Valentina pretended to be calm, and while taking the initiative to walk in the direction of Noah, she deliberately lamented her misfortune, with a hostile attitude that she wished that Noah would disappear and never appear in front of her again.

Of course this was just a lie. In fact, she felt much more at ease because of seeing Noah.

But she felt that she would be laughed at by Noah if she showed it, so she simply adopted a tsundere-like attitude.

"Huh? Your Highness Valentina, what did you just say? I'm very sorry, we were so stunned just now that we didn't hear clearly."

The first person to react to Valentina's behavior was not Noah, but the two armed guards standing guard near Noah.

They vaguely heard Valentina's voice in the distance, but they couldn't see the person they were talking to, so they thought she was talking to them, so they quickly asked the princess what she meant with an apologetic look.

Or they are the guards who can be arranged to watch the palace. They actually think that the problem is because the distance is too far, but they want to say that they are distracted. What kind of emotional intelligence are those guards who are patrolling everywhere under the scorching sun outside? You can't learn it.

Even picky Noah can give them high marks.

"...It's nothing, it's just me talking to myself. It's hard for you two to stand guard. As a royal family, I am very grateful to you two for your efforts. Please be sure to continue to be cautious. After all, you never know when someone will appear without invitation. Here are the guests."

Noah, who was almost used to playing tricks, soon realized that only she could see Noah now, so Valentina was not too embarrassed.

Instead, she put on the elegant and calm demeanor that a princess should have, and smiled like a professional idol at the two dedicated guards.

But at the end of the sentence, Valentina smoothed the silver hair that fell from her ears with her hands, and looked at Noah, who was actually standing between the two guards at the moment, with a smile and an ambiguous expression.

He was barely named, and Noah, who was cueed, just smiled indifferently.

This princess is really eloquent, but if he wants to force his way in, no matter how dedicated and cautious these two guards are, it will be useless.

So this is clearly meant to make fun of him.

"Yes! We will definitely not disappoint your highnesses and your majesty! It is our supreme honor to receive your praise from your highnesses!"

But the two guards who didn't know this naturally simply thought that Valentina, the most approachable among the royal family, was caring about them. They immediately straightened up their already straight backs and saluted Valentina directly, regardless of No matter how you look at it, you look excited about being honored.

Little did they know that they were just tools used by Valentina to tease Noah.

In a sense, Her Royal Highness, who failed to realize that her behavior was actually quite hurtful, was clearly showing signs of degenerating into a bad woman.

Noah, who saw all this, naturally just smiled mysteriously, turned around and left without doing anything extra, and walked towards the exit of the palace.

Huh? Why does the Evil God seem so quiet today? Could it be that he was surprised by my superb speaking skills!

Yay! Finally surprised him for once!

Seeing how Noah was rendered speechless by herself, Her Majesty the Princess thought that she had won a rare victory and was extremely happy in her heart. However, she still maintained her image as a princess and managed to suppress the smile at the corner of her mouth, calmly and elegantly. He walked between the two excited guards.

Finally, under the watch of two guards, he disappeared 'alone' at the far exit.

When Valentina followed Noah and left, the two remaining guards who continued to stand guard could not help but look at each other and start chatting because they were excited.

"Oh, you are indeed Your Highness Valentina. Not only does she have a pitiful appearance, but she also has such a strong and approachable personality. I have fallen in love with Your Highness again!"

"Haha, actually I have been a fan of Her Highness Valentina for a long time, but I always feel that Her Highness looks a lot more mature recently. Could it be love? After all, isn't it said that love is about human growth?"

"Really or not, who is this person? I can't accept it if he's not a very good man."

"I don't know, but he must be very good. After all, he is the man that Her Highness Valentina likes."

The two excited guards chatted happily, completely forgetting that they were still on duty.

Mainly because I was trying to catch fish at work, but luckily my boss heard me.

"There shouldn't be any need to talk about this kind of topic when it comes to guarding the palace. Why, you two are so excited to be praised by the royal family, so do you want me to praise you too?"

A rather frivolous female voice came from the place where Valentina had walked. The moment they heard the voice, the two guards quickly shut their mouths and apologized quickly, for fear of being stared at by the other party.

"I'm so sorry! Your Highness Delia! It was us who talked too much!"

"Hmph, it's good to know, but don't let me hear you talking about this kind of thing again."

The beautiful woman named Delia snorted and stopped talking to these two little people, and walked towards the depths of the palace.

"...Has that annoying guy Valentina actually fallen in love? Humph, let's just take this opportunity to get rid of her completely. Haha, I'm really looking forward to it. That guy looks embarrassed in defeat~"

When he thought of the shameful failure of his younger sister, whom he had long found displeasing to his eyes, Delia, the kingdom's first princess with dazzling golden wavy hair, couldn't help but cover the evil smile at the corners of her mouth with her hands.

It looks like she finally got the chance to defeat Valentina once and for all!

37. Only you know best whether you are in a hurry or not.

Noah was walking in front of Valentina. It looked like he was just walking normally, but in fact he was observing the scene of the two guards through the monitor formed by the magic circle.

Therefore, he could clearly see Princess Delia's evil expression.

When Delia heard that Valentina might be in love, she began to have evil thoughts.

Noah, who was observing her, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth silently.

That's right, Delia, Valentina's half-sister and the first princess of the kingdom, is his new pawn to make Valentina fall to the devil.

In the original work, Delia caused trouble because she was jealous that Valentina was more popular than herself. Not only did she unite with the noble forces to attack Valentina in all aspects, she even contributed to three different defeats for Valentina. play.

It can be regarded as the most hidden villain in the capital apart from the yellow-haired Allen. When Noah was playing, he never thought that Delia, a sister, could be so vicious. She was simply a template of the vicious sister in fairy tales.

But that's not the most outrageous thing. The most unacceptable thing is that if he successfully avoids all defeats, Clyde, who is the master of suffering, actually makes the heroine Valentina look out for the sisterly love. For the sake of her, Valentina gave up revenge, and then Valentina really let go of her evil sister Delia who wanted her to be rounded up.

When I first played, Noah really almost picked up the keyboard and smashed the computer screen. Well, the miserable master didn't do anything to help, and the protagonist Valentina almost lost because of his own hindrance, but in the end, F.M.D. Advise the protagonist to let the villain go?

Can an ending with such a man be considered a happy ending?

Noah didn't know if others could bear it.

Noah couldn’t accept it anyway.

To him, Clyde is no better than other characters.

Perhaps the one with the best impression is the "Rabid Marlo" who, whether in the original work or now, is contentedly sitting in jail awaiting death sentence after being defeated by Valentina.

Unlike other villains, although Marlo is bad, he is pure and not disgusting.

And that Marlo was defeated by Valentina.

As for the other mistresses, villains, and villains, regardless of whether they were men or women, Noah had to let them be veiled by Valentina herself.

And the degree must at least be comparable to what was done to Prince Mori, leaving him with a serious psychological shadow.

Otherwise, Noah wouldn't be able to vent his anger.

"What? What bad things are you thinking about again? Can't you do some good deeds that are praised by others and become a respected god?"

At this time, he saw that Noah was walking in front and kept silent. Her Royal Highness the Princess who was following him could not help but scold him with a tone of hatred, interrupting his thinking.

ah? As the evil god who hides the BOSS, am I here to do good deeds?

Noah was also stunned by Valentina's abrupt speech.

She is indeed a little butter RPG heroine with a strong sense of justice. I dare to think about it.

He thought of giving Valentina the legendary holy sword and white wings. He wanted to make the world peaceful forever.

If it could be done, Noah would have done it already. Isn't it impossible?

"Ha, you should go to your respected goddess for that kind of thing. I am a selfish hedonist. You should be grateful to me for not wiping out your entire kingdom in one breath."

But Noah doesn't have to tell Valentina the truth, he just needs to continue playing the annoying villain.

So he didn't even bother to look back at Valentina. Instead, he continued to walk forward, casually waving his hands to his side, and sneered at Her Royal Highness's innocence.

"You... no, God, your character is really terrible."

Although she didn't expect to get a good answer, such a straightforward objection also made Valentina have a speechless expression on her face.

Fortunately, she still thought that if Noah had the idea of ​​changing his ways, she would do her best to help Noah collect followers.

In that case, Noah wouldn't have nothing to do and make fun of her every day.

Alas, she was really unlucky. Why did she provoke such a nasty god in the first place?

Valentina shook her head helplessly from behind where Noah couldn't see, lamenting her ill-fated fate.

"It's terrible..., huh, you guys have more adjectives for me. I'm really worried that if you quarrel, others will make your face turn red, and you'll make yourself angry to death first."

Until Noah suddenly said such a sentence without warning, Her Royal Highness the Princess's relaxed expression immediately froze.

Huh? What do you mean by 'we'?

Could it be that he hasn't appeared in front of her in the past week because he went to meet someone else? !

"Wait, wait a minute! What happened to that statement just now!"

Because something completely unexpected happened, Valentina raised her voice and called Noah without thinking, and she couldn't help but stretched her right hand forward.

Her sudden reaction made Noah feel a little curious, so he turned around and joked:

"Hmm? What's wrong with what I said just now? Do you think you are good at scolding people? Then scold one on the spot and let me see."

Noah turned back to look at Valentina, who was nervous, and thought that she was simply unwilling to admit defeat, so she called him.

"That's not it! Let me ask you again, what do you mean by 'they' just now! Have you also done something to other women besides me?"

The obviously anxious princess had no time to refute Noah's provocative remarks, but hurriedly walked to Noah in two steps, took a step forward and put her hand on her chest, posing a questioning posture with her chest raised.

At the same time, Valentina's delicate face was full of anxiety that could not be hidden at this time, and she was no longer calm just now.

"...Oh? Why, do you really want to know the answer? Then let me ask you, what is the reason for you to ask me the answer?"

Because of her own self-explosion, Noah also realized that she was concerned about this point, so he couldn't help but smile badly and asked her why she was so nervous.


The princess, who was choked by Noah, was speechless for a moment.

Yes, why is she so anxious?

It's as if she doesn't want other people to be targeted by Noah.

Could she really become a masochist who likes to be bullied? !

No, impossible! Right, right! It's because she doesn't want to see other women suffer from being targeted by the evil God!

"Of course, it's because I'm worried about other women! What else!"

The princess, who felt that this reason was very convincing, gathered her courage again, and looked up at Noah with a stern sense of justice.

"How do I know what what else is? I'm not you."

Because this answer and the look in her eyes did match Noah's impression of Valentina, he didn't care and still looked calm.

After all, he didn't think that someone could really deceive him.

"So what's the answer? Yes! Or no!"

The princess, who was so nervous that her momentum became much stronger than usual, continued to ask for the answer, so that she took a step forward with her other foot, which further shortened the distance between her and Noah.

That was no longer the social distance that normal people should have.

The answer to this question was very simple, but Noah looked at the anxious look of the princess in front of him, and of course he chose the option that he thought would continue to lose favor.

"Who knows, wait until you find me in the capital."

After saying this, Noah's figure disappeared in front of Valentina out of thin air, ready to play an annoying game of hide-and-seek with her.

"What!? Wait a minute! Answer me now!"

Valentina, who was left alone, couldn't help but feel unwell. She looked around desperately but couldn't find Noah's figure. Finally, she shouted anxiously to the empty corridor.

It's obvious that although Noah was still at the scene, he would definitely not respond.

Realizing that she had to act first, Valentina quickly adjusted her mentality and walked quickly towards the outside of the palace.

Damn it! In this case, she must find him and ask him clearly no matter what!

She had never heard of it! There are other people!

38. What are you looking at? Can you still fuck me?

Although she was very anxious, Valentina still maintained the minimum etiquette. She did not run at full speed inside the palace, but chose to walk as fast as her half-brother Mori.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that she turned into wind directly, but it is certain that she walked with the wind. Valentina's beautiful silver-white long hair was blown back and floated in the air because she walked too fast.

People who accidentally witnessed Valentina at this time were also frightened by her inexplicably strong way of walking, and did not dare to talk to her at all.

Mainly because of Valentina's cold expression due to anxiety and dissatisfaction, people felt that it was better not to provoke Her Royal Highness who was unhappy for some reason.

"Isn't this Tina? Did something happen? You look so serious."

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