"Hey, listen to me, you pervert!"

Noah now discovered that the other party was in a state of being unable to communicate. It seemed that they were talking, but in fact, they were just talking to each other.

This suspicious woman exuded jealousy, went crazy, suddenly lost her expression, and rekindled her hope.

It was obvious that she was a humanoid monster who could not communicate.

The only thing that was certain was that this monster seemed to have an unimaginable obsession with Noah.

In short, she wanted to fuck him.

"Ah! God, I understand! Anyway, after trying to break your limbs first, you will reward me for violating you, right!"

The suspicious black-haired woman tilted her head to the side, and said happily with a twisted and morbid smile on her lips.

"Hahahaha! I was really pissed off by you! Great! Come and try it if you can!"

Because the other party's obsession was extraordinary, it was like a sickly girl, so Noah was also angry and laughed.

Even took the initiative to extend his hand to invite the other party to invade/invade him.

He wanted to see what kind of unwilling expression the face under the mask would show after he couldn't do it no matter what!

...Speaking of which, I always felt like I had seen this suspicious guy somewhere before?

Was it an illusion?

48. Eh? Ah, no, although I was also angry, I was not the most angry one

"Ah... What should I do? Is this the only way..."

After saying goodbye to Clyde and returning to her room, Valentina sighed for the umpteenth time.

She had really tried hard to find a solution in the past two days, but it was useless.

As time passed, bad rumors about her appeared in the capital.

Probably those noble alliances who disliked her took the opportunity to spread rumors.

If she didn't prove her innocence quickly, she would really be reduced from a friendly princess to a witch who said one thing in front of her and another behind her back.

Obviously, the witch's side should be her sister, why is she in trouble? This kind of thing is definitely strange!

Is it just a matter of surrendering to the evil god...

Knock, knock, knock.

Just when Valentina was still hesitating whether to try to please Noah and let Noah help her defeat the eldest princess, the door of the room was suddenly knocked.

"Hmm? Please come in."

In her troubles, Valentina did not forget the etiquette and told the other party not to worry and come in directly.

Listening to the knock on the door, it was probably the maid working in the palace who wanted to ask her something.

It turned out that Valentina guessed right, and it was indeed the maid working inside the palace who opened the door.

It was just that the person who walked into the room was not the maid, but someone Valentina did not expect.

"Hello, Valentina, have you found evidence to prove your innocence?"

At first glance, this seems very humble, but if you listen carefully, you can hear that the owner of the arrogant voice is none other than one of the culprits who troubled Valentina at this time-the first princess of the kingdom, Delia.

Delia was dressed much more flamboyantly than Valentina, who was also a princess, just like that day. She wore a luxurious white dress, a valuable necklace and earrings, and a smug look on her face, which really made Valentina speechless.

What, you came to humiliate her because you knew you would win?

"…Not yet, Delia."

Although she was upset, she had not yet reached the point of a falling out, so Valentina had to respond obediently according to etiquette.

Because she didn't want to see that smug look, Valentina responded obediently, but her eyes looked in other directions, and her expression was clearly full of dissatisfaction.

As the saying goes, what is poison to others is honey to me. Seeing Valentina's frustrated look, Delia was really happy! It was even more delicious than eating the sweetest cake!

Haha! That's right! That's right! Valentina! I just want to see you like this! Now you know who is the boss!

Delia, who was so happy that she couldn't hold back her laughter, quickly opened the fan to cover her expression.

But her behavior was just to prevent others from seeing her smile.

It didn't mean that Valentina didn't know she was laughing.

Therefore, Valentina's expression was obviously more unconvinced.

If she chose to give up and continue to find fault here, Delia would definitely get Valentina's heartfelt admiration.

After all, in Valentina's heart, Delia is not such an excellent human being.

But if she gave up doing bad things and throwing dirty water on her sister here, then Delia would not be Delia.

Seeing Valentina so uncomfortable, Valentina did not choose to reconcile after taking advantage, but to add insult to injury.

"By the way, Valentina, you have a very good relationship with a man recently."

The evil voice that made Valentina's body tremble suddenly came out from those thin lips.

At this moment, Valentina's mind was filled with the image of a certain evil god who deliberately made people not see his face, and was annoying and disturbing.

Why did she suddenly mention this? Was she going to show off that she had the best relationship with the evil god now!

Her fists were slowly clenched, and anger gradually emerged in Valentina's originally weak expression.

But Delia, who was slow or arrogant, did not notice her sister's changes, but continued to say in an ambiguous tone:

"Remember his name is Clyde."


When she heard the unexpected name, Valentina not only loosened her clenched fists immediately, but also relaxed her expression and made a surprised sound.


Delia was also stunned when she saw her sister's reaction was different from what she imagined.

The two princesses made puzzled sounds and looked at each other.

"Ah, no, nothing, so what? What do you mean, sister?"

Realizing that her reaction was wrong and that she should be nervous here, Valentina quickly put on a serious attitude.

"Huh? Ah, ah, what I mean is that the commoner was actually favored by the Connor family's daughter, and now he should be "invited" to drink tea at the mansion. If nothing unexpected happens, he will probably be hired as the exclusive servant of the Connor family's daughter. It's great, Valentina, that your friend can climb up the thigh of the noble~"

Although she was caught off guard, the eldest princess saw that Valentina was indeed not indifferent, and quickly adjusted back to the expression of a femme fatale, and continued the topic in an ambiguous way.


Hearing this, Valentina clenched her fists again, but not as tightly as before.

Most people probably don't understand why Valentina is so nervous.

But in the conversation between nobles, the so-called exclusive servants are actually toys that specialize in dealing with sexual desires.

Delia clearly wanted to make Valentina look more like a loser. Not only did she intend to deprive her of her reputation and status, but she also intended to take away her emotional support.

Delia, who had already determined that Clyde was Valentina's boyfriend, was so happy to see Valentina's ugly expression at this time. Her golden eyes, which were the same color as her hair, had narrowed into a crescent shape because of joy.

"Sister, did you actually do something to Clyde?"

"Oh, don't be so excited, Valentina, this is not my fault. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being in a relationship with a commoner. I would definitely find someone more noble than the prince."

Knowing that Clyde is in a very bad situation now, Valentina's expression has already shown anger.

However, that anger will only make Delia happier.

"Anyway, Valentina, you still have time to surrender now, otherwise I will announce your crime to the public at noon tomorrow. Tonight is your last time to consider~"

"Do you want to drown yourself with your heroic dream and let that boy named Clyde become a sex slave of the nobles, or do you want to throw yourself on me, apologize desperately and beg for my forgiveness, and become a good sister again? It all depends on your choice~"

Facing Valentina's angry gaze, Delia left gracefully like a winner in life after saying two words calmly.

As the maid closed the door again, the room returned to its usual calm.


Valentina also slowly loosened her clenched fists and slowly sat on the chair.

When she closed her eyes, she found that Delia's arrogant expression just now was engraved in her mind and could not be lingered at all.

And the fact that her childhood sweetheart Clyde was now a "hostage" also made Valentina furious.

Valentina was extremely annoyed with her half-sister who did such a series of things just because she was more popular than her.


"Hehe, since you are so hostile to me, sister! Don't blame me for being ruthless! My dear sister Delia!"

In the face of strong disgust, Valentina laughed instead of being angry.

But that smile sounded really chilling.

At this time, in the depths of Valentina's eyes that had turned into dragon pupils, there was no respect at all, but endless coldness instead.

She decided not to give Delia any face!

She wanted to completely defeat this annoying sister!

Just like that annoying brother!


Oh, there is such a method!

Suddenly thinking of the most perfect method, Valentina hurriedly stood up from her chair and rushed out to somewhere without much preparation.

She finally knew the way to make the evil god look at her with a new eye and completely defeat Delia!

PS. Today is also the third update! I work hard! So please give me a monthly ticket (shameless)!

49. This will definitely make the evil god look good!

Not long after Delia left, Valentina rushed out of the palace with an anxious look on her face.

This scene was seen by many people, and they must have thought that Delia had severely humiliated Valentina.

Especially those noble lords who had long stood on Delia's side.

Although they did not directly join the event like the young nobles, they would definitely choose the eldest princess without a second thought between the legitimate eldest princess born by the queen and the illegitimate second princess.

Moreover, Valentina has a strong sense of justice and always does things that give them, the nobles, headaches, so of course they are waiting to see Valentina's joke this time.

It can be said that Valentina is doomed to lose at this stage. The contestants, referees, and even the audience are all Delia's people. It is impossible for Valentina to win by using formal methods.

...Then, wouldn't it be better to use illegal means?


In a dungeon somewhere in the largest prison in the capital, a man was leaning against a cold and damp wall with his eyes closed silently, waiting to die.

His clothes were tattered, and he was not only bound by chains and shackles, but also in front of him was a broken bowl that was about to break. The sewage in it was so turbid that you couldn't see the bottom of the bowl at all, just like this world.

Not long ago, he was still the leader of a glorious underground organization, and he was waiting for the death penalty that was almost certain to come.

Although he was scheduled to be executed in a week, he estimated that he would not live for more than three days.

This was when Prince Mori did not take him seriously, otherwise he would have been secretly executed without even a trial.

Oh, the so-called life is really unpredictable.

However, rather than living a boring life of blackmailing others, it might be better to leave contentedly after being defeated by a strong enemy.

...Hmm? Footsteps? And the sound of this shoe... Could it be!

Because he heard the familiar footsteps, the man who had already accepted his own ending suddenly opened his eyes.

Then the man saw a noble person who shouldn't be in this gloomy scene.

She was a beautiful silver-haired girl, tall and graceful. Even without wearing a gorgeous royal dress, one could feel her majestic aura. Her dark purple eyes were full of coldness, but on her slender and beautiful face, one could vaguely see her dissatisfaction with the current situation.

"...It's been a while since we last met, Marlo."

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