While Noah was digging into the cake with a spoon, he also looked at Clotier's chest with ambiguous eyes.

It's really big there, and even the relatively loose nun's clothes can't cover her curves. There's no problem in describing it as "arrogant".

Moreover, the black stockings on the nun's thighs are also the kind that tighten the flesh slightly, and the sensual feeling is just right.

But even if Clotier is actually at a very healthy weight, any young woman will feel angry if Noah says this.

"I exercise regularly. You don't have to worry about it, Mr. Noah, okay? Just eat. If there is a problem with eating, I will force you to exercise. Even if you are sweating all over and want to run away, you can't even think about resting!"

Feeling unhappy, the nun retracted her gaze from the cake. While putting down her harsh words, she could only drink the only cup of coffee in her hand with a look of displeasure.

"Oh, that's really scary. Then I'll give you a piece to avoid that situation. Now you're satisfied."

Noah really laughed when he saw the nun's awkward look.

It was as if the nun was really capable of forcing Noah to exercise.

But at this time, Noah still seemed to admit defeat and handed one of the cakes to her.

It wasn't because of him Asashi.

But Noah believed that blindly annoying people would not be effective.

Occasionally do something nice and make the other person think, ‘Huh? Is this person actually okay? ’, if you do bad things again, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

That is to say, using contrast and psychological expectations can better make oneself disliked.

He really wanted to transform the nun into a slut/demon queen, but he didn't want to involve himself in it.

"What's going on with that tone? Sir, are you coaxing the child?"

Although the nun looked disgusted, her hands couldn't wait to take the spoon handed over by Noah.

And after eating the cake with a dissatisfied expression, his expression immediately became bright again.

Hey, after all, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but there is no need to feel bad about sweet things, right? She loves sweets and other beautiful things the most!

PS. Today’s third update will be updated around 0:15.

123. It’s such a risk, it almost improves your favorability.

When he left the coffee shop with satisfaction, Clotier's resentment towards Noah was basically gone.

Of course, this is to get rid of the grievances related to pornography/patterns.

It is absolutely impossible for her to get rid of her resentment about prostitution/grain.

The reason why he acted as if he didn't care was because Clotier didn't want to think about what happened when the lust/pattern was activated.

Just thinking about those unbearable memories made her feel ashamed.

Not only for Noah, she also had a strong feeling of disgust for herself at that time.

Therefore, I just defaulted to ignoring what happened when Yin/wen was activated, otherwise she would not be able to stay calm at all.

It can be said that as long as Noah doesn't take the initiative to mention what happened when she was having sex/getting a tattoo, she won't explode.

"So, Miss Sister, what are you going to do next?"

At this time, Noah, who had just stepped out of the coffee shop, asked Clotier in a frivolous tone what he would do next.

Because she was in a good mood after just eating something good, Clodier didn’t feel annoyed by Noah. She turned to look at Noah and replied seriously:

"There's nothing special to do. I'm just looking for news about that damn pervert and trying to quickly restore my lost magic power."

"Well, really."

In response, Noah smiled and nodded to show that he understood.

But that was it, and he had no intention of continuing to speak.

This somewhat disappointed Clotier.

She thought Noah asked her what her plans were and that he wanted to take her somewhere.

Is it just a simple question?

"...Anyway, I plan to visit the Adventurer's Guild first to see if there are any problems that only I can handle. Do you want to follow me? Mr. Noah."

Out of politeness, Clotier just asked casually.

"Why not? I'm not done observing you today, Miss Sister."

Unexpectedly, Noah immediately nodded and followed.

In fact, it was nothing. The main thing was that Noah's attitude made Clotier unhappy.

We can't get along well, so we have to bring up things like that, right?

Forget it, there's no point getting angry with him. If you continue to pester him, you won't have to do anything else for the rest of the day.

With this thought in mind, Clotier decided to tolerate Noah for the time being and did not say any more words full of personal emotions.

After nodding again and agreeing that Noah would follow them, the two walked towards the Adventurer's Guild in the city.

The two of them didn't have any conversation at first along the way.

In order to prevent Noah from suddenly disappearing from his sight again, Clotier did not let Noah follow him this time, but the two of them walked side by side at a distance.

However, after being silent for a long time, I felt that the atmosphere seemed a little awkward for no reason.

So it was Clotier who broke the silence first and spoke proactively:

"...Mr. Noah, since you call yourself a human observer, you must be running around. Aren't your family worried about you?"

This is a very common thing that a nun can say.

Clotier thought this question was a good starting point for a chat.

"Don't worry because I don't have family in this world."

Then Noah's understatement made Clotier feel bad.

His face was obviously much more embarrassed than when he was silent just now.

"Well, that's really a sad thing. Actually, I'm the same. I grew up in an orphanage sponsored by the church. Then I went to a monastery when I was older. It's only in recent years that I started to act alone. In a sense Speaking of which, we are somewhat similar.”

In order not to embarrass Noah, the nun took the initiative to talk about some of her past, hoping to make Noah less sentimental.

Seeing the embarrassed look on the nun's face, Noah almost laughed out loud.

It's not an untouchable topic, because Noah just doesn't have a family in this world.

But it couldn’t be explained anyway, so Noah had no intention of explaining, but deliberately said in a tone of ‘I have looked past the past’:

"Well, maybe, but Miss Sister, you don't need to take care of me deliberately. Although I don't have a family, I still have two or three people I care about."

"Yes, yes, isn't that a beautiful thing~"

Hearing Noah say this, the nun secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and her voice couldn't help but become relaxed.

Great, luckily it didn't make the atmosphere more awkward.

"Well, that's true, but Miss Sister, don't you have someone you care about?"

He had been looking at the road ahead, but after raising this question, Noah immediately stared at the side face of the nun, wanting to see what kind of reaction she would have.

Someone you care about?

There must still be some.

She didn't expect Noah to ask such a question, so the nun's initial reaction was one of surprise, and then she looked thoughtful.

The first thing that came to mind was of course the goddess she believed in. Although she had only seen the statue, it was a great existence that she admired and cared about very much.

The second one is the woman who took away her power and placed a curse on her. There's no way she wouldn't care.

She wanted to fix that pervert right now, and it would be even better if she could make that pervert unable to tremble for the rest of her life.

As for other people you care about?

Ah...could it be that he wanted to hear himself say that he was there?

Ha, if that's the case, then she just doesn't answer him!

Thinking that she had seen through Noah's thoughts, the nun had a slightly proud expression on her face.

With the thought of ‘I can give Noah a little bit of love this time’, the nun said in a pretentious tone.

"Well, there are indeed some. For example, among the children in the village I visited yesterday, there are perverted adults who cannot serve as role models and are bewitched by the devil in their hearts. I really care about whether those children can do well. Growing up."

As she finished speaking, the nun secretly looked forward to the side, imagining that she could see it. Noah said with some dissatisfaction, "It's not me. I'm so disappointed." ’ picture.

Then the nun was dumbfounded.

Because Noah disappeared again.

The thing that was obviously not far away from her just now disappeared again just as she was thinking about it! ?

Excited, the nun quickly looked back, trying to find Noah again.

Fortunately, Noah did not disappear this time, but simply stopped suddenly.

"The first thing I care about is faith, then the object of revenge, and then the responsibility... OK, today's observation record is successfully completed, so goodbye, Miss Sister, I suddenly remembered that I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you. ”

No, Noah didn't just stop. He opened the book and pretended to record the observation data. Then he dropped Clotier, who was the subject of observation, and turned around to walk in another direction. .

I guess the nun must be very angry at this time.

After all, Noah had just acted as if he wanted to stay with her all day, and now he suddenly left.

But there is nothing that can be done, because Noah always feels that continuing will increase his favor.

In order to avoid becoming the object of Miss Nun's attention, Noah decided to do something nasty immediately to stop her bold idea.

The nun must have liked him so much because of the delicious food she had just eaten. She actually thought Noah was hinting that she wanted to hear his name.

Really, this nun is really a good person.

It's not a good person to forget Noah so quickly.

It looks like Noah has to speed up the process of demonizing her a little bit.

Yes, it's almost time to start taking action on her beliefs.

After all, it is not easy to collapse her faith.

Anyway, let him have fun pretending to be a priest first. The nun's expression will be very funny then.

I just hope that the goddess of her faith doesn’t mind him being an evil god and becoming a fake priest!

PS. Sorry, reader, Grandpa, it’s really too late this time.

Three updates today and more updates tomorrow.

124. The more you want to be serious, the less serious you will be.

Because showing up all the time was not good for training, Noah did not appear in front of Clotier in the next two days.

But that didn't mean that he wasn't paying attention to the nun's actions.

These two days, as Miss Sister said, she still did not trigger the main quest, and she was "killing monsters and leveling up" everywhere.

According to the development of the original work, although she did not tell the church about her defeat to the demon at the first time, she at least went to the church to advance the main line.

However, the current Miss Sister was embarrassed to dismiss the church, so the main line has not moved for a long time.

In the original work, the information about the demon was told to her by the church, and she certainly could not find the information if she did not go.

So Noah's next plan is to force the Miss Sister who is hiding from the church to go to the church.

There is nothing wrong with following the main line. If the location of the demon is not involved in the church, the only villain who will be killed in the end is the demon.

The villain forces within the church have not suffered any losses. Even if the goddess can allow the atrocities of the believers, Noah will not approve it.

And although he does not have such a big grudge against Allen, Noah is also annoyed by the yellow-haired people in the church who are obviously clergy but intend to corrupt Miss Sister.

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