Of course, Noah didn't look at her at all. Instead, he continued to praise her sculpture as if he admired the artwork he created.

Arrogant words like 'As expected of me', 'Sure enough, the sculpture is better'.

That really made Valentina so angry that she wanted to use her tail to wrap it around the neck of the nasty evil god, twisting his head 180 degrees, forcing him to look back at her, the prototype of the sculpture.

Even Valentina herself didn't realize that not only had she become more and more accustomed to the dragon's body, but she also no longer felt as disgusted as before.

After all, her hatred for herself was nothing compared to the evil god who did whatever he wanted to her.

"Huh? You're up already. You recovered quite quickly from the accident."

Noah, who pretended to notice Valentina's resentful gaze, turned his head and looked at the princess again.

Although his current external image is basically a black shadow, two scarlet eyes can be seen from the front, so outsiders can still distinguish the front and back clearly.

Noah's tone of pretending to be surprised naturally made Valentina hug her chest and turn her head away, looking impatient.

But before she could refute, Noah took the lead and said in a mocking tone:

"But judging from your appearance, I'm afraid you can't express the characteristics of a dragon as you like. After all, you are just a third-rate princess who is not even as good as a sculpture."

That was obviously an insult to her character.

Valentina was originally worried about this matter, but when Noah said it like this, the resentment in her heart increased even more.

Although she really didn't know how to control the dragon part, the Evil God said so, so she had to slap the Evil God in the face no matter what!

In fact, it is not difficult to hide and reveal the dragon part. It mainly depends on one's acceptance level. The more unacceptable a person is, the less control he will have.

At this time, under Noah's obvious provocation, Valentina had the idea that 'as long as she can slap the evil god in the face, she will be fine no matter what.'

This can be regarded as accepting her current body in disguise, so Valentina seemed to have suddenly found a switch in her heart.

As the dragon's parts gradually disappeared, she lost the ability to fly and felt the gravity and fell to the ground. The high-heeled combat boots on her feet also felt like they were stepping on the ground.

Regarding the fact that she had mastered the initiative to put away the part of her dragon, Valentina's first reaction was surprise, and her second reaction was to immediately show it off to the evil god not far away.

Valentina shook her beautiful silver hair with her hand, and then gave Noah a proud expression.

Although she didn't speak, no matter how you looked at her competitive little face, it said 'You saw it! I am not a third-rate person! ’.

Snap, snap, snap.

What then sounded in the ruined temple was, of course, Noah's applause.

and Noah’s speech full of intrigue.

"Oh, that's amazing, but it's just a coincidence. You definitely can't reveal it and put it away again."

As soon as Noah finished speaking, in order to prove that Noah was wrong, Valentina immediately appeared again and the dragon part floated from the ground, and quickly put it away.

Rather than words, she slapped Noah in the face with actions.

The evidence was the growing smugness on her face.

And Noah wanted to laugh the more he looked at her proud little look.

This princess really didn't realize that she was being plotted by him.

Look, although it seems like she slapped Noah in the face, isn't Valentina now more and more accepting of the fact that she turned into a dragon?

As long as she accepts the degradation of the body first, the degradation of the soul will follow.

Although it may not be easy to change this gullible character, once it is changed, it will definitely be the opposite.

Humph, I'm really looking forward to the birth of a heroine who is more like a villain than the yellow-haired villains.

9. Now it’s better, I look less and less like a human being.

Although she accidentally fell into Noah's trap, Valentina quickly noticed something was wrong.

Wait, is she being set up?

Realizing that she seemed to have accepted her new body more and more unintentionally, Valentina's originally proud face immediately turned into a smile.

Thinking about how she was about to save someone, but was suddenly pulled into such a strange space by Noah, Valentina couldn't help but regain her hostile attitude towards Noah.

"...Today I once again understand why your temple is in such a dilapidated state. An evil god like you who treats people as toys and doesn't take human life seriously can't have a believer at all. I think it's third-rate. It’s you who is right, you third-rate god!”

Valentina looked at Noah with eyes full of evil, as if she was looking at a villain who did all kinds of evil.

When she thought about the victims who were still tortured by the thugs because she did not save them in time, Valentina couldn't help but rate Noah even lower.

It's all his fault! Otherwise, I will definitely catch up!

It's just that for Noah, Valentina's eyes full of blame and disgust will only make him happy. It would be better if it could become colder, such as looking at garbage, which is really a pity.

Noah could only be pleased with Valentina's hostility.

And what he did next shocked Valentina as always.

"Haha, isn't this very eloquent? Why do you feel so resentful for not being able to help others? Then I'll give you a chance. After all, even if I am a third-rate person, I am still a god."

Because he just responded to Valentina's accusation casually, and then without waiting for Valentina's response, he just pulled her into the temple without authorization, and then threw her back into the streets of the Royal Capital at night without authorization.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean by that!?"

Before Valentina could react, she found that she had returned to her original place. This made her subconsciously put down the arm she had stretched out in front of her in confusion, and turned to look at the familiar scenery around her and clenched her fists. .

Damn it! He dragged her into the temple without authorization, and invited her out without authorization! That abominable evil god! What on earth do you think she is?

And what's the use of returning to the original position now! Ten minutes have passed. God knows if those thugs have left long ago!

At this moment when Valentina felt strongly dissatisfied, she suddenly heard those rough male voices that she had heard before, vaguely coming from a distance.

This made a hint of surprise appear on her slightly gloomy expression.

Is it still too late? Is this what the evil god meant by the opportunity just now?

There was no time to think about it. I had just been dragged away by the evil god because of my excessive thoughts. Who knows what would happen if I thought about it more.

So this time Valentina immediately ran towards the source of the sound.

There were four men and a woman in a dark corner where the light could not reach them.

When Valentina arrived, it was just in time for the matter to come to an end.

But from the woman with disheveled hair, her clothes torn to reveal her chest, and the man with an evil smile on his face, anyone can tell what just happened.

"Oh my, who do I think you are? It turns out to be the unrecognized princess."

"It's true, yo, what's wrong, Your Highness, your expression seems very unhappy."

"Haha, it must be because of the boring sense of justice!"

The thugs who noticed Valentina jeered contemptuously and maliciously blocked the escape route of the princess who broke into the scene.

"...Are they from the 'Fury Group'?"

Valentina was not carried away by anger, but frowned and carefully looked at the men in front of her.

She knew that anyone who dared to do such a thing was not a good person.

These men are not ordinary hooligans, but belong to an underground organization called the 'Fury Group'.

The combat effectiveness of its members is higher than that of ordinary adventurers. Although Valentina is confident that one can fight three, but four will be a bit tricky.

It doesn't mean that the chance of victory will change from 100% to 70% if three becomes four, but it means that her chance of defeat will change from 0 to 30%.

If she is not careful, she may be pushed to the ground and do excessive things by this group of thugs who are not afraid of her for some reason, just like the woman over there who seems to have fainted.

"Hmph! It's too late to beg for mercy now! Let's listen to Her Royal Highness the Princess's lovely screams! Brothers!"

The bald man who looked like a small boss laughed rudely, then called on the other three people to attack Valentina.


Realizing that she had no time to think so much, Valentina immediately pulled out the long sword from her waist and took the initiative to take a step forward to meet him.

Of course, although Valentina looked brave and decisive, she was still a little panicked inside.

After all, she felt that she had a full 30% chance of losing.

The gangsters of the Furious Group were even more confident, thinking that their probability of losing was 0.

After all, they had already set up magic circles around them that could make women go into heat before taking action.

That is a very powerful magic circle, and it is absolutely impossible for humans to resist it. Let alone the princess, even the queen or the saint will have to turn into a squirter!


However, in less than half a minute, Valentina, who thought she was a powerful enemy, easily chopped down all of them to the ground and made a surprised sound.

"How, how is it possible..."

The young leader of the Furious Group, who was bleeding profusely, was also covering his waist, lying on the ground and looking up at the blood-stained princess, making a sound of disbelief.

This kind of thing is so strange! How could the combat power of this princess be so high! And there seems to be no sign of being in heat/estrus at all!

Both the victor and the vanquished were shocked by this overwhelming situation.

Valentina was also extremely surprised at this time.

Yeah, what's going on?

Could it be that she actually became stronger because she turned into a dragon?

The reason why I didn't realize it right away before was because the evil god as my opponent was too strong?

If this is the case, it really makes people feel a bit complicated.

Valentina finally realized that she was far stronger than she imagined, and that this power was given by that nasty evil god.

This sense of peace of mind that she could easily win made her feel happy, but she couldn't be happy when she thought about the relationship between the evil god.

Therefore, she could only sigh softly, determined to solve the situation in front of her first.

"...Anyway, that's it. If you tell me your stronghold quickly, can I spare your lives?...Huh? Already dead?"

However, in the short time when Valentina was sorting out her emotions, the four members of the Fury Group, who seemed to have been attacked by the dragon with all their strength, had all died.

The horrible sword wounds left on the bodies were like being torn apart by a dragon's claws. The whole scene was completely shocking.

Although with her identity and the identity of the four-member group, no one would blame her even if they were executed on the spot.

But Valentina, who realized that she seemed unable to follow the clues to find the Fury Group's base and leader, could only smile bitterly at the corpses on the ground.

Fortunately, they were killed. If it was the Kingdom soldiers, she would really be regarded as a dragon following the evil god.

"… Very good, successfully avoided a defeat play. After all, this princess is good in every way, but she is too straightforward. If you lose to such a thing, I will be very troubled."

And Noah, who was monitoring all this in the temple, also showed a slightly relaxed look on his face at this time.

In fact, he also felt that Valentina would not lose even if she went straight up just now.

But because he was still worried, he temporarily pulled Valentina to his temple for emergency training.

After all, he didn't want the heroine who had fallen into the devil himself to be defeated by passers-by before slapping the yellow-haired man.

10. Bah, useless man, deserved to be bullied by the yellow-haired heroine

Killing people only requires a knife, but cleaning up the mess is a lot of trouble.

In other words, Valentina's identity as a princess saved her from being invited to drink tea. After handing over the problems of comforting the female victims, cleaning up the bodies and cleaning up the streets to professional soldiers, Valentina went back to rest with mixed feelings.

When she woke up the next day, the news that Her Royal Highness had saved the female victim from the mob had already been known to many people.

Although this was a heroic act, for Valentina, it might not be something worth showing off.

After all, on the one hand, she was able to win so easily thanks to the evil god, and on the other hand, she didn't want to be too conspicuous.

The reason for not wanting to be conspicuous is naturally because things will become very troublesome.

In fact, today, when Valentina just left the palace and was about to try her luck in other libraries she had never been to, she met someone who seemed to have been waiting for her at the gate of the palace.

It was her tutor Allen.

After seeing Valentina's figure, Allen's worried expression obviously became much more relieved. Before Valentina greeted him first, Allen spoke first:

"Thank God, Tina, you don't look serious. Although you are not injured, I am still very worried. After all, the opponent is the furious group that makes the official knights feel difficult."

Allen was like a good teacher who was worried about his students. He couldn't wait to come up and ask Valentina about her well-being.

Seeing that he cared so much about her, Valentina seemed a little embarrassed and said quickly:

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