Disappointed Valentina sighed softly, closed the book and planned to put it back on the bookshelf, and then read the next book.

Because she was thinking about the evil god, Valentina did not notice that someone had come near her.

——Fortunately, this is a library, not a battlefield, otherwise she would have been captured.

Someone close to her looked at the beautiful but defenseless back and couldn't help thinking so.

"… Did you come to the library to investigate information before leaving? Is it really okay not to say goodbye? Tina."

It was a male voice full of restraint, which made Valentina, who was about to take the book, temporarily give up the action in her hand, and turned to look at the man who was talking to her behind her with a little surprise.

It was a blond man who would leave a "gentle and elegant" impression at first glance.

He was about 20 years old, wearing a clean and neat scholar's uniform and a handsome face. He was the kind of handsome man who was very popular with young women at first glance.

In fact, it is true. His name is Allen. He is a famous scholar in the kingdom and Valentina's private tutor. He is one of the few companions who stands on Valentina's side, so he is very respected by Valentina.

"Mr. Allen? Why are you here?! Ah... No, after all, it's you, it's not strange to appear here. That, I will go to see Clyde later, please don't worry."

So after the initial short panic, Valentina immediately put on a humble student attitude, gently pinched the hem of her skirt and bowed to her, respecting the blond man in front of her with visible respect.

Seeing her like this, Allen also sneered in his heart.

It seems that this naive princess really likes gentle men. It's only been a month since they got along, but she has easily gained her trust.

It must not be difficult to completely take away her body and mind.

"Haha, that's right. After all, Tina, you are my most proud student. There is no need to worry about it."

Allen smiled and praised the sensible student, as if he was really praising her.

However, unlike the gentle appearance he pretended to be, Allen was actually a complete yellow-haired man.

He approached Valentina from the beginning because of her.

He inferred from the intelligence that Valentina liked gentle men, so he forged his identity and pretended to be a scholar to gain her trust.

For him, a senior yellow-haired man who had deceived many women, he knew best how to capture what kind of women.

For example, this princess, just treat her gently and stand on her side.

"Yes, thank you for your compliment, I am honored, Mr. Allen!"

Valentina, who didn't know that the man in front of her would become one of her many nightmares in the future, was of course deceived at this time, and happily accepted Allen's false praise and praise.

Even if Allen actually thought in his heart that this princess was really naive and easy to deal with.

But Valentina, whose family relationship was not very good, was still very easy to trust such a gentle person.

Noah, who was monitoring everything like a peeping Tom through the magic circle in the ruined temple, sighed as an old father.

"Alas, just like the original work, Valentina's second most trusted man is this bastard. Wake up quickly, Princess, there is no good man around you, including me!"

5. Yellow Hair: Ah? I'm going to sit at the same table with the victim? Why?

This dilapidated temple is where Noah woke up in this world. It is suspected to be a hidden map in the original work, a temple that once worshipped the evil god.

Because the temple is in a different space, no one will come here unless Noah, the owner of the temple, takes the initiative to pull it closer to the temple.

In other words, Noah can monitor Valentina's every move here at will without worrying about being discovered.

To be honest, to some extent, it is not much different from when he used to control the heroine Valentina's adventure in front of the computer.

At most, Valentina will not follow his instructions completely now, but this is also good. After all, no matter how the original work goes, Noah thinks that Valentina will not have a perfect ending.

It's not like he traveled through time and space to become a cannon fodder or a villain. Theoretically, Noah is very free in this world and can do whatever he wants as long as he can accept the price.

But the problem is that he now wants to let the heroine who is widely malicious by the producer get rid of the tragic ending of the original work.

It's almost the same as those readers who can't accept that the original work is a bad end.

Noah just can't stand Valentina becoming a man's toy. Even if she must turn evil, she must at least become a queen who plays with men.

For this reason, he decided not to let Valentina be deceived by the yellow-haired man again.

However, he didn't plan to imprison Valentina and train her, because Valentina was not as unreasonable as the yandere.

As long as she realized that she could only rely on herself, not the men around her who were plotting against her, then Noah's goal would be achieved.

Standing opposite the protagonist, training the poor heroine who was played by men to become a villain who plays with men, this is basically Noah's plan.

As for whether he would become the fateful opponent of the fallen heroine in the end and pretend to be eliminated by the other party.

And Noah naturally had every confidence in letting Valentina go.

“…By the way, Mr. Allen, what do you think of dragons?”

When the silver-haired princess in the picture hesitated, she finally asked this question.

Noah in the ruined temple couldn't help but raise his mouth.

Look, the show has begun.

“Dragon? I don't have any special opinion. Although dragons look majestic, they are just inferior creatures like monsters. They are greedy and evil. They don't hide their desires. They do whatever they want. They are simply failed products created by the goddess. No, maybe they are not goddesses at all, but something else, such as evil gods.”

Although Allen didn't know why the princess who liked heroic stories suddenly asked such a question, he still gave what he thought was the right answer.

In his opinion, Valentina, who especially admired the dragon slayer, certainly liked to hear the answer that denied dragons.

As for his real thoughts, they were slightly different.

He doesn't look down on dragons, he looks down on everyone except himself, especially women. The princess is nothing more than a toy that he plays with.

"Ah... That's right, sorry for asking a weird question."

But after hearing such an answer, Valentina did not show the reaction that Allen imagined, but instead felt a little guilty.

This made Allen, who always thought he had a complete grasp of Valentina's psychology, stunned.

Huh? What's going on? His answer should be perfect? ​​Why is the reaction so subtle?

This really can't be blamed on him, after all, Valentina used to stand on the side of a human, but now she has been forced to stand on the side of a dragon.

The answer he wanted to hear was naturally different.

Noah, who had read all the plots word by word, knew that the uneasy Valentina would definitely go to the trusted yellow-haired Allen for questions, and he also knew that Allen, who thought he was smart, would answer like this.

The actions of both of them had been completely predicted by Noah, who was very familiar with them.

Valentina originally wanted to seek comfort, but Allen gave the most correct answer with a spring breeze smile, which was like pouring cold water on Valentina's face, making her calm down from the dementia state of craving for others' recognition.

What is she doing! Mr. Allen will definitely answer like this, she knows it clearly.

But... she really wants to hear a different answer...

But in this way, Valentina also understood that she must not tell the man in front of her what happened to her.

This is for her own good and for the other person's good.

"Hmm? Tina, you seem a little strange, did something happen?"

Alan is worthy of being the best actor. He saw at a glance that Valentina was not the same as usual, so he immediately became a little alert and his eyes became a little unfriendly.

What's going on? Could it be that the weak boy instilled some unique ideas into the princess?

"Ah, nothing, actually I met a strange passerby last night, who said that dragons are noble creatures, and we humans are inferior creatures, ahaha, weird, right?"

After realizing that she couldn't discuss her abnormality with Allen, Valentina also became alert and started acting immediately.

She made up a reasonable lie, pretending that she asked such a question because of the influence of that strange passerby.

"...I see, they must be pagans who fanatically worship dragons, Tina, don't be fooled, those guys are dangerous elements in this world, they kidnap boys and girls and throw them into dragon nests, we humans are the most perfect creatures, dragons are just inferior creatures who can't control their emotions and feelings, otherwise the great hero who slays dragons would become a villain?"

Because Valentina's answer was reasonable, Allen didn't think much about it at this time, quietly loosened his slightly frowned brows, put away the vigilance in his eyes, and continued to play the role of a tutor who fully supports his students.

He even took the initiative to put his hand on Valentina's shoulder, taking the opportunity to improve her favorability and continue to establish the image of a perfect man in Valentina's heart, so that he could take her away from the victim Clyde in the future.

"…Well, you are right, Mr. Allen, how can the great heroes who slay dragons be villains?"

But this time Allen was destined to fail to improve his favorability, or rather, it was good enough that it did not decline.

Although Valentina showed a smile that seemed to be open at first glance, the loneliness and uneasiness hidden deep inside, the sadness of wanting to seek the approval of the person in front of her but destined to be unable to obtain it, Allen, who was too proud of himself, did not notice it at all.

"Ha, didn't expect it, you are the yellow-haired man who improved the victim Clyde in the later stage of this story, and you have this day too!"

Noah, who was eating melons and watching the show in the ruined temple, laughed out loud when he saw this.

Noah decided to prepare a red ball for Mr. Allen, the yellow-haired man who was the best actor in the original work, and see when he can realize that the girl in front of him is no longer the girl he is familiar with, and then put it on his nose!

Let him know that he, a yellow-haired guy, is nothing but a clown!

6. Heroine, don't rush to send her away, come here to be trained first

Through remote monitoring, Noah saw Valentina's next move.

Because of Noah, Valentina had to give up her original preparations and postpone her plan to go out for adventure.

Changed to the capital as the base, in short, first move around the capital.

When Valentina said to her former supporter Allen with some guilt that she was going to change her plan, Allen did not behave abnormally.

He easily accepted Valentina's decision to change her plan temporarily, and even expressed full support.

Noah certainly knew why. Anyway, no matter whether Valentina went out for adventure or stayed in the capital, Allen would always pretend to appear near her inadvertently. It would be easier to say that staying in the capital would be easier.

In this way, Allen was of course willing to support Valentina's change of mind.

However, Allen was obviously a master, knowing that blindly approaching the target would only backfire, so Allen, who stopped at a certain point, did not deliberately find an excuse to stay with Valentina, but randomly found a few books and left the library.

Valentina, who stayed behind, continued to investigate until lunch time, and then left the Royal Library with a bored look on her face.

But that was only when there was no one around. Once there were people around, Valentina would immediately put away her inner anxiety and panic and return to her usual approachable princess appearance.

Especially when she went to see her childhood sweetheart, the original victim Clyde, Valentina smiled more than usual, not letting Clyde see her inner troubles at all.

And the victim, who had no special identity or ability at all, was just an ordinary resident of the royal capital, and naturally had no ability to detect that Valentina was wrong.

She was just happy that Valentina was not going to leave the royal capital for the time being.

"…Incompetent and mediocre, gentle and cowardly, although not a bad person, in this world full of malice towards the heroine, let alone protecting the heroine, the man who needs the heroine to protect him in return is not called the heroine, but just a burden."

Looking at the ordinary brown-haired boy who didn't notice Valentina's mood but smiled very happily in the picture, Noah, who was watching all this coldly in the ruined temple, couldn't help but give a very low evaluation.

The yellow-haired man is certainly hateful, but the victim who can't help the heroine and can only drag her down is also hated by Noah.

Noah is neither a pure lover nor a minotaur man, but an omnivore man. He will play any book or game with beautiful painting style or interesting setting.

It's strange to say that some people pursue pornography in comics, but pursue the story plot in books.

And Noah happens to be this kind of person.

Therefore, he will also watch the minotaur books with good character settings, of course not to watch pornography, but to watch the actions of the victim in the minotaur books.

What Noah can't understand the most is the victim who obviously has his beloved girlfriend bullied by the minotaur, but doesn't even have the courage to take a knife and exchange one for one with the yellow-haired man.

Obviously, he is in pain, but he doesn't take any action at all.

The most annoying thing is that he has to watch the image of the heroine sent by the yellow-haired man, or masturbate on the spot.

Unfortunately, Clyde is such a person. In the original work, he was captured by the villain, which forced Valentina to succumb to the villain.

After being played with by the villain and becoming his slave, Clyde was still crying and shouting Valentina's name while flying the plane by himself.

So Noah didn't want to be a pure love warrior and protect the relationship between Clyde and Valentina.

In his opinion, the weak Clyde was not worthy of a good woman like Valentina.

If the ending was that Clyde was treated as a star slave by Valentina, then Noah might not have such a big grudge.


Why can an Asahi man who has no strength and a cowardly personality get along with the strong princess as an equal?

If he can show a little bit of brilliance that Noah can appreciate, he won't have no brilliance at all?

...But Noah is not a devil, and he won't deliberately cause trouble for Clyde just because he looks down on him.

Just like he would not take the initiative to cause trouble to Allen, those were Valentina's own problems.

Noah only needed to deal with Valentina.

After all, this was a miserable world where CG would be immediately recycled once the battle was lost.

Looking at the temporarily harmonious and beautiful boy and girl laughing in the picture, and the passers-by in the background who were vaguely looking at them with ill intentions, Noah was not in a good mood.

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