PS. Uh, sorry! I went out to play today so I can’t add more updates! tomorrow! There will be three more chapters tomorrow!

25. Who are you talking about being arrogant? I think you are the arrogant one.

From time to time, monsters that have never been seen appear in the suburbs near the royal capital. People interpret this as the product of mutation after being exposed to the evil aura.

Generally speaking, people don't go out of their way to kill all the monsters outside the town, because first of all, it's difficult to kill them all because there are so many monsters.

Secondly, even if all the monsters were eliminated after spending a lot of manpower and financial resources, the number of monsters would rise rapidly in just a few days for some reason until they returned to their original state.

Therefore, people finally decided to just leave it alone and coexist with ordinary monsters.

But mutant monsters are an exception. After all, mutant monsters are generally very powerful individually and are immune to the smell of potions that can expel ordinary monsters. If they are not dealt with early, the number of victims will increase significantly.

Generally, the work of hunting monsters will be left to the private adventurers association. When the impact is too great, the official knights will be dispatched.

This time the monster was something that the adventurers in the capital could not solve, so Valentina decided to deal with it on behalf of the Knights.

She felt a little nervous about this, but Noah, who was following her, didn't take it seriously.

Because he knew that this monster was destined to be destroyed by Valentina.

And he also knew that he seemed to be suspected of being a good person.

Valentina thought she hid it well, but Noah knew her height, weight, and measurements very well, so he had long seen through the suspicion in her eyes.

I'm afraid Valentina is already suspecting that he is not a fun-loving villain.

However, Noah was not in a hurry to explain. He deliberately appeared in front of Valentina pretending not to notice. In fact, he planned to let Valentina know more about the dangers of the human heart.

Unknowingly, it had been more than an hour since she left the royal capital. Just when Valentina felt that she had gone too far, she decided to go back and continue looking for the target monster.

But the other party took the initiative to appear in front of her.

And in a form she didn't expect.

"...I always feel like someone is watching you, haven't you noticed, Princess?

Noah, who had been quiet for about five minutes, suddenly made a voice unexpectedly and stopped Valentina, who was looking for traces of the monster in front of her.

"Well, no... you must be expecting me to answer like this, and then say that you are looking at me, but I don't even know this, I am no different from a blind person, and then laugh at me for not paying attention, right?"

Valentina turned her gaze from the ground in front of her to Noah behind her. Her delicate and handsome face was full of disgust, and she vividly described a possible future in words.

"I didn't say that. It was just a delusion that you were being persecuted. Fortunately, I had the kindness to remind you. Then don't blame me if you are eaten by a monster that is good at hiding?"

Of course, Noah will not be helpless just because Valentina predicts a future. He can still seize any opportunity to shake Valentina's heart.

It's just that this time he didn't deliberately look for trouble. In fact, he really felt that besides him, there was something else staring at Valentina.

"You don't need to worry, I will take care of myself...!?"

Just when Valentina subconsciously refuted Noah's words.

But she was shocked by the bizarre sight in front of her.

It’s the target monster!

A huge python monster actually swallowed the evil god right in front of her!

It was a huge gray-black python that seemed to be more than ten meters long. It opened its bloody mouth and could easily swallow it, let alone a human being. Even a cow could easily swallow it.

The moment she saw the black figure that upset her being swallowed by the python monster, Valentina felt a strong sense of panic and worry.

"Oh, it was so scary. I almost got eaten."

But when she was about to rush forward and chop the monster python into several pieces of snake meat, and rescue Noah from the body.

Noah's frivolous voice, with no trace of tension at all, sounded beside her.

Noah, who had escaped at some point or in what way, was standing next to her intact, and was even sighing there.


The moment she saw that the other person was still alive and well, Valentina suddenly felt an inexplicable shame.

What's going on with her? Obviously she should also know that the evil god will not be eaten so easily, so why should she worry?

Could it be that she really likes to be treated like a toy by the evil god and is a masochist?

Valentina didn't quite understand this feeling, so she fell into a slight wavering.

"Ah, by the way, Your Highness Princess, I forgot to tell you. In fact, although I seem to be fine, it is actually true. However, because I was indeed eaten by that monster just now, I 'accidentally' It leaked a little bit of magic to it, so it got trickier."

However, as Noah's completely playful remarks came to an end, Valentina immediately realized that something was not right and quickly went to observe the status of the python monster.


As expected, as Noah said, the monster that originally looked scary suddenly became violent. Its appearance, especially its pattern, seemed to have undergone slight changes, and it immediately attacked in the direction of Valentina.

"What do you mean by careless? You did it on purpose, didn't you?!"

Although she immediately drew out the long sword at her waist and jumped aside to avoid the attack of the python monster, she still understood from the strong wind caused by the python monster's agility that this was another battle that could not be won by human strength, so she couldn't help but complain loudly.

"Ah, exposed? But even if you are exposed, you have no other way. Come on, if you die accidentally, I will collect your body for you. By the way, it seems that it is also good to transform into your appearance and live in your place~"

Noah's completely irresponsible and even irritating voice seemed to come from all directions, and the last sentence was said in her voice.

Live in her place? !

How can there be such an unreasonable thing!

Is this evil god not a tsundere, but an evil existence that really makes fun of her!

Gu! What a joke! She will not die here! How can the evil god succeed!

Thinking about how the evil version of herself, who was incarnated by Noah, would get along with Alan and Clyde, Valentina felt a chill.

Because she felt that in that future, Alan and Clyde would definitely be played badly by Noah!

Even if it was to protect those two, she absolutely could not die here!

Suddenly, Valentina, who was eager to fight, no longer hesitated to use the power of the evil dragon. She stretched out her wings from behind and started fighting with the violent snake with a sharp blade in hand.

It was funny to say that Alan was the yellow-haired man who played with Valentina in the original work, but now he became the victim who needed protection in Valentina's heart.

In order to prevent Noah, the real yellow-haired man, from succeeding, Valentina really risked her life and started fighting with the violent monster close to level 90.

Seeing how hard she fought, Noah, who was watching her gritting her teeth and fighting bravely from a high place, could not help but smile with a smug smile.

Just kidding, if he is misunderstood as a good god, wouldn't his plan be ruined?

After all, Valentina must hate him.

Don't blame him, if he doesn't get used to it and learn to resist, he will be threatened by Alan with the life of Clyde, the victim, and then he will become the poor heroine who is bullied.

26. This time the heroine is really defeated

In the original work, if Valentina loses to the snake monster, she will be tied up and taken back to the cave by the monster, and then she will be violated by a group of smaller young snakes. The explanation in the game is that the magic power is extracted from Valentina so that she can grow up quickly.

There is no need to say more about the explanation outside the game, and naturally, other defeat plays can't be thought of.

However, because of Noah's interference, it is more difficult for Valentina to lose now. After all, she is now at least LV95. As long as she doesn't want to lose, she will definitely not lose.

By the way, when Noah and Valentina, who was still a human, officially met about a week ago, she was already LV60.

The battle sister Clotilde who invaded the Fury Group alone was LV80, the same level as Marlo.

Although the games are different, the values ​​should not be much different. If Marlo was still there at the time, it is hard to say who would win.

Clotilde was deceived by the LV70 demon at the beginning of her game and her power was taken away. Not only did her level return to LV1.

The demon's level was also upgraded to LV88, from a mid-level demon to a high-level demon, and even had the power to have followers.

One of the bad endings is that Clotilde became the demon she despised the most, or a low-level demon with almost no rationality, a pathetic and low-level creature who only knew how to attack men. It can't be said to be miserable.

But since Noah had already reminded her, Noah thought that even if she didn't listen completely, she should at least be careful, so as not to be so unlucky and go the original route.

...She really went.

Because Valentina had a slight advantage in the following battle, and she could win as long as she had time, Noah temporarily began to use the magic circle to observe the situation on Clotil's side.

It's nothing, as long as he remembers the magic fluctuations of a specific object, Noah can observe whenever he wants, and this kind of thing is not a difficult task for Noah, who is currently serving as a hidden boss.

But when he observed the scene of the heroine of another work who appeared in this world for unknown reasons, he was speechless by the other party's actions.

Because the nun in the picture was experiencing the prologue of the original work at this time, investigating the coma of an adult male in a certain city, and as expected, found the first "female victim".

She didn't think it was strange that a female victim appeared in a male coma case. She thought that the other party was a victim involved in other incidents. She wanted to go up to rescue him, but he was kidnapped by the criminal who suddenly appeared and was being chased desperately.

From her anxious and anxious reaction, she didn't realize that this was a trap. If nothing unexpected happened, it would probably be an accident.

If this continues, the original plot will probably unfold.

So will Noah appear in front of her to help her?


The answer is no. Noah just looked coldly at the nun who was deceived by the devil in the picture, neither angry nor anxious.

It's not that Noah doesn't want to help her, but Noah doesn't want to be her male nanny for the rest of her life. He has already warned her to be careful of the demon who attacks her. If she still falls for it, then Noah thinks that Clotilde is destined to suffer this.

It's better to let her suffer a little, otherwise she will be the kind of mysterious self-confidence that is bound by common sense and thinks that the teachings of the church are completely correct.

Let's wait until she is really given a silver line in the abdomen by the demon and her level returns to level one.

Besides, Noah is still busy.

He still has to induce the heroine on his side to fall into the devil.

It should be over now. He hasn't heard the sound of fighting since just now. Is she exhausted and panting on the ground to rest?

It seems that it's time to laugh at her and continue to reduce her favorability.

Giving up on observing the nun who is marching towards the future of being defeated by the demon, Noah began to refocus on the reality in front of him.

He looked down while floating in the sky, trying to find the body of the gray-black giant python.

But strangely, he didn't find it.

Neither the gray-black giant python nor the exhausted black-winged silver-haired princess could be found.

"Well, it's really strange. Even if they died together, there shouldn't be any residue left."

However, Noah didn't feel impatient about it, but calmly analyzed the most outrageous situation. If the violent giant python that was about to be defeated exploded itself, it would not be impossible to blow Valentina to death, but there was no such trace on the ground.

Noah felt that this should not be the ending.

"Huh? What? It turned out that the battlefield was moved. No wonder I suddenly couldn't hear the sound of fighting just now."

Fortunately, Noah didn't look for too long. He didn't even need to search for Valentina's magic fluctuations to locate her. The sound of a huge python rustling on fallen leaves came from other directions in the woods.

Judging from the size of the sound, it must not be an ordinary snake monster. It is probably the mutant giant python.

Since he knew the location, Noah didn't waste any more time and just floated over like a ghost.

His personality is not frivolous or leisurely.

Such behavior is purely annoying and hateful.

Think about it, when you are exhausted cleaning someone's ass, that person not only walks slowly, but also comes to mock you with a smirk on his face. You must be very angry, right?

This is the effect Noah wants.

The so-called evil god, Noah thinks, is to make fun of humans. Even if he seems to like a certain human, he will not feel sorry if he accidentally kills him. He is an arrogant god who is heartless and does not take human life seriously.

Even if Noah is not such a character, he wants Valentina to think so.

However, as the distance gets closer, Noah's relaxed expression becomes more and more unhappy.

The reason is simple, because the closer he gets, the more he finds that the gray-black giant python that is also slowly shuttling through the woods is very different from his impression.

Specifically, the upper body of this giant python is not a snake, but the upper body of a human girl.

The gray-white long hair is draped over the snow-white shoulders, and there is no cover on the beautiful skin. Under the sunlight shining through the woods, it shines with a sexy luster, and two round fruits grow there naturally, exuding an alluring smell.

The moment their eyes met, the girl's snake-like pupils immediately dilated, and a twisted and evil smile appeared on her beautiful face, staring greedily at Noah in the sky as if she saw an unusually delicious prey.

Noah, who was very familiar with that face and that body, did not look away. Instead, his eyes became sharper, and he sneered at the embarrassing guy in front of him more seriously than before.

"…I see, because of my interference, there is still this kind of defeat play after losing, but it's really embarrassing, Princess, look at your ugly appearance! Even if you are corrupted, don't be dominated by the instinct of the monster, okay? Why are you spitting out your tongue, do you still want to eat me?"

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