However, the way of disappearance was not that it turned into translucent magic particles and floated away, but that it suddenly disappeared from Noah's sight as if it was invisible.

"...Ha, that means you are very unconvinced and plan to come back to me at another time, right? Okay, just come here and show me your will next time, Your Highness."

Looking at the crater where Her Royal Highness no longer existed, a happy smile appeared on Noah's face.

He just said that although she was not elegant, she was still the 'queen of vampire bats'.

If it was so boring, wouldn't it be a waste of Noah's life to spend this time with her?

It's better to just kill her and continue to see if the real princess is attacked by Allen's men!

76.Unpredictable variables

After this chance encounter, Valentina suddenly felt that her familiar childhood sweetheart had become a stranger, and she even felt a vague sense of betrayal.

She originally thought it would be difficult for her to accept this reality.

But surprisingly, this time she only accepted it after being depressed for twenty minutes.

She thought about it for a moment, and it turned out that it was the evil god again.

It was the incident where the evil god took back her dragon power a few days ago and seemed to have no intention of appearing in front of her that gave her experience.

And if you think about it carefully, this matter is actually not that difficult to accept.

She is just Clyde's childhood sweetheart, not his girlfriend, so Clyde hides his thoughts and wonders what it has to do with her being with other women.

It was his freedom to choose to speak false flattery in front of her.

And it was her freedom to hate Clyde's hypocrisy.

Therefore, Valentina quickly regained her composure and continued her activities as if she didn't know anything about it.

It cannot be said that it was not affected at all.

But Valentina thought that she at least had another man who supported her and whom she trusted.

Yes, that's right, it's her private tutor, Mr. Allen.

Therefore, Valentina can at least hide her current complicated mood from others on the surface.

And...she also has an annoying god, okay?

Although he was a terrible god, he was also the only god who watched and talked to her.

So it doesn't matter even if she doesn't have the support of her childhood sweetheart.

Maybe she restrained Clyde instead.

Thinking about it this way, what happened this time was actually a good thing.

Unlike the last time when the evil god suddenly took away the dragon's power and she was in a state of despair, this incident did not have any superficial impact on Valentina.

At least today, when she was assisting the Knights in searching for evidence of a certain noble's crime, no one noticed anything unusual about her.

"Gu! You're just a bastard! Why would you dare to do this to a yellow-haired girl who doesn't even love your biological father!"

When the fat-bellied nobles were detained in accordance with the law, the nobles who had always exploited the people finally took off their hypocritical smiles and revealed their ugly faces.

It was a fierce insult directed at Valentina.

What he said was extremely outrageous and was simply a personal insult. What was even more outrageous was that these were all facts.

Not long ago, Valentina would have been outraged by this and felt that she had been severely humiliated.

But now, an interesting smile gradually appeared on her cold face. She raised her chin slightly, looked at the ugly nobleman with eyes as if looking at garbage, and then sneered with contempt. road:

"Oh, I am a real princess. Can you accept this reason? Do not accept it? What can you do if you don't accept it? Do you know what you look like now? You are simply a dirty and ugly pig, and you are also now It’s time to kill your pig and share the meat with others. If you don’t shut up your foul mouth, I don’t mind cutting off your head now?”

That was a pleasant sound that made the knights who were following the nobles arrested feel chills in their backs. The knights looked at Her Royal Highness in surprise, who seemed to be angry but didn't seem to be angry.

That calm and unhurried look perfectly blended elegance and majesty, and already had an aura that rivaled that of the first heir to the throne, the eldest prince.

But Her Royal Highness is a female and younger, so it seems that there will definitely be a battle for the throne in the future...

Some knights are worried about this, and some knights are excited about it.

But no matter what, they all felt the pressure even though they were not named. The noble who was still talking nonsense before was now sweating like a frog being stared at by a snake, and could no longer say a word.

Oh, maybe a domestic pig targeted by a dragon would be more suitable.

Although there was a smile on her lips, Her Royal Highness the Princess's eyes revealed murderous intent, which made the nobleman feel deep fear. He had no doubt that if he said one more word, he would be beheaded immediately.

Because this is how Valentina feels at this time.

So in the end, the noble could only lower his proud head in front of the common people as if he had accepted his fate.

After taking the nobles back for interrogation and trial, and temporarily dealing with the incident, Valentina walked on the streets of the royal capital.

The dusk sky is getting darker, and it will be night soon.

Speaking of which, I also met the evil god at night. I don’t know if I can meet him today. If I do, I should ask him carefully whether he had a good time with other women today.

Her Highness the Princess, who raised her head and looked at the sky, couldn't help but think so.

She had already put aside the matter of her childhood sweetheart and just let nature take its course.

She was not going to ask Clyde why he did this, nor was she going to say anything to Clyde.

On the other hand, she also wanted to see how long Clyde wanted to hide his thoughts and deceive her.

So now she plans to pretend she doesn't know anything and go to see Clyde.

No, she wasn't angry, she just felt a little disappointed and disgusted because she felt betrayed.

On the way to meet Clyde, the sky had completely darkened, and the number of passers-by walking on the street began to decrease rapidly.

Valentina didn't care because she was used to this kind of scenery.

After all, this is a city where a criminal pops up from time to time and she is asked to arrest him.

You can hardly see any criminals during the day (because they are all disguised), but you will see one or two if you just wander around at night.

And it seems that criminals and evil gods don’t just appear at night.

A mysterious woman will also appear.

"Wait a minute, you over there, you are Valentina, the second princess in this country, right?"

Valentina was walking when she suddenly heard a strange young female voice.

She looked towards the sound, only to find that the other party was already walking towards her.

She was a very beautiful blond woman. Unlike her sister Delia, she had smooth long straight hair. She was slender than Valentina. She was wearing some nostalgic combat clothing and had a belt around her waist. The handle of a knight's sword seemed familiar to her.

While the appearance of a woman gives people a sense of weakness that needs to be protected, her temperament is quite mature and reliable. Her sweet and lovely face is full of perseverance, especially those emerald green eyes, which are almost as if they are experienced by others. The adventurer who has fought hundreds of battles is as profound.

For some reason, Valentina always felt like she was no outsider.

…Ah, by the way, she is the woman that Valentina saw walking with Clyde this morning and made Valentina see clearly what Clyde was really thinking.

Although she was surprised, Valentina was no longer a newbie. She just seemed polite but kept a distance and asked the other party what was wrong.

"Yes, I am Valentina Acaster, the second princess of this country. Who are you? From what you say, don't you think you are from this country?"

The reason why Valentina asked this was because people in this country should know her.

And even if people from other kingdoms didn't know her, they wouldn't use such a casual tone towards a woman who might be her.

And she always felt that even if she didn't see it this morning, this woman seemed to be somewhat similar to herself and Delia.

...Could it be another illegitimate child of his carefree old father?

77. Messenger of the goddess, dragon slayer of the past

Because the woman's hair color is exactly the same as that of Delia, Prince Mori, and the King, and her temperament does not look like that of an ordinary adventurer.

So Valentina felt that the other party was probably his father's illegitimate son.

But she originally thought that this guess was bold enough, but she didn't expect that the other party's speech was even more bold to an outrageous level.

The blond woman who was somewhat similar to her and Delia walked up to Valentina, stopped in front of her, and introduced herself in a very serious tone.

"It's great to see future generations and adventurous royals like you, Valentina, I am Agatha, Agatha Acaster, your ancestor, the Dragon Slayer."

"Ancestor? And, and the name Agatha..."

Valentina felt bad when she heard this. She never thought that the other party could say such outrageous things, and with such a serious expression.

She does know that Agatha was the princess of the kingdom about 150 years ago. Valentina has had many adventure novels adapted from her experiences, so she can be considered her idol.

But suddenly someone said that she was the legendary princess from more than 150 years ago, and she really couldn't believe it.

"Well, that's right. I heard from the boy named Clyde that you are my proud descendant who aims at slaying dragons. Ah, it seems like you still can't accept it. Then take a look. This sword should tell you that I’m not joking.”

Seeing that Valentina still looked suspicious, Agatha immediately pulled out the sword on her waist to prove her identity.

This sword does have an origin. It is a famous sword passed down from generation to generation in the royal family. The current holder should be the first prince.

In other words, it should be owned by Valentina and Prince Mori's elder brother, who is also Delia's younger brother.

Valentina has seen the eldest prince use it before, so she will not admit it. This is the genuine article.

Either this woman got it from the eldest prince, or she really is an ancestor from the past as she said.

"...I see, I believe you are my ancestor for now, but since you also hold this sword, do you mean that you have not lived until now, but have traveled directly from the past to the present?"

Because Valentina had seen the evil god, she quickly came up with an explanation that she thought was reasonable.

As Agatha imagined, she didn't doubt how she could live so long, which made Agatha's eyes more admiring.

"I'm so surprised that you can understand it so quickly, Valentina! That's right! In fact, I am the me who completed the first dragon slaying mission one year after you know it. In fact, I was specially chosen by the goddess to come to this era!"

When the goddess was mentioned, Agatha's mature and resolute expression could not help but show some pride and pride, and even raised her chest which was much smaller than Valentina's.

So there really is a goddess...

Valentina's mood was obviously not as excited as Agatha, she just felt a little incomprehensible.

Why did the goddess teleport her ancestors from the past to the present time.

"Then Lady Agatha..."

"Don't call me that, it's so weird, just call me by my name, or call me sister, after all, it feels like I should be older."

... No, it must be you who is older.

Valentina looked at her ancestor who seemed to like her with some helplessness, and spoke again:

"So Sister Agatha, why did you cross time and space to come here now? Does the goddess want you to do something?"

"Good question, Valentina. Actually, the goddess came to help you defeat evil, but unfortunately I didn't tell her much, and I didn't even have time to say a word to the goddess. I was just told by the person in charge."

Agatha, who was called sister by her descendants, had a softer face and responded with a little happiness.

This made Valentina more and more confused.

If there is something, why doesn't the goddess do it herself?

The goddess is not a personality that likes to let others act and just watch.

"Anyway, time is tight, and I can't stay here for too long. Anyway, let's go slay the dragon first! Let's talk while we are on the road!"

Valentina was still doubting how credible the matter was, but she didn't expect Agatha to directly take her hand and walk quickly towards the outside of the capital.

This made Valentina look stunned.

It seems that this cheap sister is really her ancestor, and she is a man of action like her.

But that's not right, where can we kill dragons now?

Could it be that red dragon? But it is far away from the capital, and it is not a place that can be reached in a short time. Moreover, the red dragon is harmless except for attacking male red dragons, so it should not be considered evil.

"Wait, wait a minute, sister Agatha, there are no evil dragons near the capital now."

Valentina, who was dragged away, felt that if she didn't explain, she would be dragged to an unknown place.

"Ah? So there are no evil dragons nearby? But why do I always feel that I can feel a strong evil breath near this capital."

Fortunately, Agatha is not an unreasonable person. When she heard that there were no dragons to kill nearby, she stopped immediately and turned to look at Valentina with doubts.

Wait a minute, can't I feel the breath of the evil god!

Hearing this, Valentina's heart jumped suddenly, and Noah's figure appeared in her mind.

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