The humans in this world are not as kind as the church says.

In fact, it is not her fault, because the church itself has problems.

As the central figure of the plot, she must see the truth step by step, and it is almost impossible not to make mistakes and fail during this period.

Although Noah, who has already completed the game, knows this very well, even if he tells Clothier directly that the church is not trustworthy, Clothier will probably not listen, so he has to slowly guide her like Her Royal Highness the Princess.

It doesn't matter. Anyway, compared to the yellow-haired Allen who lurks beside Her Royal Highness the Princess at the beginning, the biggest yellow-haired girl on the side of the nun only appears in the middle and late stages of the original plot.

Noah still has plenty of time.

There is no problem in getting the demon-deviled nun before the other party takes action.

And there is no need to worry about the problem of the victim here, who says that the victim here is the nun's belief in the goddess, that is, the victim is the goddess.

As for the "low-level yellow-haired" people like the villagers, they can only slightly shake the nun's faith. It is impossible for them to completely N/T/R the goddess.

"… But I know that even if they are caught, there is no good way to punish them. After all, they only attempted to commit a crime, which only made the image of the village chief and the village worse."

Looking at a villager who was scolded by the village chief and showed a shameful expression on the other side of the magic circle monitor, Noah just smiled indifferently.

The kind-hearted nun was originally very angry, but she was relieved when she saw the villager being scolded by the village chief. In the end, she had to persuade the village chief not to drive the other party out of the village.

Yes, there is nowhere to go outside the village, and it is not easy to get along in the city. Eighty percent of them will eventually run away to become bandits.

In the end, this farce ended with the villagers helping the villagers do farm work for free for three months and kneeling in front of the nun to confess.

Presumably, early the next morning, Clotil, who would not sleep much at night, would bid farewell to the village chief and return to the nearby town, completely ending the side story of this village.

Noah, who was not interested in the subsequent "live broadcast", gave up observing, and after taking a look at the development of Her Royal Highness the Princess, he went to bed.

Because he had to continue to help the nun the next day, how could he not rest well now?

Noah, who was satisfied with his body in the custom shop and satisfied with his play spirit after seeing the nun avoid a defeat, fell asleep soon.

On the other side, the Fairy House did not reach the base in the end, and Lilith, who only provided Noah with valley services, looked at the mirror with a gloomy face.

She in the mirror undoubtedly had the same sexy figure that made her jealous of her peers, and she was dressed in a black evening dress that was convenient for service and full of beauty, making her look not like a woman who should appear in a custom shop, but as generous and eye-catching as a beautiful business woman in the upper class.

However, there is a big difference between the outside and inside of the mirror. Although it is the same person, the 'Lilith' outside the mirror clearly exudes a strong sense of dissatisfaction.

Lilith inside the mirror looks terrified, and even her posture is different. She is tied up with ropes and her mouth is blocked. No matter how you look at it, she looks like she is kidnapped.

What this magic mirror reflects is not a scene, but a real different space.

"…Hey, did you say something unnecessary? Otherwise, why does he only do it halfway every time?"

The 'Lilith' outside the mirror does not have the mature and charming atmosphere in front of Noah, but exudes a terrifying aura.

Both the voice and the expression do not sound like the manager of the Fairy House, Lilith, but as if it is someone else.

But this is also true, because the person tied up in the mirror is the real Fairy House manager, the half-slut/demon Lilith.

"Woo! Woo woo woo!!!"

Although her mouth was blocked and she couldn't make any sound, Lilith still shook her head desperately with a look of horror to prove her innocence.

"Really? Are you really not lying!?"

But the 'she' outside the mirror didn't believe it. Instead, she stared at her with a more terrifying expression. The murderous eyes made her feel scared even through the mirror.

In order to beg for mercy, Lilith had to shake her head even more desperately.

"...It's just a half-slut. Don't think about taking away what belongs to me! If you dare to tell anyone about my existence, you will be trapped in the mirror world for the rest of your life!"

The voice of the 'monster' outside the mirror who had the same appearance as her was as creepy as coming from hell, making Lilith, the manager of the custom shop who had seen many people and thought she had seen through human nature, shed tears of fear.

Don't say that she is so old, why is she still acting like a little girl.

She has seen through human nature and is not afraid of humans.

But can this thing be human? !

Why does she have the same appearance as her and know that the mirror in this room is a magic mirror!

She definitely doesn't have a twin sister!

This thing is definitely not human!

It must be a monster or a demon!

"... Hum."

The only thing that made Lilith feel at ease was that this monster seemed to have a strong obsession with the black-haired gentleman. It would only appear when the gentleman came, and disappear when the gentleman left.

When she was freed and the ropes were untied, the monster with the same appearance as her swaggered out of the house.

Lilith, who had survived another day by chance, quickly pulled out her panties from her mouth and gasped for precious air.

She couldn't tell anyone about this weird thing, because she also knew that no one except the church could solve it.

Therefore, what Lilith could do was to sit up straight and pray directly to the goddess in this room, praying that she could be freed from this weird day as soon as possible.

Don't say that she is a half-demon, so the sound of prayer can't reach the goddess' ears!

Otherwise, what else can she do!

Could she still pray to the evil god who had been sealed by the goddess long ago!

118. Record the crime of the nun on the spot

After bidding farewell to the village that left an unforgettable impression on her, Clotil set out early in the morning to return to the nearby town and arrived safely in the morning.

As a combat nun of the church, her mission is to go to various places to eliminate the heretics identified by the church.

For example, the last time she went abroad to investigate the "Fury Group", she went there because she heard that there were heretics in it. Eliminating heretics was her main goal. She just conducted a holy judgment on the entire organization of the Fury Group.

During the period without missions, her degree of freedom is very high. As long as she strictly fulfills the duties of a nun of the church and maintains the appearance of a nun, churches and monasteries in various places will provide convenience for her.

However, because of the fault of the lewd/print, she has not dared to go to the church for a while recently, and has been almost engaged in various monster hunting to restore the magic power that was taken away.

It is said that the strength is recovered quickly, but in fact it is barely one-tenth of the previous one.

It is said that the strength is recovered slowly. It is almost impossible for a human to grow to this point in nearly half a month.

Sure enough... Is it because of the influence of the lust/mark?

At this time, Clotil, who was walking on the street, suddenly stopped and looked at her lower abdomen with a heavy face.

From the outside, this is just a specially customized nun's uniform. Although it is novel, it is not so conspicuous.

But only she knows that under this sacred outfit, there is something extremely sinful.

The existence of the lust/mark will make her do things that are forbidden by the church from time to time, and it seems to increase her own magic power every time it is satisfied.

As long as she commits more sins, she can quickly recover her strength and even become stronger.

This is simply a devil's contract.

Although she should not indulge in sin, she has to admit that the pleasure when the lust/mark is activated and satisfied is extraordinary.

This is not a curse that humans can bear at all.

In fact, she also relied on someone's help to avoid being devoured by her sanity.

But is it really good to go on like this?

Should I tell the church leaders that I was cursed by the lust/devil?

Since it was the church leaders who provided her with two legendary sacred weapons handed down from ancient times, there should be a solution.

However, in this case, her defeat to the demon, loss of purity, and the fact that she committed the sin of lust will definitely be exposed.

Even if she succeeds in removing the lust mark in the end, she probably can't continue to be a nun.

But if she doesn't become a nun, she has no idea what she should do...

Should she stick to it for a while?

Taking a heavy step, Clotil walked on the streets of the city, with an expression like an ordinary nun who was worried about how to educate her children.

Therefore, many passers-by who saw her like this admired this nun who dedicated her life to the church and the goddess at a young age from the bottom of their hearts.

This city is not prosperous, it is only at a medium level in this country, and the street where Clotil walked is not a commercial street, so even if she was distracted while walking, she would not bump into others.

For Clotil, who was worrying about whether to report her affairs to the top leaders, this street was quite friendly.

Because there were relatively few people around, it was very quiet, so she could think calmly.

But Clotilde forgot to consider one thing.

That is, someone might come to talk to her.

"Hey~ beautiful nun over there, are you worried about money? I have a great job to introduce to you."

"...Huh? Me?"

Because she was suddenly interrupted by a young voice, Clotilde's first reaction was to be surprised that the person she was looking for was herself.

Does she look short of money?

Although the nuns of the church are not rich, they don't have much to spend.

As a combat nun, although she has an extra expense of staying in hotels in various places, she can also get special subsidies from the church, and there are special magics that can purify clothes and bodies. No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like she is short of money.

In this case, why?

In order to get the answer to the whole question, Clotilde looked at the young man who was talking to her next to her in surprise.

That was a handsome man, probably prettier than some women, and dressed very decently, giving people the feeling of a waiter who could go to formal occasions.

When he saw Clotil noticed him, the man who approached him immediately greeted him with a smile and continued with a smile:

"Oh, Sister, you are more beautiful from the front than from the side. I think you must be suitable for the job in our store. Do you want to try? The salary is very high?"

Dressed very formally, he said the salary was high right away? And he kept praising her appearance?

...Wait a minute, this guy couldn't be a headhunter for a sex shop!

Clotil, who realized the truth, immediately became serious from his confused expression, even to the point of solemnity.

The church was negative about sex shops, but because the church did not interfere in politics, if the lords of various places were unwilling to listen to the church's advice to cancel sex shops, then the church would not force intervention.

But this did not mean that Clotil acknowledged their existence. Sex shops and the like must be banned!

And why did he talk to a nun who obviously wouldn't agree!

Isn't this just picking a fight!

Clotil felt that she was really looked down upon, and the more she looked at the handsome man's face, the angrier she got. Other nuns would have put on a stern face and taught him not to make such a boring joke.

But as a combat nun, she had to do things that other nuns couldn't do. That's right, that is, to immediately grab the other's arm and twist it back, so that he could directly taste how stupid it was to provoke a nun of the church.

"It hurts! Wait, wait a minute, Sister Sister! I surrender! I surrender! I'm not picking a fight! I just said what I said just now according to the commission of the gentleman over there!"

The man in pain made a distressed sound and quickly explained that he did this because someone instructed him to do so.

Now Clotil's eyes showed a hint of anger.

Well, well, it turns out that there are accomplices, right! Then let's see how she makes these good people who were accidentally bewitched by the "devil" repent their crimes!

However, when Clotilde looked at the direction of the man's other finger, her originally solemn and delicate face froze.

"Yes, it's me. What's wrong?"

Because the person who appeared in her field of vision was Noah, who was holding a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other hand, frantically recording the appearance of the 'nun beating people in the street' in front of him.

Seeing the silly look of the nun, Noah temporarily stopped writing and smiled provocatively at her.



PS. The next update will be around 0:30

119. Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Clotilde, who didn't expect it to be Noah, was stunned.

She even asked the villagers around last night if they had seen the handsome black-haired young man who came with her.

The villagers all answered that they had never seen him, which made her a little worried.

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