"...Sister Belinda? Why are you here?"

Clotier also had the same question.

Because the other party was none other than Belinda, a nun who worked in Water City. She was different from when she was always smiling. She was looking here with a sad expression.

"It was Bishop Horace and Bishop Dete who arranged for me to come and take Sister Hilda away. The two bishops had long felt that Sister Hilda was acting strangely, so they asked me to spy on her."

"But I still lost her. I didn't expect that she would come to Custom Street, and she also met Sister Clothier, but it seems that I arrived at the right time."

Belinda, who walked with her hands folded in front of her legs, full of nun manners, approached the two of them and explained the situation on her side.

To put it simply, Horace of the water capital and the bishop serving in this small city saw that there was something wrong with Hilda and asked her to be responsible for monitoring. If there was any abnormality, Clotier could deal with it.

Although the battle was over when she arrived and there was no way she could help, it was still possible to bring Hilda back to the church.

"Really... I'm sorry to bother you, I think as long as I put her in a room alone for the time being and seal the room with holy light magic, there won't be any big problem."

Since it was two bishops who spoke together, and the other party was Belinda, their trusted senior, of course Clotier had no doubts, nodded and handed Hilda over.

You must know that Belinda also received guidance and education from Hilda in the monastery, and Belinda will definitely not harm Hilda.

No matter how they say their names, they always have "Da" in them, which means they are like sisters.

The relationship between the two at the back should be no worse than her, the battle nun running around outside.

Moreover, Belinda also took out a long black cloak from under the nun's uniform, which was just enough to cover Hilda's current dress, which was too exciting for men.

No matter how you look at it, Belinda is well prepared.

"Ugh...I didn't expect it to be Belinda...Although it is indeed better than leaving it to the monster directly, it is also very bad...Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?"

"...Please respect yourself, Sister Hilda. You probably don't want to be directly eliminated as a pervert, so just put away your perverted features and leave with me."

"Yes, yes..."

When Hilda complained, Belinda had a sad look on her face, but with trembling hands, she released a little Holy Light magic on her to stimulate the wrinkles on her abdomen.

This made Hilda calm down in an instant. She put away her wings, tail and horns, and left the custom street wearing a long black cloak and being supported by Belinda.

As for why Clotier did not follow, it was because Belinda said that Hilda might not have come alone.

The two bishops hoped that Clotier could look around for suspicious figures in Custom Street.

Although Clodier was also worried that Belinda would be attacked on her way back, Belinda said that she had specially brought a large piece of magic stone with the attribute of Holy Light, so she didn't need to worry.

Therefore, Clotier had no choice but to obey the arrangement, and after watching the two people leave, he began to seriously search for the underground street of custom shops.

It's just that the nun who was so cautious ended up being careless.

Because she had not considered the possibility of whether the other party was Sister Belinda herself.

But it's no wonder. After all, she regarded the previous attack by 'herself' in the confessional as the work of a succubus. It's normal to be careless here.

And from the perspective of the near future, the general idea here is actually correct.

As for the current nun...

——Mr. Noah, if you are caught by me, please explain the current situation to me carefully.

The nun couldn't help but reveal a somewhat ambiguous smile when she thought about asking if she would meet again next time.

Because she felt that Noah would definitely not admit it and pretend to be stupid to the end.

But even that doesn't matter.

Anyway, just by looking at the reaction, she can see some clues.


The nun lady also knows that nun Hilda in the Holy City has been turned into a dependent by that pervert/devil, and the situation here should not be laughed at.

But when she thought that she could finally take revenge on the pervert, and that Noah could tell her the truth, the nun felt that her future was bright.

She still feels that as long as she kills this pervert named Cornelia, the pervert marks on her and Hilda's abdomen will disappear, and Hilda will become a human again.

If Noah were still looking at her, he would definitely laugh at her naivety. After all, the best Clotier can do is to become the pinnacle of pervert/devil and snatch Hilda's retinue from Cornelia. Just the right.

As for Noah, who was supposed to be watching her as the heroine, what was he doing at such a critical time?

Of course it's a passionate game with the heroine who ends in defeat that shouldn't exist!

PS. Second update, there is another update.

248. Valentina’s Evil/Depraved Endings Part Four (?): Flower Demon (1)

Go back in time a little bit.

When Clotier noticed Noah suddenly disappeared.

Noah also returned to the ruined temple first, and then teleported to a copy in the southwest of the kingdom.

The location here is very close to the previous dungeon where Noah and Her Royal Highness visited, both in the west of the kingdom.

But one is west to southwest, and the other is southwest.

The two copies are related according to the original work.

As for the dungeon in the west, it is the base of the lewd/promiscuous cult that believes in the "Goddess of Beauty".

Because it has not been wiped out at this time, the cult should still exist there. After Her Royal Highness destroys this evil god, she will go to clean up the cancer in the country one by one.

...Speaking of which, Her Royal Highness is really patient. Noah thought that Her Royal Highness wanted to get rid of his restraints a long time ago. So it seems that he still needs to do something to stimulate her.

Of course not now.

What Noah has to face now is the abnormal phenomenon in the dungeon in the southwest of this kingdom.

A monster girl is controlling countless vines and wantonly killing monsters in front of her.

The monster girl has a strange and alien green skin, and dark green leaves and vines are used as "clothing" to cover her body.

On her head was a white flower that was enough to cover half of her pretty face. Her bare legs were not visible. Her straight and graceful legs were sunk into the huge white lily from her calves. The nectar from the white lily was also a strange milky white color, which looked extremely tempting.

Although her face could not be seen, the lower half of her face was obviously smiling seductively. She controlled the vines under the white lily and whipped and attacked all other monsters around her.

With a level close to LV80, she was already the final boss of this dungeon.

This was the most different look from the princess so far, not only because her appearance was more like a monster.

Her hair color also changed from silver to a purple pink.

What was even more special was that her figure had also become smaller. Although she had not regressed to the level of a lolita, compared with the half-girl and half-mature lady before, she could only be said to have a completely girlish figure now.

Of course, Noah immediately appeared on the scene, standing on one of the vines she controlled, with his arms crossed over his chest, laughing loudly:

"Yo yo yo! Isn't this the princess? I haven't seen you for a few days, you're so tired!"

Noah can be sure that the other party is the princess, not the nun.

Because this is the princess's territory, Noah and the princess had faced a similar flower demon not long ago.

Unexpectedly, this time it was her turn to be parasitized by the demon flower.

She looks like the monster's "brain" but is actually just a bait.

Although she is the princess, Noah can't feel any pity for her at all.

Because the princess Noah knows is a dragon, not a flower demon.

It's just a "pirated" copy and paste that messes with his mentality. Why should Noah feel guilty for her depravity?

"...Who are you?"

The flower demon who was still attacking the monster in front of her finally noticed Noah's existence. Although she couldn't see him, she still showed an incredible expression to Noah standing on her vine.

The little head tilted to one side, as if confused.

"Haha! Yes! You can't possibly know me! Because you're not the princess I know!"

Noah, who was amused by the flower demon, pressed his forehead and laughed exaggeratedly, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Who said that the current princess's defeat ending is getting more and more interesting?

"... Although I don't know who you are, you look very interesting. Can you be my friend?"

She tilted her little head, and the big white lily hanging from her head that covered half of her face also swayed along with it.

The light green lips opened slightly, revealing unexpectedly beautiful words.

"Friend? Ha, are you sure you want to be my friend?"

Noah originally thought that she was interesting enough, but he didn't expect that she could continue to say more interesting things, which made Noah also reveal a sarcastic smile.

It's just a trick of the goddess or the will of the world. The replica of the defeat ending that exists to oppose Noah can actually say that she wants to be friends with Noah?

This is really a bit surprising...

"Yeah! Because friends are delicious!"

...Okay, this is not surprising. After becoming a monster, even the mind has become a monster.

Before Noah could continue to say anything, a charming smile appeared on that innocent and lovely little face like a flower, and terrible words were spoken.

"Be friends with me! Let me eat you! Because you look delicious! Big brother!"

Seeing that Noah did not seem to object, the flower demon seemed to think that Noah had agreed.

She happily controlled another vine to quickly bind Noah's body, trying to pull Noah closer to the huge white lily flowers under her feet.

This was a familiar experience for Noah.

He was dragged over like this last time, but the princess was in the way last time, and she directly cut off his vines with the light blade transformed by magic, causing him to be thrown out.

But it seems that there is no need to worry about that problem today, because the real princess Noah just saw that she was still drinking a drink leisurely on the street in the capital.

Oh, she is indeed the princess who defeated the yellow-haired man and the victim, escaped her original fate and was reborn.

Although she is still a long way from being the cruel, cold-blooded and bad dragon queen. But as an elegant and strong dragon princess, she has already succeeded.

Noah couldn't help but feel worried for the little prince and the big prince who hadn't been dealt with yet!

Since the princess is enjoying herself there.

Noah can just enjoy her replica here!

She even called him ‘Ounisan’ or something like that! She really knows how to do it!

Facing the flower demon that was getting closer and closer, Noah couldn’t help but not feel scared or weird, but instead showed a slightly wild smile because he could enjoy the experience of being a monster girl.

“Hehe~ Big brother, why don’t you resist? Do you like me?”

Unlike the flower demon that should have been an adult female adventurer last time, this young-looking girl flower demon did not directly open her arms to hug Noah and plan to do something shady with him.

The girl flower demon controlled the vines like controlling tentacles, put the bound Noah in front of her, and was not in a hurry to start having sex with Noah.

Anyway, she started to flirt with Noah.

"Ah, of course I like you, I like you so much that I want to beat you up and make you lose consciousness!"

Noah did not intend to pretend to be weak, but showed a ferocious look very frankly, and smiled mockingly at the flower demon.

"Hehe~ You are just talking big~ Big brother, you are a big talker~"

The flower demon who heard this quickly turned the cute smile on half of his face into a sarcastic and evil one like Noah.

The two of them showed their malice to each other without hiding it.

The fierce battle between the two sides was about to break out.



PS. Today's third update, continue tomorrow.

(Yes, that's right, the princess this time is not the princess before.)

249. Veronica's evil/fallen ending one: flower demon

Noah was not in a hurry to act, but planned to see what the flower demon in the appearance of a girl was going to do.

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