Exposed! ?

How is it possible! She should have hidden herself perfectly! Could this guy read minds! ?

She was surprised, but she soon realized that this was not the time to be stunned, because although she stopped, Noah was still moving forward.

In other words, it was too close!

The lewd pattern that was already faintly hot must be even hotter!

"Stop! Don't get close to me! Didn't I tell you to keep at least five meters away!"

The nun, who felt bad, turned around and immediately showed an angry look to Noah, as if she had treated Noah as a real criminal.

Don't ask why she couldn't take the initiative to distance herself. She said she wanted to, but her body couldn't do it.

"Oh, a familiar scene, you had this attitude not long ago, Miss Sister, I don't care, but are you planning to let the villagers find out that you, a nun, are actually a lewd demon in disguise?"

Noah stopped about three meters away and was not unhappy with the attitude of the nun.

Instead, she looked at the nun who was hiding her shame with anger, with an expression that said, "Even her current expression is worth observing."

"Who is the demon pretending to be? I am a genuine nun! Don't confuse right and wrong!"

This was a real mistake for Clotilde.

She couldn't help but feel her blood pressure rising just by hearing the word "demon". Noah even equated her with a demon.

This made her even more emotional, and her pretended anger became real.

The pink eyes staring at Noah were full of hatred. Obviously, her anger would not disappear until Noah apologized or took back his words.

"No, if you continue like this, nun, you will be dominated by the demon sooner or later, and the final result will be that you will become a low-level demon who has lost even your self. I am not exaggerating. Haven't you heard of similar things in the church before?"

How could Noah apologize, which could ease the atmosphere and perhaps increase goodwill?

Of course, he told the nun the most unpleasant and true possibility with a derogatory and sneering smile on his face.


Hearing Noah's speech, Clotil's hateful eyes immediately wavered.

She had never heard of such a thing, mainly because she had never actively inquired about this information.

But theoretically, there was a possibility.

She knew this better than any other nun.

"That, that's not a reason for you to call me a lust/demon now!"

"I didn't call you directly, okay? I said that you would be mistaken for a nun disguised as a lust/demon. The truth is not important. What matters is who people think you are."

"I know that kind of thing even if you don't say it! Anyway, don't get close to me now!"

Noah's words, which didn't care about the other party's mood and directly and rudely threw out the bad results, forcing others to accept the reality, made Clotil thoroughly realize that the difference between herself with the activation of the lust/mark and the real lust/demon was not too big.

She knew rationally that Noah was right, but she couldn't accept it emotionally.

Therefore, the nun still angrily waved her hand and told Noah not to get close to her, and then she continued to walk towards the village with a strong aura of rejection.

Noah, who was rejected so fiercely by the nun, just followed behind slowly and kept the so-called relative distance.

It is better to say that the smile on his face never disappeared.

Sure enough, when the two could vaguely see a little village in their field of vision.

The nun suddenly stopped and turned around, and turned with a cold and beautiful face that turned red because of shame or anger, and took the initiative to approach Noah and said with resentment:

"It's just because I don't want to be regarded as a demon by the villagers that I am willing to be treated as an experimental subject by you! Don't get me wrong, I don't have any good feelings for you!"

Although this sounds like a standard tsundere speech, it is not really.

But no matter what, the result is the same as Noah expected, and the nun Clotil finally chose to accept the relatively less bad option.

Although they could reach the village in a short distance, Noah was still asked by the nun to help. Just like the previous times, the two walked into the nearby grove...



PS. There is another chapter that is a bit scary today, which will be updated before 2 o'clock

111. Sister, you are like a dog now

The grove near the village is usually where small beasts are active.

Compared with the area where the pig orcs were previously defeated, there are fewer monsters nearby.

As for why she chose this place, it is not because Clotil thinks it is safer and less likely to be disturbed.

It is simply because she can no longer bear it.

The damn lust/mark has begun to affect her normal thinking. Now she still has the ability to choose, but later she may not even have the opportunity to choose.

Although he is a nasty man, she has lost face in front of him many times. It is better than letting the villagers find out about her ugly appearance.

"Okay, let's start. Don't worry. I won't let anyone else disturb you because I don't want to see anyone destroy my experimental data."

Noah found a place with a good view to stop, while Clotier walked to a big tree and leaned on it with his back.

Although what they are about to do is a very bold thing, it is impossible to tell just from the expressions of the two people.

Because Noah has an expression full of interest, while Clotier has an expression of being in love but reluctantly holding back shame.

Clotier wanted to say that Noah was just talking sarcastically.

Anyway, even if the person who is found embarrassed is not Noah, the only person who will die in society will be her as a nun.

But now she really couldn't bear it anymore, so even though she was very unhappy with Noah's attitude, she had no choice but to put her hand through the side slit of the special nun's uniform, and gradually continued up her thigh.

During this period, of course, it was all under Noah's watchful eye.

It didn’t matter if his back was turned just now, but now Noah is looking at him from the front.

Seeing the nun dressed in an ascetic style unable to bear the lust, she tried her best to suppress her panting like a wild animal, while revealing a pair of sexy and slender legs in black boots, using him as a target to drive herself crazy.

Noah also felt that he was really bad enough.

"It's really terrible..."

Although the nun who was glaring at Noah and easing the curse of kinky tattoos said this, she didn't just say that Noah was terrible, but that she was also terrible now.

In the past, he was still in the house, but now he is directly outside.

She had a strong sense of self-loathing at this time, and at the same time, her disgust for Noah and the lewd/devil also increased.

"I've already heard that comment, but just be content. It's just that your own immature skills are no match for those props. The openness of the outdoors this time makes up for it. You should feel lucky."

Noah looked at the nun's face as she endured the humiliation and said sarcastically.

At the same time, Noah also tried not to let himself look at the nun's lower body. After all, he would be troubled if she reacted.

"So it's terrible! There's no relief at all!"

However, the nun suddenly raised her voice and glared at Noah fiercely.

She didn't intend to explain it originally, but if this continues, the shameful time will only be extended.

So she simply broke the pot and told Noah the truth while holding back her shame.

"...Huh? Then why don't you just lift up the curtain in front of your nun's uniform?"

Noah actually understood that this nun would definitely raise her threshold because she didn't do the real thing.

But wouldn’t it be fine as long as we continue to increase the level of shame?

Why are you looking at him as if the responsibility lies with Noah?

"Not enough! Not enough! Come on! Take it out too!"

The nun who had been so obsessed with pornographic tattoos did not care about her image at this time. She just did as Noah said and pulled open the nun's uniform that was used to cover her body, allowing Noah to see her unhappiness again without any obstruction. look like.

But even so, she felt hot all over because she couldn't relieve the burning sensation.

She has known this for a long time, but this level is not enough.

Noah must be as embarrassed as her!


Noah didn't expect that this level of shame would not be enough to satisfy her. This nun was indeed born with a demon body.

You actually asked him to do the same thing?

You know, in the past, it was still acceptable as long as his sarcastic gaze?

"What are you hesitating about? After all, haven't you already taken my virginity away when I was crazy? Now you are planning to pretend to be a saint!? Are you embarrassed to show it to me because you can't do it? "

Thinking that she was in such a bad situation and didn't care if it was worse, the nun directly made harsh remarks to Noah.

She actually gave Noah the same sarcastic smile while suppressing her shame.

"...Hoo, Miss Sister, you really dare to say that. Well, since you are asking for a fight, then I will accompany you."

Men can't be told no, especially by the white-haired lady with long breasts and thighs who is going crazy.

Noah was originally hesitant about whether he should do this, but now that she has said so, Noah is not polite.

...Anyway, Noah only needs to eliminate his figure and let Clotier see him alone, so that he will not be regarded as a crazy person by the passing villagers.

So Noah put a wild smile on his face and unlocked the seal that he usually only unlocked in custom shops.


The moment she saw 'that', the nun's eyes widened. She could no longer hold back her suppressed breathing, and even the movements of her hands became much faster.

"Ha! Look at your ugly appearance, Miss Sister! Do you remember that you are a clergyman! You look like a beast! Don't you have any dignity!"

It cannot be said that Noah is completely free of guilt, but at least he can remain relatively calm. In order to end this farce as soon as possible, Noah needs words to stimulate her sense of shame.

However, Noah's ridicule had no effect, because just as Noah was speaking, the nun who could vaguely see love in her pink eyes had changed her actions.

The nun supported her body with three limbs, as if she had really turned into a beast, and she was crawling towards Noah quickly.

Noah could even vaguely hear the sound of black boots scraping against the grass.

Look at this nun who seems to have completely lost her mind and turned into a low-level pervert/devil who is about to pounce on Noah.

Noah couldn't help but increase his intensity and mocked in an even more ugly and rough voice:

"Okay, just bite it and let me see how ugly this beast of yours is! Anyway, Miss Sister, you are just a squirting machine!"

"...Who, who would bite! Don't look down on me, okay!"

The nun, who was obviously going to bite her no matter how she looked at her, finally regained some sense because of Noah's words.

However, she couldn't move her eyes away at all, still staring at him.

"Hmph, but even touching it won't do it, right?"

"...Who, who wants to touch it! I don't know what you are talking about!"

The nun, who raised her sinful little hand halfway, forced Noah to stop speaking.

She tried to save her image, but the other evil hand didn't stop at all.

"Really, that's good, but now you are just like a dog, Sister Clotier."

Although the degree was very minor, Noah, who was still enduring the shame, looked at the nun in front of him and made another speech that humiliated her character.

But actually this time I didn't just say it to humiliate her.

But Noah really feels that the nun does look like a dog now. After all, she is just like a dog, with drool in her mouth, okay!

PS. The third update ends today! Will continue to update tomorrow!

Happy May Day, Grandpa reader! Thanks for the hard work and study! Have a good rest for a few days before continuing!

(The total number of monthly votes in April is 837, which means 83 chapters will be added. Currently, 20 chapters have been returned, which means a total of 63 chapters will be added in May.’s doubled than expected, but since everything was agreed I will definitely not break my promise.)

(Also, the update time is indeed a bit off, so I will adjust it in the new month)

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