Let these villains become stumbling blocks on the heroine's path to evil and evil, and fall into hell hand in hand and love each other!

Although Noah will win the resurrection match immediately and run back by himself!

43. Adults are crazy, they are just holding on

It's not just the young nobles who are at a loss, but also the knight team of a lower level.

The two princesses are so openly hostile that they don't know what to do.

Therefore, from the moment they entered the house, they had to block the only exit with their bodies to prevent more people from seeing this scene.

In this way, they have been watching the whole process of the escalation of the conflict between the two princesses on the side until Valentina walked towards them with a smile and said:

"Don't worry too much, do what you have to do, fulfill your duties, and I will personally prove my innocence."

"Ah... Yes, Your Highness."

The knights subconsciously made way and lined up on both sides to salute Valentina.

This was completely subconscious behavior.

Their brains hadn't reacted yet, but their bodies had reacted to the leadership aura that Valentina exuded.

It was like a knee-jerk reflex. By the time they realized it, their bodies had already completed the act of accepting orders and saluting, which surprised them as the parties involved.

You know, the only person who could make them accept orders before thinking was the young and vigorous prince who practiced martial arts.

Even the king who manages the country now can't do it, let alone Prince Mori and Princess Delia.

And Valentina smiled as if she didn't care, and walked away from the Marquis's Mansion alone in high-heeled combat boots.

"Her Highness Valentina... has become more and more mature recently."

"Yes, it feels that Her Highness Valentina is more loyal than Her Highness Prince Mori. Is this also Mr. Allen's credit?"


The knights slowly put down their saluting hands and couldn't help but talk about Valentina's changes.

And finally they all thought that this was the credit of Allen, the kingdom's top scholar.

After all, Mr. Allen is the prince's private tutor, and he is also a respectable person. It is not impossible that the prince matures quickly under the influence of Mr. Allen.

"As expected of Mr. Allen."

"Of course, the prince's own efforts cannot be ignored."

"I wonder if you can ask Mr. Allen to help us practice next time we see him?"

The knights looked at Valentina's back, which gradually disappeared from their sight, and showed admiration and emotion, determined to take her as their goal and strive to implement the chivalry.

However, the princess who they thought was very charismatic was actually just keeping a cool and out of everyone's sight.

When she walked to a place where no one was, she finally couldn't help but get angry at the air in front of her.

"...Ah! Ah--!!! So angry! What do you mean by 'a rare beautiful face is going to be wasted!' Dirty! Shameless! I'm not much different! Tell me once!"

At this time, Valentina's expression no longer had the calmness in front of the knights just now, and there was only anxiety and extreme dissatisfaction.

She could still pretend when there were people around, but when there was no one around, Valentina was so angry that she wanted to bite him directly when she thought of Noah's behavior.

"What's that, 'Although I also like to see you go crazy~'... I can do that kind of thing!"

Valentina, who is as worthy of being a sister as Delia, was going crazy alone at the door of the Marquis's Mansion.

When talking about Noah's speech, she not only imitated him but also exaggerated it and put on a 'Prince Charming' look.

Her tone was low and full of magnetism, and she flirted with the air.

Then she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth to criticize Noah's behavior.

Her pupils, which had turned into dragon pupils out of control because of her strong emotions, were now completely erected like needles, and the deepest part of her pupils was a strong anger and jealousy.

"No, no, wait a minute, am I jealous?"

The princess, who was a little slow to realize, suddenly froze after venting her emotions to the air. She finally realized that something was wrong with her.

"It should be impossible. I just don't like the different treatment. It's just a desire to win. Yes, that's right. That's it."

Valentina, who firmly refused to believe that she was jealous, shook her head and denied that she was jealous.

Yes, she just felt very unhappy about losing to others. It had nothing to do with Noah. She was definitely not jealous that Noah treated Delia much better than she did.

... Although she didn't, she was really angry!

The princess, whose expression had just eased a little because she realized that something was wrong with her, immediately became ugly again when she thought of Noah.

"Hu, hu, hu, calm down, I myself, maybe that guy wants to see my reaction now, yes, that's right, otherwise how could he like that kind of woman."

Valentina put her hand on her chest to calm herself down and began to talk to herself to convince herself.

Although she said so, Valentina didn't think so in her heart. She just forced herself to accept this view. After all, she actually felt that she was no match for Delia.

But if she hadn't deceived herself, she might not have been able to calm down at all.

She is not narcissistic enough to think that letting gods do this for her.

How could the evil god take advantage of another royal family that was more orthodox than her just to make her unhappy?

No big deal though.

Anyway, it has always been like this, no one will be watching her.

She's used to being alone.

"Very good... Calm down. Anyway, let's start looking for evidence to prove that the guy and I are not companions. Although we are just being used, that woman is really annoying. Just slap her hard on the face." , that guy will also become subtly silent."

In the process of self-comfort, Valentina's slightly convulsed unhappy expression began to return to normal. She straightened her waist and closed her eyes. She put her hands on her white neck, along her sexy collarbone, all the way down to the point where she was older than her age. The person's slightly larger chest breathed a sigh of relief.

When she opened her eyes again, Long Tong had returned to her human appearance.

This also means that her mood has really stabilized.

"Just wait for me! It's just to prove your innocence! This kind of trivial matter is so easy, okay! It will definitely surprise you!"

It was also a conversation in the air in front of her, but this time Valentina's attitude was more serious, as if she was really having a conversation with Noah.

That decisive look and firm expression will make anyone admire him.

As if making a declaration of war, Her Royal Highness regained her composure and began to take action.

The purpose, of course, was to render Noah speechless.

As for hitting Delia in the face? That little thing is just incidental, incidental!

44. After Huang Mao loses, he hides the BOSS and loses the master, and he has no choice but to lose next.

Valentina was very confident at first, thinking that she would be able to find evidence to prove her innocence.

But she soon learns it won't be easy.

Because she found that the only way to prove her innocence was to catch the evil person pretending to be her and do bad things, and to prove that she could not commit the crime if she appeared elsewhere at that time.

The former is impossible because she can't catch Noah pretending to be her and doing bad things.

The latter is also impossible, because even if she finds a witness at that time, as long as Delia and the Noble Alliance refuse to admit it, her witness will be invalid.

Even if the people who cannot see her being bullied support her, it will be seen as Valentina leading the people to cause trouble.

It might even become an excuse for them to give her more evidence.

"Huh? If you think about it carefully, is it possible that my chances of winning are extremely low?"

After about forty minutes of running around like a beast relying on her energy, Valentina suddenly realized that she seemed to be the overwhelmingly disadvantaged side in this comparison.

"No, no, no, it shouldn't be possible. There must be some way..."

Valentina, who didn't want to believe that her situation was very bad, finally started to use her brain to think. As she walked, she put her hands in front of her mouth and thought about the way to win.

But the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was nothing she could do. None of the solutions she could imagine would work.

Of course, to be precise, she actually has a trick up her sleeve.

For example, surrendering directly, bowing his head in front of Noah and admitting his defeat, and then being pointed at the nose and laughed at by Noah.

Although this is actually uncomfortable, it is not unacceptable. It is not her first time anyway.

Mainly in this way, although the loss can be stopped in time and the infamy of the criminal will not be completely defeated, it will definitely make Delia more proud.

Her nominal sister would definitely laugh obnoxiously, mocking her for being such a bastard.

Ah... I hate it just thinking about it.

Thinking of Delia's proud look, Valentina's face turned as cold as an iceberg.

She can accept being inferior to Noah, but she cannot accept being inferior to Delia.

"Sure enough, let's forget about surrendering in advance. Rather than letting that woman be proud, it would be better for me to be regarded as a criminal."

"Wait a minute, how about I just admit defeat to the evil god and let him help me defeat that woman? Oh, I always feel very unhappy, and God knows what he will ask me to do..."

Valentina, who was walking alone on the street, had a lot of expressions, sometimes as cold as ice, sometimes with complex expressions, which made the citizens of the nearby royal capital very worried about her mental state.

——This child must have a bad stomach.

Of course Valentina didn't realize that she was very conspicuous, she was just immersed in her own thoughts.

In the end, no matter what she thought, it seemed that surrendering to Noah and finding a way to make him change his mind and support her was the option with the highest success rate.

But since then, she always felt that she might never be able to raise her head in front of Noah for the rest of her life.

If possible, she not only wanted to teach Delia a lesson, but also wanted Noah to know how powerful she was.

"That's right! Just ask Mr. Allen!"

Suddenly remembering that she could actually seek help from others, Valentina's expression suddenly brightened, and she quickly began to inquire about Allen's whereabouts in the places where Allen often hung out.

There were no surprises during the search.

Finally, she managed to meet Allen in front of the Royal Capital Scholars Society, who was about to go out, and informed him of her troubles simply and clearly.

"Mr. Allen, please! Please help me prove my innocence!"

When Valentina stared at Allen's eyes and said this seriously.

Alan, who had known that Valentina would come to him sooner or later, was also very happy in his heart.

Look, this is called trust, okay? Why didn't she go to Clyde? It's because Clyde can't help at all, okay!

Alan, who felt that he had easily defeated Clyde again, almost couldn't hold back his mouth and showed a winner's smile.

--Really please Mr. Allen, if you can't help me, I can only surrender to the evil god and admit that I am his toy, so as to defeat that woman...

But what Allen didn't know was that Valentina actually thought so under that sincere and pure expression.

"I see, I completely understand. Anyway, let's go to the society and find a room to discuss countermeasures."

Alan, who finally held back his mouth, pretended to be an enthusiastic and reliable adult, and quickly invited Valentina to join the Scholars Society.

After sitting down in a room, Allen, with a smile on his face, gave his opinion that he thought was the most correct.

"In fact, I think things are not that bad. After all, as long as Tina, you find a way to catch the criminal who pretended to be you, isn't it all right?"

"No, I can't do it."

"Uh, is that so?"

Because Valentina shook her head and denied it so quickly that Allen almost couldn't keep his smile.

Although he hurriedly smiled awkwardly and pretended to be fine.

But in fact, he couldn't understand why he couldn't do it.

Anyway, it must be Princess Delia who found Valentina's substitute, right?

With Valentina's ability, she couldn't catch it?

Did he overestimate Valentina's ability?

But it doesn't matter, he has other tricks.

Pretending to think about it, Allen proposed the second trick he had actually thought of a long time ago.

"Then it would be fine if we find witnesses. As long as there are a lot of witnesses to prove that Tina, you were not at the scene at that time, wouldn't it be okay?"

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