Looks pretty good to get along with.

The monsters were thinking this in their hearts, but suddenly they all quieted down and silently gathered together to warm up.

At the same time, Su Feng also felt a killing intent attack!


"Not only gloating, but even bringing Morisha to Misia here for a drink,

I said that when I was looking for Morisha for a late-night snack, why did Morisha disappear...."

Holding the imperial coin in one hand and the talisman card in the other, Bo Li Lingmeng stood behind Su Feng with anger on his face.

She said how to say that they had a late-night snack together, but Morisha suddenly disappeared?

It turned out that he was abducted by Su Feng to drink!

If it is usual, forget it, the key is that now, Morisha is still in the state of transforming into a calamity dream!

"Su Feng, 917 Lingmeng is very angry now, I hope you can be strong.

Don't hang up~"

Calamity Lingmeng also followed Bo Lilingmeng's side, looked at Su Feng with a smile, and began to gloat.

Before, it was Su Feng who watched their liveliness, but she didn't expect retribution to come so quickly, and now it was her turn to watch Su Feng's liveliness!

In anger, Bo Li Lingmeng, imperial coins and talismans were all ready, which was obviously going to strike at Su Feng!

"Oh~ It's Lingmeng, what a coincidence, you also come here to drink."

Come and come, you're welcome, today I have a treat! "

Turning his head to look at Bo Li Lingmeng, Su Feng calmly greeted Bo Li Lingmeng.

It was as if nothing had happened, if you ignored the space door that was secretly opening under Su Feng's seat.

"Don't think I didn't find out, Scourge Dream, help ban his space door!"


In order to be able to better gloat, Scourge Lingmeng couldn't understand to help Boli Lingmeng, and fell with the voice of Boli Lingmeng.

Calamity Dream directly forcibly used the ability and forcibly closed the space door that Su Feng opened.

It was like Su Feng specially brought Morisha over to drink in order to better gloat (bibb).

"Ahaha~ I said that Lingmeng will be angry, Su Feng, you are miserable~"

Mo Lisha on the side also had a gloating smile on his face, looking like he didn't care about himself, and opened his mouth to joke about Su Fenglai.

Mo Lisha firmly rejected Su Feng's proposal, but she couldn't beat Su Feng, and was forcibly brought over by Su Feng by spatial means.

When they all came, they thought that they had been kidnapped and drank with Su Feng.

But she knew that Bo Li Lingmeng would definitely find out, and at that time, there would definitely be no good fruit for Su Feng to eat!

But Su Feng didn't believe it!

"Morisha, and you!

Obviously knowing that he had now turned into a calamity dream, he also ran out to drink with Su Feng!

I'll clean you up when I get back! "

Just as she glared at Morisha angrily, Bo Li Lingmeng not only wanted to teach Su Feng a lesson today, but she would definitely not let Molisha go after she went back.

If it weren't for Morisha's casual use of unskilled magic, how could these things happen today?!

"Don't be like this~ Lingmeng.

Didn't you say that the magic of Morisha will last for another day?

Now that a day has passed, Morisha's magic should be almost over, right?

At that time, won't all the misunderstandings be solved?

No, not really. "

With a smile and a wave of his hand to Bo Li Lingmeng, Su Feng hurriedly opened his mouth to explain to Bo Li Lingmeng.

Although the original purpose was not this, but now Boli Lingmeng is obviously still angry, pick some good words, and let Boli Lingmeng dissipate his anger first.

Isn't it easy to do later?

"Morisa's magic does last for a day, and that's exactly what I said in the morning.

However, I am not talking about today, tomorrow will last a whole day!

I believe that you absolutely understood at that time! "

Bo Li Lingmeng looked at Su Feng with an unkind face, and his gaze gradually became dangerous. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She didn't believe that Su Feng would not understand what she meant at that time.

Now, what Su Feng said is definitely just an excuse!

"Would you believe it if I said, I really misunderstood?"

Seeing that Bo Li Lingmeng was not fooled by himself, Su Feng was naturally unwilling, and immediately smiled and spoke again.

It was as if Su Feng really misunderstood.

"Sorry, I don't believe it at all!

Can't play here, follow me, even if I may not be able to beat you, I will fight you! "

With a cold snort, Bo Lilingmeng didn't believe what Su Feng was saying now, reached out and grabbed Su Feng's clothes, and was about to drag Su Feng to turn and leave.

No matter what Su Feng said today, she wouldn't listen to it, and she had to fight with Su Feng before she was willing to stop!

And Su Feng did not struggle, the whole person was like a balloon without gravity, taken away by Bo Li Lingmeng.

Seeing this, Mo Li Sha and Calamity Spirit Dream also hurriedly followed the footsteps of Bo Li Ling Meng.

How can this kind of good show be without them as an audience?

"I said Lingmeng, it's really not, I really just misunderstood, I want to help you!"

Dragged in the air by Bo Lilingmeng, Su Feng still opened his mouth without dying, trying to fool through.

Although Bo Li Lingmeng really couldn't beat him, Su Feng really didn't want to fight with Bo Li Lingmeng.

No, it's not just Bo Li Lingmeng, but it should be said that Su Feng really doesn't want to fight with others now!

The previous battle with Kazami Yuka lasted for two months, but now the stamina has not disappeared.

I'm not interested in fighting at all!

"I don't care, you have to fight with me today until I lose my breath!"

Don't think I don't know, what you're saying now is an excuse, in fact, you just want to see the excitement.

Deliberately put the magic salad out! "

No matter how Su Feng explained it, Boli Lingmeng had already sensed Su Feng's thoughts and didn't listen to Su Feng at all!

She's just lazy, not stupid! And there is also a calamity dream with the same idea, and the two agree very much, which makes Bo Li Lingmeng firmly believe in his guess!

Seeing that the explanation did not make sense, Su Feng directly began to put it on the ground, or in other words, play a scoundrel.

"Then feel free, the stamina that fought with Kazami Yuka for two months last time is still there, and I am not interested in fighting or something.

I don't resist, you feel free, you can't hurt me anyway.

You can't hit me, and when you get tired, you are probably willing to stop. "。

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