Although his body was seriously injured, his spirit was excited by the anger after being cheated. Allen stared angrily and tried to grab Valentina's ankle with his hand to question her about the truth.

But Allen, who was overwhelmed by anger, did not notice that when he was only halfway through his words, the eyes of Her Royal Highness the Princess, who originally had the idea of ​​​​joking, and whose eyes were full of fooling and ridicule, immediately changed.

This disgusting and obscene tentacle man! How dare you call the god who has been watching her a bastard! ? How dare you say it when you clearly don’t know anything! Although that god is indeed a terrible, bad god! But that’s why he behaved so disgustingly towards her out of love for her, right?

Her Royal Highness, who was in a bad mood for a moment, once again used her tail to shake off Allen's hand that was reaching towards her feet, and raised her foot to step hard on Allen's chest again.

As if this was not enough, Her Royal Highness the Princess twirled her heels several times as if she was very upset, and the look in her eyes that looked at Allen clearly showed a look of disgust that was not there just now.

"Well, yes, that guy is indeed a bastard, but only I can scold him. Guys like you who actually only love yourself won't understand! That's enough. I feel like it when I see your face. Disgusting, go to hell, Alan, you are much more hopeless than my stupid brother."

Here, Her Royal Highness actually had enough patience to do such a seemingly reasonable behavior. In fact, she really wanted to torture Allen and make him regret making such a statement.

But she also knew that if that was the case, she would really be unable to control her feelings, and the evil god who must be watching her nearby would notice her true thoughts.

So she decided not to wait any longer and sent Allen directly to leave this world.

"What? Are you comparing me to that idiot Mori!?"

He had already been humiliated miserably, but when he heard that his evaluation by Her Highness the Princess was not as good as Prince Mori's, Allen was even more excited and struggled to get up.

But the purple lightsaber that pinned his legs and feet before pinned his arms again this time. Allen, who was seriously injured, couldn't break free but was still struggling uselessly.

To be honest, it's really pitiful.

So much so that Noah, who was watching the show, couldn't stand it any longer. He was so sad that he had to eat two more bowls of rice later.

"...It's really ugly. It's so ugly that you don't even want to admit failure. Where do you have the face to say I'm ugly? It's really hard to stand. Go to the end of hell to regret your stupidity and get to know me. Mr. Allen is a completely different person.”


From contempt and sneer to disgust and disgust, and then back to the current scorn and sneer, Valentina's state of mind also underwent several subtle changes.

With this feeling of saying goodbye to the past, she finally swung the sword in her hand and cut off Allen's head from his body.

It was an extremely sharp blow that seemed to be able to completely cut off the thoughts of the past.

With Allen's head and body separated, Her Highness the Princess felt much more relaxed.

Because in this way, she could be considered to have completely broken off from Allen, the man in her past.

"Hey, Teacher Da Ai, why do you look a little bit stubborn?"

While Valentina was sorting out her mood, Noah also seemed to 'rush to the scene as soon as possible to laugh when something happened', and came to Allen, who looked stunned and angry before he died.

He greeted him with greetings - pointing to putting his hands in his pockets and bending over, while looking at Allen's head with a sarcastic look.

"Hey, but don't be too sad. Don't worry. Although I don't like you, I don't like Clyde either. I won't let Clyde consider himself the boyfriend of Her Royal Highness the Princess. If he is cheating If Her Royal Highness’s dog is self-conscious, I can reluctantly accept it.”

Of course Noah knew that Allen couldn't hear it, and it was actually just him talking to himself.

But what if Alan could actually hear it?

...or who else can hear it?

"I have to say, you still make me happy. I can probably remember you for a month...Ah, by the way, one last piece of advice for you. Don't win the resurrection match, otherwise Her Royal Highness the Princess's dog might I need one more."

Looking at Allen's head, whose pupils were dilated, Noah chuckled and glanced at him one last time, then turned his attention to the princess who was taking back the power of the dragon.

Unlike the sneer he looked at Allen, Noah's eyes were full of relief when he looked at Valentina.

Her Royal Highness's queenly performance just now was really great. She was a decisive and decisive badass woman who was strong enough to fool men. This was what he wanted to see.

Now she is probably the most suitable successor to the throne, so the next person she should face is her childhood sweetheart, Clyde.

As he just said, if Clyde can clearly understand his position, not as a boyfriend equal to Valentina, but as a dog who is happy to be the fallen princess, then Noah has no objection at all. .

But I'm afraid it will be difficult... Because Clyde, like Allen, really likes Valentina, and maybe it will happen in a way where he desperately calls Valentina to wake her up.

Now there are only two men standing in the way of Her Royal Highness becoming a top bad woman.

But maybe it would be good to rest for a while. After all, Her Royal Highness must be given time to rest.

Looking at Her Royal Highness the Princess in the distance, although Noah's eyes were still very happy, the smile at the corner of his mouth was quite nasty.

Because he was already satisfied today, Noah planned to eat a few more bowls of rice and leave first.

"…It's over, but you're still going to watch? That's terrible, you peeping Tom, you're not actually the god who controls peeping."

At this moment, Valentina's voice came from behind Noah, calling him as if she was disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

104. Her Royal Highness's Delusion

In fact, Noah could ignore it completely, but Noah thought about it.

It would be good to laugh at Her Royal Highness at this moment of victory.

So he appeared as Valentina wished.

After all, not reacting after being scolded is not the way of a hidden boss.

"Ha! Her Royal Highness is in a good mood! Does it feel so good to kill your mentor?"

When Noah appeared, he did not refute the fact that he peeped, but turned to "attack" Valentina.

In Valentina's eyes, Noah appeared in the moonlit park in an instant, almost like a ghost. He was still frivolous and frantic, giving people an unpredictable and dangerous feeling.

But this is only an objective view. In the eyes of Her Royal Highness at this time, she felt excited to the point of burning when she saw Noah. Once she did not actively control her facial expression, she would instinctively smile with joy.

After all, although Noah said so, it seemed very bad.

But it was because of Noah's help that she was able to get rid of Alan, the bad man lurking beside her.

He loved her so much but still looked bad. Hum~ What a weird God~

"… Just so-so. I'm a mentor, but I'm not just his tutor."

In fact, Valentina, who was very grateful to Noah, deliberately put on a cold look. She seemed unhappy, but she still made it clear that she and Alan were not that close. She hoped that Noah would not misunderstand.

"Hahaha! So he's not even a mentor! I'm really sorry!"

Noah laughed without caring about the dead, as if he was really happy, and apologized to him for misjudging their relationship without much apology.

Valentina quietly observed Noah's reaction, and then continued:

"It's really an insincere apology. How about learning Clyde's character? He would never laugh so vulgarly?"

This was actually her way of testing Noah's opinion of Clyde and Noah's reaction when she heard him praise other men.

"Clyde? Oh, you mean that weak guy, because he's so boring that I almost forgot his name."

It's a pity that Noah didn't show even a little jealousy because she mentioned other men, which was really a pity, so that the princess's originally pretended dissatisfaction really became dissatisfaction.

"Excuse me, Princess. I am a savage, rude, unreasonable, and evil god who loves to play with humans. If you want me to be quiet, you have to make considerable efforts. Yes, for example, if you seal me up like that woman, I will have to be quiet."

Noah had a sarcastic smile on his face, looking as annoying as ever, but actually hinting that Princess should just find a way to seal him up.

He gave such obvious information, and portrayed himself as the kind of villain who was defeated because he did not take the protagonist seriously and took the initiative to expose his weaknesses. With the intelligence of Princess, you should not be at a loss as to what to do.

"…Really? Then just assume that I didn't ask from the beginning. I'm going to check on Clyde's condition. Don't revive this man just for fun. I don't want to hear this guy's voice anymore."

Although it may be that Noah was pretending, Valentina always felt that Noah really looked down on her childhood sweetheart Clyde, which was useful information.

So Her Royal Highness pretended to care about Clyde and walked towards the boy, and she did not forget to tease Noah.

As for sealing Noah? Just kidding, even if Noah wanted to be sealed, she would not let Noah take his eyes off her.

Unless she was sealed together, she could consider it.

"That's really an interesting thing to hear. Just revive and mass-produce this guy. I really want to see your expression when you face dozens of these guys. It must be very interesting!"

Seeing that Her Royal Highness turned around and walked towards the victim who was still in a coma, Noah followed with interest.

It would be fine if he just followed, but he also had an attitude of watching the fun and not minding the big things, and proposed a terrible scene that made Her Royal Highness's mood fall to the bottom instantly.

A scene where dozens of Allens using tentacles laughed at her together?

Uh, no, she wanted to vomit just thinking about it. I'm afraid that after stepping on these Allens one by one, her shoes will never be worn again.

Valentina had already lowered Allen's status in her mind to a level lower than the defense, so that kind of scene would really make her sick.

Ah, but if there were dozens of Noahs, she would welcome it, right?

Or what is that, heaven?

When she walked to the sleeping Clyde, Valentina was also thinking about Noah behind her. She was not disgusted by Noah's speech at all.

She was excited instead.

Noah, who was walking behind her, naturally didn't know the fanatical expression of the princess at this time. He was still there thinking that he would be annoying and said:

"But then again, this incident has nothing to do with me directly. Whether it is that guy's plan or your childhood sweetheart's coma, it has nothing to do with me. Ah, of course there is an indirect relationship. After all, it is probably because I played your childhood sweetheart that the guy was so excited."

"...You still know that it's all because of your fake confession. It's terrible."

The princess answered Noah impatiently. In fact, her mind automatically changed the image of the confession that day back to Noah's real body, and the confession method was also Noah's frivolous and rude.

[Hey, Princess, you still have a stupid face like before. It's really unbearable to watch, but I like your embarrassing look. Come on, enjoy yourself and fall into depravity! Anyway, you can't get rid of me for the rest of your life! You might as well just become a fallen saint who believes in my religion! ]

Hehe~ No problem, God~ I will believe in you to the point that even if you are tired of me, I will not stop devoting myself to you, okay?~

Just imagining it, the princess with her back to Noah almost laughed out loud, and it was the kind of laughter that she knew was full of morbidity and weirdness.

Fortunately, because a face without feeling suddenly appeared in her field of vision, the princess's excitement calmed down instantly.

Yes, that was the face of her childhood sweetheart whom she trusted the most before.

However, he not only said the opposite words in front of Agatha before, but also became a hostage in this incident.

Although it is true that he cannot be blamed entirely, Valentina still feels a little disappointed.

Alas... Why is God not my childhood sweetheart?

If I had met him earlier, I would not have to act and hide this feeling, and I would have succeeded in making God look bad...

As she squatted down to check on her childhood sweetheart, Her Highness could not help but think so.

PS. There is one more update before 1:30!

105. Her Highness is very jealous, so she wants to make trouble

The brown-haired boy, whose sleeping face can be described as "cute", was sleeping peacefully, without any other injuries.

Although Valentina was disappointed with Clyde's performance.

However, she would care even if an ordinary person was involved in the incident, not to mention someone she knew.

The battle ended easily, but the post-war handling was troublesome.

Originally, Valentina was thinking whether to "ask" Noah to help watch the scene while she went to call someone.

After all, it was impossible for her to take Clyde and the demonized Allen with his head and body separated at the same time.

Noah's answer to this was, of course:

"Ah? You want me to help you watch these two idiots? Why should I do such a boring thing? Can't you just spread your wings and pick one up in each hand?"

Noah yawned with a bored look on his face, and looked indifferently as if he would not help at all, and looked directly in other directions.

"No matter how you think about it, I will be attacked immediately! How can I do that!"

The princess immediately cast an angry look at the indifferent Noah.

But she actually knew that despite what Noah said, he would definitely help in the end.

And just as if to respond to the princess's guess, not long after, a small team of knights appeared on the outskirts of the park.

As soon as they saw Valentina's figure in the distance, they immediately organized a team and rushed towards her quickly.

Look! She said that this awkward god would definitely help her!

The princess secretly looked at Noah who was also looking at the knights on the side, and suppressed the smile on her lips.

"Ha, they are still the same as always, a bunch of useless people, always rushing to the rescue after the fact, at least they could have found the trouble in advance once?"

This is what Noah felt from the bottom of his heart.

You said that everyone in the original work was a common face, but why is it that everyone is still a bunch of useless background boards now that everyone has their own model.

But to Her Royal Highness, this is just worrying about her!

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