It's just a defeat play triggered by Clotier, the heroine, going somewhere else.

The only two people who can trigger the plot in the church are Bishop Horace and Sister Belinda.

The plot triggered by the public-faced believer in the confessional room is not included for the time being.

It's just that now the plot has been forcibly interfered by Noah, and it is completely different from the original development.

So it is not impossible for the succubus to appear in the church and attack Clotier.

The church is a sacred place, and it is only declared that monsters cannot enter.

In fact, the fundamental reason why monsters do not enter the church is because the church has set up advanced holy light magic circles around the cathedral.

And the magic circle consumes a lot of magic power, so Horace, who has the final say in the Water City Cathedral, has secretly closed the magic circle.

The old man also used the saved magic resources to sell money, mainly selling wool from a church.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the succubus can enter the cathedral openly.

However, what Clotier told Noah still made him find it particularly interesting.

That succubus actually turned into a nun in a dream, just like she did before losing to the slut/devil, and did she actually act like that?

It's even more advanced than the original game where you turn into a noble lady and make yourself embarrassed.

Noah didn't even think that he could make the nun face her past self in such a way of training, right?

It's a pity that he didn't catch up with such exciting developments in order to see the situation of Huang Mao and the Mistress of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Otherwise, he must have a good chat with that succubus.

"...Father Noah? Is it my imagination that you seem to be happy about my misfortune?"

Because Noah did not hide his interest in the tragedy that happened to her, the nun looked at Noah rather resentfully, and her words also contained strong dissatisfaction.

"It's not an illusion, I'm really interested."

"...I think so, but I hope you can temporarily put aside your extremely bad interests and help me think of a solution."

When Noah showed no intention of restraining himself and even admitted that he was interested, the nun looked disgusted and asked for Noah's help.

Please, although she knows that Noah is not a serious person, can't she be allowed to change her view of Noah a little?

"Even if you say so, didn't your memory break off in the middle? Didn't the last memory just stay when the other party used purification magic to forcibly activate your genitals/patterns? Although even if you have no memory, I You can also imagine what will happen next.”

"Anyway, you must have gone berserk and taught the succubus who looked like you a lesson, right? Humph, that succubus must have been surprised too, to have accidentally preyed on a relative's lewd/demon. "


There is nothing to say, really nothing to say.

Clotier had no other way to express her resistance except staring at Noah with unhappy eyes.

After all, the hypothesis Noah mentioned, she had actually thought that it might actually unfold like that.

Although she couldn't remember the memory, the feeling of being as good as heaven was still lingering in her mind.

That is indeed the feeling that can only be felt when a person is deeply satisfied.

But she could still lose consciousness in the dream... This kind of thing is really strange. When her consciousness disappears, shouldn't the dream also disappear?

It cannot be said that Clotier did not notice this problem.

But the thought that the other party was a succubus was not something that could be understood with common sense, so she chose not to take it seriously.

Anyway, we can ask clearly once we catch the opponent's true form.

"Don't look at me as if I was the one who caused you to be attacked by a succubus. It's better for me to look at the scene for you first."

Seeing that the nun's patience had almost reached its limit, Noah gave up on her idea of ​​having fun and started walking around the room where the confessional was, trying to find some clues.

This made Clotier feel a little better.

But it was just a little bit. She looked at Noah who was looking around the room, and her expression was not very happy.

Please, if you know that the succubi invaded from dreams, how could Noah find traces in reality.

She originally wanted to say something to mock Noah, but she found that Noah seemed to be looking around very seriously, which made her swallow the words that were about to reach her lips again.

"Well, I didn't find it."

But when Noah looked like, 'How interesting! ’ when he told her with a wicked smile that he didn’t find anything.

Clotier still couldn't help showing an angry look.

"So please be patient with your true thoughts! I'm really troubled, okay!"

"——Although no physical traces were found, it is not completely fruitless. I can conclude that the succubus was invited here."


Because Noah suddenly gave a conclusion that was beyond Clotier's expectations, her eyes widened.

Invited? How could it be? Who is it?

It can’t be herself!

And how did Noah know so clearly?

"As a special priest who investigates the movements of demons, I naturally have special magic similar to your purification magic to strengthen the investigation traces. The conclusion I came to after entering the confession room and using magic just now is that in this cathedral Someone once took the initiative to invite the succubus."

Because the nun's current expression was very easy to understand, Noah could see through her thoughts at a glance.

So he put on the air of a reliable investigative master and talked nonsense in a serious manner.

Clotier's face gradually regained her composure when she heard this. She frowned her beautiful white eyebrows and thought about whether she had met anyone suspicious in the cathedral recently.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence that you noticed it, otherwise you wouldn't leave the suspicious people alone, but since the other party succeeded once, it is very likely that there will be a second time. Please pay more attention to the people in the cathedral recently. We might meet the culprit who invited the succubus."

Noah looked at the nun who was gradually calming down.

I thought to myself that this nun was really as gullible as ever.

Of course that kind of thing is nonsense from Noah.

But Noah wants to use this so-called succubus to make the nun realize that the cathedral is not sacred at all, and to speed up the destruction of her faith in the church.

"...I understand, thank you, Father Noah, I will pay more attention to it alone."

At this time, the nun, who didn’t know that she had been deceived by Noah, or that her conclusion had misled Noah, also regained her composure, folded her hands in front of her, and politely expressed her gratitude to Noah. .

Now that she knows that the person who caused her to suffer such unfair treatment often comes to the cathedral, she must be more energetic to punish the evil sinner.

After all, she is only one person and must be careful.

"I'm not asking you to work hard alone. In fact, I also plan to do some activities in Water City recently. Let's work hard together."


However, just when Clodier was ready to fight alone, Noah suddenly said something in a casual tone that she couldn't pretend she hadn't heard.

191. Noah: Miss nun, who did you just say you wanted to assist?

Clotier was originally prepared to fight alone.

As a result, I suddenly heard Noah say that he would also be doing activities in the water city recently, and he immediately felt a different kind of peace of mind.

It’s true that this is the church that Noah belongs to, but she doesn’t actually get to see Noah much in a day.

Yesterday, I didn't see Noah's shadow all day long.

When she didn't think Noah could help her, Noah suddenly told her he could help.

This made Clotier feel much more at ease.

She even couldn't believe that Noah was willing to help her, so she accidentally showed a surprised expression.

"What's wrong, Miss Sister? Did I say something strange?"

Noah actually knew why Clotier looked at him in surprise, but he still deliberately pretended not to know and asked back.

Of course, there was an obviously malicious smile on his face.

"No, it's nothing. I'm just surprised that you suddenly looked like a priest for a moment."

Realizing that she seemed to be vaguely expecting and reassuring just now, Clotier quickly put her hand to her mouth and pretended to cough a few times to hide her embarrassment.

But her slightly blushing face betrayed that she was feeling embarrassed because of her gaffe.

"What does it mean to look like a priest? As you can see, I am a real priest."

Noah was not happy when he heard this. In terms of divine feeling, he shouldn't be bad at all, right?

how? Doesn’t the evil god’s sense of holiness count as a sense of holiness?

"...But you have never done anything serious like a priest, right? If you have no choice, just let me help you."

Despite Clotier's helpless attitude of a top student taking care of a poor student, she was actually happy inside.

Although Noah's style is very annoying to her, the only one who knows her inside story and can provide help is Noah.

"Oh? Help me, Miss Sister, you really know how to say nice things. So what are you going to do specifically?"

Seeing that Clodier was concealing his shyness and joy, Asasi's hero would have blushed and smiled as if he hadn't seen it.

But of course the rude and savage Noah chose to smile evilly and asked her what specifically he could help with.

"Of course it's the neatness of the clothes. As a priest, you must maintain a good image at all times in order to give believers a sense of security. Wearing casual clothes is definitely not enough."

The nun who was secretly enjoying herself did not notice the malicious smile on Noah's face.

She also held out a finger slightly proudly, like a top student answering the teacher's question, and gave the standard answer seriously.

"For example, Father Noah..."

It was just when she subconsciously thought that Noah would definitely not dress well, and she planned to point that out and help Noah sort out his clothes with her own hands.

Only then did she notice that Noah's priestly dress was very standard, with nothing to fault.

This made her originally proud expression freeze.

"Like what? Sister Clotier."

Normally, Noah calls Clodier "Miss Nun" with obvious ridicule.

When Noah used the formal name of ‘Sister Clotilde’ to address her, it was obvious that he had entered the so-called ‘working’ state.

But at this time, using the work name can make her more teasing.

In fact, after Noah called her like this, the nun was even more embarrassed.

“Ahem… No, nothing, your appearance is very up to standard, but, but just having your appearance up to standard is not enough. As a priest, you can naturally listen to the troubles of believers. It’s not okay to chat with people casually like you did last time.”

In order to save her own gaffe, the nun pretended not to care and tried to keep a serious expression.

She extended her second finger to remind Noah that in addition to appearance, work ability is also very important.

“Father Noah, Sister Clotilde, there is a believer outside who wants to confess. Who of you has time to help guide this poor person who accidentally made a mistake.”

Just at this time, the door of the room was pushed open. It turned out that a believer was going to use the confessional.

Hearing this, Clothier's eyes brightened up obviously. It was a good opportunity to let Noah see what it meant to help believers in a normal way.

But before she could speak, she heard Noah say to the nun who opened the door:

"I know, let me do it."


Clothier turned back and looked at Noah, obviously not believing that Noah dared to take this responsibility on his own initiative.

"Okay, Sister Clothier, I'm going to the listening room to wait for the forgiveness of the believer's sins. You must take the believer to the confessional room."

But Noah didn't care about Clothier's surprise, but waved her hand and took the initiative to walk towards the listening room of the confessional.

His confidence left Clothier speechless.

Okay, then she would wait outside the door of the room after leading the other party in.

She wanted to see if Noah could make the believer with a heavy heart look better.

"Eh? Sister Clotilde? Could it be you?"

When a middle-aged man with a heavy expression walked into the room, he was immediately startled by Clotilde who was waiting to receive him at the door.

Because if it was Clotilde, he would not be able to confess his sins at all.

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