Although his departing back still looks elusive, because that is the image of the evil god that Noah wants to create.

But it was like feeling the mother's love in Chiryuu's eyes that was not there but felt just because she missed her.

Valentina always felt that the back figure looked very lonely.

Why don't you say you must be lonely?

After all, even if Noah himself doesn't care, he is actually a person, right?

How can a person be considered lonely if he is not lonely?

Half a person?

"...He is really a hopeless god."

Staring at Noah's back gradually disappearing into the depths of the forest, Her Highness the Princess murmured in a voice that could only be heard by herself.

She couldn't understand why Noah was so determined to be annoying.

Is it so fun to be hated?

Is it that pleasant to be disliked?

Doesn't it feel good to be liked?

Or... he has never been liked by anyone, so he doesn't know what it feels like to be liked?

Judging from what he said, the goddess probably hated him to the extreme.

...Well, although she couldn't understand it, she still felt that the evil god was also very pitiful.

"Oh, I'm afraid I'm not really a bit masochistic. I'm actually worried about the evil god who uses me as a toy."

Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was kind deep in her heart, sighed heavily and felt a little helpless to herself.

She put away the dragon part and started walking in the opposite direction to Noah, leading to the royal capital.

There was still plenty of time, so she inevitably thought about herself and Noah on the way back.

Then she gradually realized the reason why she clearly hated Noah, but couldn't really make him disappear completely.

"...Sure enough, it's because although I was treated as a toy by him to please him, I didn't suffer any other losses besides mental losses?"

Valentina thought a lot, but it turned out that this reason was the most convincing to her.

Although it was not the case and there was a more important reason, Her Royal Highness the Princess did not notice it at this time, or it could be said that she did not notice it subconsciously.

But it didn't matter, she would soon have to notice.

"Yes, it must be because of this. Otherwise, I'm not a pervert. How could I be worried about someone who bullies me? Well, it must be like this."

As a princess, even if she is a concubine, Valentina cannot admit that she is a pervert.

After all, she has her own dignity.

"But although I can't hate that guy, he is still very annoying. I will keep today's events in mind, and sooner or later I will repay him twice as much!"

Speaking words that outsiders could not understand at all, Her Royal Highness the Princess had almost reached the gate of the royal capital.

She could even see the guard guarding the door in her field of vision.

Therefore, Her Royal Highness quickly put away the liveliness that was in line with her age and was only shown in front of Noah.

When she appeared in the eyes of the gate guards, Valentina was already wearing an elegant and generous royal smile, greeted the gate guards like an idol, and entered the royal capital with the adoring eyes of the gate guards.

No one noticed her changes, but some things were indeed changing quietly.

PS. Hey, according to the original plan, I will update ten chapters when it is released at 0:00 on Saturday, but I may not have enough manuscripts.

Although I only need to update once a day to solve this problem, it doesn't matter. I will continue to update twice tomorrow. This may result in less than ten chapters on the shelves, but I think all readers can understand why I am missing.

The plot on the shelves is of course the beloved princess who turns into a demon and becomes yandere, and begins to change from passive to active. I think it should be okay and barely worth watching.

(If you want to add more updates, just divide the number of monthly votes by ten, so you owe 40 chapters. It doesn’t matter. I can start paying it back after I finish saving the manuscript! Thank you to the reader, grandpa, for your support!)

68. Behind the smile of Asasi the Sufferer

When Valentina returned to the city, it was still early, and she should consider how to deal with Noah's matter. After all, she couldn't always be so passive.

But just as she was walking and thinking about how to make Noah look good, a familiar figure ran towards her in a panic.

It was her childhood sweetheart Clyde.

Clyde seemed to be looking for her all the time. He was sweating profusely from running. The moment he noticed her in the distance, a gentle smile of relief immediately appeared on his face, but then he tensed up again and even jumped on his horse. He asked with concern as he ran towards her.

"T-Tina! Are you okay!"

It was a caring voice, the usual Clyde she was familiar with.

Originally this was just a normal thing, but a hint of disappointment flashed deep in Valentina's heart.

What, it was the real Clyde, she thought it must be the evil god.

"Well, I'm fine, but Clyde, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking so panicked?"

Although she was a little disappointed in her heart, Valentina certainly wouldn't show it. She just smiled normally and asked her childhood sweetheart what happened in a friendly way.

It was for Clyde's own good that she didn't involve him. You must know that he was the evil god. She was a member of the royal family and could tolerate the evil god's wanton behavior, but Clyde, an ordinary citizen, would definitely not be able to bear it.

Last time, Clyde was already very pitiful after being kicked by the evil god. Valentina didn't want to see such a gentle childhood friend get hurt.

"Actually, I heard a lot of people say this morning that you were with me yesterday, Tina, but that wasn't me, Tina! I didn't go to see you yesterday because I had other things to do!"

Unlike Valentina who was calm and unhurried, Clyde was very anxious now, and he seemed very excited.

But it was also true that he heard that his childhood friend was with "him" yesterday, but in fact he didn't go to find his childhood friend but was doing other things.

It was a normal reaction to worry that his childhood friend was deceived.

"...Ah, this matter, it's okay, Clyde, it's really your fake, I recognized it at first sight, so it's okay."

Thinking that something big had happened, it turned out to be just this. Valentina smiled and comforted the boy in front of her who was worried about herself.

This was not a big deal at all. Anyway, although the evil god often made fun of her, he should not do anything harmful to her... probably.

"Really? That's great. I thought you were deceived, Tina."

Clyde looked at Valentina's face seriously, especially her beautiful purple eyes. After confirming that Valentina did not deliberately conceal or deceive, but told the truth, he was obviously relieved.

The boy put his hands on his chest and smiled gently.

He heard many people say that Valentina looked happy when she was with another him, so he was a little jealous.

After all, that was the treatment he should have enjoyed.

But it seems to be a misunderstanding. Looking at Valentina's current attitude, it must be a trick that Valentina showed to deceive the other party, and she deliberately accompanied the other party to act.

——Huh? So Tina was very happy at that time because she was with me? I'm a little embarrassed, haha.

Thinking of this, Clyde couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

"I'm sorry to make you worried, Clyde, but it's really okay. I made that Delia sister behave herself. She won't be easily fooled."

In order to reassure her childhood sweetheart, Valentina even brought out her proud record.

However, Clyde's expression was a little subtle when he heard this.

In fact, he was also worried about this. You know, Princess Delia has a very bad reputation among the people. She is not someone who will behave herself after being defeated once. Sooner or later, she will retaliate.

So Clyde actually thought about whether to find an opportunity to persuade Valentina to admit her mistake to Delia. After all, it is definitely right to have one less powerful enemy that cannot be completely defeated. After all, they are sisters. As long as they admit their mistakes, they should not go too far.

"Well, that, Tina."

Clyde, who is timid and cowardly by nature, is worried about the safety of Valentina and himself, so he plans to let Valentina, who has obviously won a great victory, apologize to Delia or even make amends.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Clyde?"

"...No, nothing, I just thought you must be careful."

But Clyde still didn't say it, because he also knew that Valentina had a strong personality, so she would definitely not be happy with his suggestion.

If he wanted to make this suggestion, he should choose a suitable opportunity, or he should apologize to Delia first.

So Clyde, who was particularly worried, had to change his words temporarily and showed a smile.

"Well, thank you, Clyde, I will pay attention."

Valentina, who didn't know what Clyde was thinking, thought he was just worried about her, so she felt a warm current flowing through her heart, and her expression couldn't help but become softer.

The soft expression of the beautiful girl is pleasing to ordinary people.

What's more, Clyde, who had long had ideas about Valentina, blushed when he saw that smile, and smiled shyly.

This must be a beautiful picture in the eyes of outsiders.

Even Valentina thought it was great that her childhood sweetheart was Clyde. There must be no childhood sweetheart more gentle than Clyde.

I really hope that the evil god can learn what gentleness is from her childhood sweetheart...

Ah, forget it. She has already experienced the gentle evil god, and it was terrible.

As long as the evil god is not so bad, it will be fine.

But although the princess looked at the boy in front of her, she couldn't help but think of a certain annoying evil god in her heart.

After that, the two of them naturally walked side by side, talking and laughing.

They told each other what interesting things happened to each other recently, and made harmless jokes. It had nothing to do with their status. The two of them just got along as ordinary childhood sweethearts.

It was just when the two noticed that at the door of the Adventurer's Association, several adventurers actually brought back a whole low-level wyvern as a trophy.

Valentina's mood was not as enthusiastic as the people around her.

Of course, she would not feel sad about the death of the flying dragon. She just watched it all calmly, thinking about what the correct relationship between humans and dragons should be.

Clyde had a completely different expression.

It was an expression full of fear and disgust.

——How come such ugly and violent creatures as dragons are not extinct yet! Aren’t adventurers very powerful! Hurry up and kill all the dragons!

The boy was completely influenced by the saying that all dragons in the kingdom were evil creatures, and he had a strong fear and hatred for any dragon.

This was not his fault, but the country and even the world itself had problems.

However, when the boy noticed that his childhood sweetheart did not look as envious or admiring as the others around him, he forced a gentle smile to please his childhood sweetheart and said:

"That wyvern is a little pitiful, right? Tina."

"...Hmm? Ah, maybe."

Valentina, whose thoughts were interrupted, looked at her childhood sweetheart with a gentle face in front of her, and nodded subconsciously to show her agreement.

...Huh? It seems a little subtle and wrong? Didn't Tina want to hear this answer?

The boy looked at the princess in front of him with some confusion. For the first time, he was slightly shaken by his ability to observe other people's expressions.

But it was only a slight one. After all, Valentina did not show an angry expression, so Clyde put aside his doubts.

Although if Valentina is angry, even if he doesn't think so, he will immediately agree.

69. Be happy, Princess, you are free


Noah, who was watching all this in the ruined temple, of course saw the negative emotions in Clyde's eyes.

He also saw that Clyde had negative emotions, but deliberately lied to please Valentina.

Noah really has nothing to say about this.

Clyde is exactly the same as the original work. He is gentle because of cowardice, harmless because of fear and strength, and he is a little self-righteous, thinking that his weakness will be good for himself and Valentina.

But in this world where the heroine has to recycle the defeated CG after defeat, Clyde's weakness is tantamount to surrender.

Although there is no Clyde surrender in the CG related to Princess Delia in the original work, if it is Noah, who knows this world and Delia's personality very well,

Then Delia would definitely pretend to agree to reconcile with Valentina with Clyde, and then use Clyde to drug Valentina, and then she would definitely let the noble men who had long disliked Valentina do something very bad to Valentina.

What if Clyde is unwilling?

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