"Ha, Your Highness Princess, you don't have persecution delusions, do you? I don't...!"

The moment when Noah casually waved his hand and planned to laugh at Valentina was really funny.

Her Royal Highness has lifted up her skirt, revealing the depths of her legs covered in black pantyhose.

When Noah saw the girl's most secret triangle, he could also see the lace-trimmed panties decorated with bows.

Although he put it down quickly and only lasted about five seconds, the strange behavior of Her Royal Highness the Princess still made Noah silent for a while.

"But that's actually a cover-up. In fact, you just can't keep up with the trend of the times, right! Then remember it carefully! This style is completely! No! Weird! Weird!"

It was obvious that Her Royal Highness knew that what she had just done was very bold, so even her ears and heels, which were usually covered by her hair, were all red. But even so, she still did it and emphasized the fact every word.

Moreover, her hands were still trying to push the skirt between her legs, as if she was not the one who took the initiative to lift the skirt just now.

But since Her Royal Highness the Princess had to endure the shame to do this, Noah also adjusted his sitting posture to make himself look more serious and said:

"...No, it is still very strange. In fact, you can choose a smaller model. After all, it will be more beautiful."

“So it’s a size issue!!!”

She thought she had seen through Noah's thinking, but Valentina, who didn't expect such an answer at all, felt bad. She almost made an excited sound like a 'dragon's roar', thinking too much about herself. So much to feel overwhelmed.

"Haha, what a pity, Your Highness! If I were you, I would definitely wear bolder styles. You are an idiot for thinking that I am a backward antique!"

Seeing Valentina's collapsed and embarrassed look, Noah even put his hand on his abdomen and laughed too heartily.

It’s so funny, she thought Noah wouldn’t know about the style she wore?

Come on, when Noah played the game, she wore much bolder clothes than she does now!


Only this time, Her Royal Highness the Princess, who could not refute Noah calling herself an 'idiot', could only bear Noah's ridicule head-on with a red face and unwillingness to do so.

I once again made a serious note in my heart.

She remembered this grudge!

She will definitely wear the kind of clothes that suit her so well that the evil god will be speechless and can't help but praise her, okay!

59. Introspection is impossible. What if revenge succeeds?

After being severely teased by Noah, Valentina tossed and turned in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. She kept thinking of Noah's various voices and laughter teasing her.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and the angrier I get, the more I think about it.

She suddenly felt that she could not continue like this and had to find a way.

And among the many words Noah said to her, it was still "You should use more adjectives for me, it really makes you worry that when you quarrel, others will make your face turn red, and you will make yourself angry to death first" This sentence concerned Valentina the most.

Judging from his subsequent attitude, there must be other women in the same situation as her.

No, she had to find a way to get such a nasty evil god to focus all his attention on herself. This was also for the benefit of others.

So what to do?

This question was on Valentina's mind from before she fell asleep to when she regretted that she actually fell asleep, to when she was walking in the palace after dressing up.

"It seems a bit..."

"No, but in that case..."

When Valentina, holding a sword, was walking majestically in the corridor of the palace, she was thinking about the answer to the question with her fingers on her slender and delicate chin.

The ministers and nobles working in the palace and preparing to report to the king quickly chose to avoid it as if they had seen the god of plague.

They had heard before that the last person who disturbed Valentina's thinking was Raymond, the foolish son of the Marquis Clemens family, who was still lying in bed.

Although it was eventually announced that an adventurer pretending to be Princess Valentina did it, who knows what happened.

After all, this second princess is pretending to be a pure and innocent evil princess, and uses some scandals she knows where to force them to shut up.

Of course it would be better to hide as far away from her as possible.

Valentina's recent series of actions have rapidly increased her reputation in the palace, to the point where ministers and nobles dare not provoke her.

In contrast, his reputation among the knights and the guards responsible for standing guard has rapidly improved.

"Her Highness Valentina looks more respectable today than usual. She must be thinking about big things that we can't think of."

Shortly after Valentina walked by, the two guards who had been praised by Valentina immediately started talking quietly again.

Although they were not at the same duty station, this did not prevent the two of them from being attracted by Valentina's chic and awe-inspiring figure. How could they not hold back without expressing their admiration.

Therefore, one of the guards sincerely lamented Valentina's change.

In the past, Her Highness the Princess seemed a little unreliable, but recently she didn't feel that way anymore. He thought it must be because girls in their growth period change quickly.

"Really? But I don't think it's strange that His Highness is thinking about some trivial things that we can imagine."

It's just that another guard seems to have a different opinion. He refuted his colleague with a smug expression of "I'm married, so I know a lot."

"Ah? Do you mean it's really a love affair? But it shouldn't be that young man named Clyde. I went to see him on purpose during my last break. It's not that I have an opinion about him, but he is really unreliable."

"Well, maybe he is actually a strong man who deliberately hides his strength. Otherwise, it must be someone else. In short, he must be a powerful person that we can't reach."

The two guards forgot that they were still at work again. As they chatted, they forgot to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

"... It's you two again. If I didn't know that you are Valentina's admirers, I would have suspected that you two were deliberately attracting my attention."

It was a slightly tired and indifferent voice. Although it was very different from the past, that voice would never be misheard by people in the palace.

Therefore, the two guards hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound in panic.

As expected, they saw a beautiful long wavy hair like a golden ocean.

However, the beautiful face under the long hair no longer had the familiar domineering aura, but instead looked a little nervous and tired.

There were faint dark circles around the corners of the strong hanging eyes, which looked like some kind of eye makeup that gave the princess a different temperament.

"Di, Delia!"

Although it was a little surprising that the princess who was difficult to get close to and seemed to be the center of the world looked like a lazy and cold beauty at this time.

But the two guards were still scared and tried to stop the words and apologized.

After being caught twice by this mean and poisonous princess, even if she was not expelled directly, she would probably be troubled, so it was better to apologize quickly.

"Don't shout so loudly, you two idiots. Do you want me to get angry? Forget it. Don't let me catch you next time, or you two will be dead."

The princess frowned as if she was annoyed by the greetings of the two people, but she soon relaxed. She just sighed helplessly and left in the direction where Valentina left after saying some harsh words without much spirit.

The two guards felt like they had seen a ghost and couldn't believe their eyes and ears.

What? The savage and vicious princess actually learned to be tolerant? !

Is she heartbroken? ! No, shouldn't she be more irritable if she is heartbroken?

...What annoying guards, if she really couldn't muster up the energy, she would definitely make them cry and beg for mercy.

Of course, Delia also read their surprise from the expressions of the two guards, but she really didn't have the energy to focus on such a small person, so she continued to walk.

After being defeated by Valentina, she didn't sleep all night last night, and always felt that her loss was very unreasonable.

How could that sister who only had strong action and liked to stir up trouble everywhere become so scheming in a short time? There must be someone training her behind the scenes.

And judging from Valentina's attitude at that time, it seemed like she was showing off, it was most likely a person of the opposite sex.

In this case, Delia's revenge plan was very clear. She would snatch the man who really defeated her from Valentina's hands, and use that man to become stronger and then defeat Valentina physically and mentally.

Finally, kick away the man who had no use value.

If the other party unexpectedly met her appetite, she would tie him up with a chain and treat him as a dog.

Although she was in a low mood, she would not give up. She must let Valentina taste the taste of failure and humiliation, and make Valentina like a loser and no one cared about her.

The only problem with this revenge plan was that she didn't know who the man behind Valentina was.

It was definitely impossible for that commoner named Clyde to be the one. I heard from those noble daughters that the boy was very embarrassing even in his size.

There must be someone else...

"Good morning, thank you for your hard work on duty. Thanks to you, the order in the capital is so stable."

Just when Delia was considering whether to find a way to follow Valentina, Alan's gentle and kind voice came from behind her.

Delia looked back and found that Alan was having a good conversation with the two guards just now, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.

But as a vicious yellow-haired character, Delia felt the same kind of breath from Alan. No matter how humble Alan pretended to be, his arrogance in his bones could not be hidden.

For example, he was very polite but kept a distance.

For example, he looked impeccable and a perfect man no matter how you looked at him.

Just kidding, there is no such good man, it's definitely acting, even if there is one, it will be so perfect that it's disgusting.

But because it's none of her business, she just doesn't care.

"… Anyway, let's get rid of this man first."

After casting an 'indifferent' gaze at Allen from a distance, the blonde princess decided to think carefully about how to complete her revenge on Valentina.

As for the follow-up investigation, it was better to forget it.

…She always felt that if she followed him now, she would definitely be in big trouble. Maybe it would be a good idea to observe the situation and wait.

Besides, maybe she can suddenly meet an excellent man who can change her fate?

For example, what if she is suddenly chosen by God one day?

PS. I thought about it carefully after reading the brief comments.

It does make sense to say one thing. If it is too easy to add more chapters, it will give people a feeling of "Ah, anyway, this stupid/idiot/author just wants to cheat monthly tickets, right? If he owes too much and can't pay it back, he will definitely be a eunuch in the end!"

Moreover, binding the monthly tickets and the additional chapters too tightly also has a kind of tool-like coldness, and there is no bond between me and the readers (mainly because of the lazy dog ​​mentality of wanting to get monthly tickets just by selling misery).

Since owing too much will give people a sense of distrust, and if it takes too long, people will doubt the credibility, then it is better to add more chapters for every 10 monthly tickets this month, and pay it back next month. In this way, I think you can still trust me a little.

The current monthly ticket is 273. If you remove the three chapters on the days recommended before, then there are still 24 chapters owed.

As for the monthly ticket for next month? I will pay off this month's ticket first. It's all just empty talk now.

(The plot will be accelerated. The role of Her Royal Highness the Princess will be strengthened in the next version, but the protagonist is still a T0-level official legal plug-in character)

60. A confession destined to change the fate of countless people

Just like the eldest princess Delia noticed the yellow-haired Allen, Allen naturally noticed Delia's "indifferent" gaze towards him.

But as the saying goes, don't interfere with each other, Allen is not interested in Delia.

He has seen enough princesses with vicious personalities like snakes and scorpions in their demon clan.

As expected, he still wants to play the serious princess who hates evil, advocates justice, and has a straightforward personality.

So Allen and Delia did the same thing, that is, no one interfered with each other, Delia thought about her revenge, and Allen also concentrated on playing the role of a respected kingdom scholar here.

"Oh? Do you think Her Highness Valentina has become so reliable recently because of her love affair? I see, then I think it must be because of that young man, Clyde."

After hearing that the two guards in front of him were scolded by Delia for discussing Valentina, Allen smiled and praised Clyde, the victim that the guards did not think highly of.

"Huh? Is that so!?"

"Since Mr. Allen, the private tutor of Her Highness, said so, then it may be true. You can't judge a person by his appearance. Today I understand this truth again."

The two guards were obviously shocked by Allen's words. They looked at each other and saw shock in their colleagues' eyes.

"Well, Clyde knew Her Highness who lived with her mother ten years ago. He is naturally an irreplaceable and special existence to Her Highness, so it is normal for him to work hard for him."

Alan continued to say this with a kind face.

But in fact, he almost laughed out loud!

Valentina has become reliable recently, it must be because of him, how could it be that stinky boy!

He witnessed Valentina defeat Prince Mori, helped Valentina humiliate Princess Delia, and watched her grow up step by step.

Clyde, that brat, chased Valentina to the capital but didn't help much, how could it be him!

"...This guy has a really bad temper."

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