PS. Today’s third update, we will continue tomorrow.

261. However, Her Royal Highness the Princess has already seen through everything

As soon as Noah arrived, he found that Her Royal Highness the Princess was watching with great interest Huang Mao, who had become a wife, shopping for groceries.

Not to mention, it’s really exciting.

However, Her Royal Highness the Princess is happy with the current situation of Huang Mao, who once planned to attack her.

And Noah felt happy because he saw a new plot that was absolutely impossible to appear in the original work.

Noah thought that Her Highness the Princess had no interest in Allen at all, but it turned out that was not the case?

"...It's funny to be the same as before, but then you won't be able to see Teacher Ellen's usual self, so I refuse."

As for Valentina, the original anxiety in her heart disappeared instantly with the appearance of Noah.

The previous inner dissatisfaction and dark feelings immediately disappeared as if they had never been seen before.

She was even able to maintain her acting skills and continue to play the role of hating the evil god.

She was obviously delighted, but she didn't turn around to show it.

Instead, he turned his back to Noah and replied to Noah's nasty remarks with a cold voice that could not detect personal emotions.

"Oh? So you mean you want to see Ellen's normal appearance? Haha, what a coincidence. In fact, I'm also very interested."

Noah came today just to annoy Her Royal Highness the Princess, stimulating her to quickly find the ‘Holy Sword’ he had arranged to seal him.

But the effect of just starting to make people annoying is too bad, so Noah chose to do something good first and then make the princess dislike him.

That's right, for example, let's fulfill Her Royal Highness the Princess's wish in a small way.

Thinking of this, Noah activated his ability to make himself invisible to others.

But this time Noah also chose Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was not far in front of him.

Although Valentina didn't notice what Noah had done.

But her intuition, which was better than that of a beast, told her that Noah must have done something as his words fell.

So she just controlled her expression not to show any joy, then slowly turned around and frowned her beautiful eyebrows to look coldly at Noah, who had a smirk on his face, and gently opened her lips and asked:

"...You are interested, so what? Could it be that you are planning to make her unaware of your existence like you did with Delia before?"

It can only be said that Her Royal Highness the Princess is already very familiar with Noah, and she basically has a close guess. That’s really it.

But Noah also looked forward to Her Royal Highness’s current growth, so he just smiled and said indifferently:

"Haha! That's right! But it's not entirely right! Because the only people who can't be noticed by her this time are you and me, Your Highness! So are you going to follow her with confidence now? I'm going to follow her anyway."

As soon as he finished speaking, Noah acted as if he had no interest in Her Royal Highness, and walked directly in the direction where Allen left after buying groceries.

The gods are not looking at me! But looking at other women! Never forgive! Her Highness the Princess will not have such thoughts.

Because Her Royal Highness knows that what Noah is doing now is all for herself.

This is actually true.

Look, doesn't this show a disgusting look, but it still helps her fulfill her casual 'wish'.

——Haha?~ It’s true that God has allowed us to not be noticed by others. Isn’t this a world of two people?~

The princess, who was in a good mood, secretly showed a scary sick smile behind Noah's back, then regained control of her expression and followed him.

"...Although I am not interested in evil demons, Teacher Allen is still holding Miss Agatha's face and body, and she is half of my ancestors. How can I watch you, a terrible evil god, do whatever you want? ah."

Obviously, he just wanted to talk to Noah more and stay together more.

However, Her Royal Highness the Princess quickly caught up with her elegant and cold mature royal look, walking with Noah and not far behind Allen.

"Half an ancestor? Ha, it turns out there is such a way of thinking. Even I didn't expect it. You are worthy of being a princess."

Noah sneered without any admiration, and then looked maliciously at the beautiful side face of Her Royal Highness the Princess, who had a cold attitude towards him.

"...Even if you praise me, I won't be happy at all, okay?"

——Is this a lie?~ Let alone praise or praise, Lord God, even if you belittle and ridicule me, it will make me excited, right?~

Although she was actually very happy, Valentina did not take her eyes away from Miss Allen who was not far away.

She just continued to act and replied to Noah coldly.

"You're so cold~ Then what will make you happy if I praise you? Appearance? Or character?"

In fact, for the current Princess, she is very happy just to be able to talk to Noah.

"...Then your appearance will be better."

But in the end, she still rejected Noah's compliments, especially the appearance that she wanted to hear the most.

Because it's a bit embarrassing to say.

If Noah now praises her for being cute, beautiful, and like a goddess, then she will not have the confidence to continue to maintain this cold personality.

Now, after falling from the devil, she has both S and M parts, and she might really attack Noah.

It doesn't matter whether the attack is successful or she is counter-killed.

The main reason why she could hold back was because she was worried that Noah would escape directly.

It would be troublesome to find it then, so it was better for her not to be praised by Noah.


But she clearly chose to let Noah praise her, so why did she say she refused?

That's of course because this is actually rejection.

as evidence.

Noah nodded when he heard Her Royal Highness the Princess chose to praise her, and began to praise her beauty with eloquent words.

"Look, I know. That long golden hair that seems to be woven by the sun seems to be emitting a dazzling light, and the bright red eyes are as dazzling as gems. Coupled with the slender and tall figure, as milk-like With her fair skin, she is like the best work of art! Even the goddess is not as beautiful as her!"

——But the first sentence revealed that the person he was praising was not Valentina.

"...So you are complimenting Miss Agatha, right?"

Hearing this, Valentina cooperated and cast a look full of contempt at him.

"Well, what else? I didn't say that the one who compliments the appearance must be you, the princess, right~?"

Noah, who deliberately made Her Royal Highness the Princess unhappy, also looked embarrassed at this time and showed a sarcastic smile towards Valentina.

"...Hmph, there is such a bad god."

Valentina continued to snort in cooperation and then moved her head away, pretending to be angry with Noah.

See, she said that her choice to praise was actually rejection.

Her god-sama really didn’t praise her, right~

As for praising Agatha, would she be jealous?

Oh, if her god is really interested in Agatha.

I won't praise you in front of her at all.

Was this just something he said deliberately to tease her?~

Her Royal Highness, who had basically figured out Noah's thoughts, was secretly laughing in her heart.

PS. Today’s first update.

(I originally planned to update earlier, but why did it get later and later? Huh? How strange...)

262. The black-winged ‘Death’ in the alley

It's strange to say that Valentina now actually wants to thank Allen for keeping an eye on her.

Because it was Allen, one of the leaders of the demon clan, who wanted to take away everything from her, so she could now be so happy walking side by side with the object of her love.

If possible, she really wanted to express her gratitude to the 'Miss Allen' she was following now.

But this is like a dream to her, but it is simply a nightmare to Allen himself.

Valentina is actually not interested in the current Allen, she just met him by chance.

If Noah hadn't appeared, she would have left quietly.

So instead of saying that she was following Allen, it was better to say that she was following Noah beside her.

There is not much difference anyway, whether it is tracking Allen or tracking Noah.

None of the parties involved was aware of this fact.

Noah was just using this matter as an excuse to get along with Her Highness the Princess, to annoy her, and to further darken her.

Neither Valentina nor Noah thought about what would happen if they followed Alan.

They just want to keep Ellen, who has now been reduced to Clyde's sex/slave wife, for entertainment.

Just look at how 'Miss Allen' lives now.

There was really nothing surprising at first.

Allen seemed to have completely abandoned his past self. Wearing a simple long skirt that almost covered his entire legs, he shopped for groceries like an ordinary Kingdom resident, chatted with neighbors, and was greeted by children passing by with a smile. respond.

Looking at it this way, she is really just an ordinary wife who looks very much like Agatha. She has lost all the elements of the "Demon General Ellen" before.

This is amazing though.

But it’s actually quite boring.

But after about forty minutes of tracking by the two of them, an interesting anomaly actually happened.

A big, strong man who looked like an adventurer called Allen, and after a brief chat, the two got into an alley.

Valentina immediately noticed something was wrong, but she still calmly took the initiative to close the distance.

I chose to follow him into the dark alley to take a closer look at the situation.

Her suspicion proved correct.

"...Are you really Lord Allen, one of the Four Heavenly Kings? You have really become quite weak and cute. Why don't you just let me have fun first?"

As soon as he walked into the alley, the big and strong man slapped Allen, with a malicious and lewd smile on his face.

It was like seeing a former brother suddenly turn into a girl, full of sexual interest.

"...Tsk, show some respect to me, you idiot! Who do you think I am! I'm Lord Allen, okay!"

Ellen, who had always acted like a weak wife to outsiders before, now her tone and expression have become somewhat masculine.

However, although she tried her best to show off the majesty and strength of a superior, unfortunately she still looked more like a wife who was forced by Huang Mao and refused to give in.

"It seems like your teacher pretends to be a gentle wife outside so as not to be treated unduly."

Noah, who followed Her Royal Highness into the alley, also spoke in a bystander tone.

And after saying this, Noah deliberately looked at the princess beside him, hoping to see her reaction.


However, Her Royal Highness the Princess did not react. She just looked coldly at Allen and the big and strong man disguised as a human adventurer.

She was waiting to see what Alan wanted to do.

At this time, the two demons would not have thought that they were actually five meters away from them.

There was an evil dragon princess and an evil god watching their performance.

The big and strong man is the power of the other four demon kings. This time he came to the capital to retrieve Ellen, who was rumored to have been turned into a woman, and take her away.

So what is Allen's choice?

There's no need to guess the answer.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Anyway, help me remove this subordinate collar around my neck, and then take me away quickly!"

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