$126. Outdoors OK, church da me

The cathedral in the water city is very large. Most people who come here for the first time will definitely feel that the decoration of the cathedral is full of sacredness.

Since it is not the official prayer time, the hall is still relatively empty.

Except for some elderly people who are particularly devout and unemployed, there are not many people praying in the seats in the hall.

Clotil has been here before, so she is not surprised.

She decided to find her acquaintances first, and then visit the regional bishop here.

She really didn't want to come before, but since Noah said that someone here knows how to quickly restore magic power, she can't care so much, anyway, it's not that the lewd tattoo is exposed.

And since she is here, it would be very rude not to visit the regional bishop here. Clotil, who knows etiquette and politeness, certainly can't come here secretly.

"Hmm? Oh, isn't this Clottier? The goddess must have guided you here. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Just as she and Noah entered the cathedral, Clottier was looking for someone she knew, but she was discovered by the other party first.

That was a nun who was two or three years older than her. The first impression she gave people was that 'this nun is very stable and kind'.

The nun's name was Belinda. She had beautiful flaxen hair and gentle blue eyes. She was looking at Clottier with concern with her hands in a praying manner.

Belinda was Clottier's predecessor during her monastery period. Because she had been taken care of in the past, Clottier trusted and respected Belinda very much even though they had no contact recently.

"Well, long time no see, Sister Belinda, actually I came here with this gentleman."

Just when Clottier also politely greeted Belinda and was about to get straight to the point, she turned her head and found that Noah had suddenly disappeared again.

Can he suddenly disappear in this cathedral! ?

Looking at the empty corridor behind her, Clotil was completely dumbfounded.

"No one? How about you tell me what's going on, Clotil?"

Sister Belinda leaned slightly to look behind Clotil, trying to find something like Clotil.

The difference was that although Sister Belinda didn't find it, she was still very good at reading the atmosphere. She saw that Clotil was in a bad mood, so she quickly asked her to go to a place where the believers couldn't notice and talk in detail.

What else could Clotil say?

She had to temporarily suppress her dissatisfaction and walked into the corner with Sister Belinda to briefly tell what she could say.

The main thing was that she was tracking a certain demon and a young man who was annoying but couldn't get rid of for the time being.

"Hearing what you said, Clotil, that gentleman is really a headache, but I think it would be a great thing if he could change his faith. Let me persuade him to believe in religion when we meet later."

Even if the part about the lust/marks and the loss of magic power is erased, Noah is not a good person in Clotil's mouth, so Sister Belinda naturally expressed her concerns about this.

But after all, as a professional nun, she still cheered up after the sadness and wanted to persuade people to believe in religion with Clotil.

This made Clotil feel happy and worried.

Because she always felt that with Sister Belinda's character, not only could she not persuade Noah to believe in religion, but she would also be angry with Noah.

When she said this terrible possibility out of concern for Sister Belinda.

Sister Belinda just smiled gently and didn't care.

"Really? But I think it shouldn't matter. After all, we are not just the two of us. There are others, right?"

Although Sister Belinda looked very reliable, Clotilde still smiled reluctantly, thinking that it was impossible. Anyway, let's find the other party first.

"Well, we really have to meet the person first. Ah, Father, you are just in time. Actually, a gentleman is lost in the church. Can you help us find him?"

When Sister Belinda said this to Clotilde's back, Clotilde didn't feel surprised.

Although she knew all the bishops, she didn't know all the priests.

So she thought Belinda was just greeting a priest in the Water City Cathedral.

Until that familiar and leisurely voice sounded behind her.

"It's okay, Sister Belinda. I'm the man who came with Sister Clothier and got lost. Leave the rest to me. Thank you for your hard work."


When she heard this voice, Clothier immediately widened her beautiful pink eyes.

She felt like she was dreaming, because this could not happen.

But when she looked back, well, this dream was even bigger.

Because no matter how she looked at the black-haired young man in the black robe in front of her, he looked familiar.

But this must be impossible, because she had clearly heard the other party say that he was an atheist before.

"Hey, Sister Clothier, I know you are surprised, but don't be surprised, because this is true."

Noah, dressed in a standard priest's outfit, looked at the nun with a dull expression at this time, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was so sarcastic.

That was not the expression a priest should have, but Sister Belinda did not have any special reaction.

Because Noah used the power of the evil god to directly modify the other party's cognition.

Only Clothier could hear his correct voice, and it would automatically be transformed into the voice of a priest to the ears of others.

Of course, it would also be corrected visually to the expression of a normal priest.

The identity of the priest was of course forged by Noah using the power of the evil god.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Clothier thinks he is real.

"Oh, haha, so that's the case, I see, then Father Noah, Clothier will be handed over to you."

To Sister Belinda, Noah was just explaining his identity in a very ordinary way, so she smiled and turned away after saying hello.

And Noah also went to a room in the church with the nun who looked like she had not recovered from the shock, but her body followed Noah obediently.

"...Wait, wait a minute, what is going on? Can you explain it in detail?"

After entering the room, Clotil seemed to have finally reacted. While holding her head, she looked at the young man in the divine robe in front of her with a very complicated expression.

"Hmm? So didn't I say that? I know someone who can quickly restore your lost magic power. This person is me, a priest. Okay, I've explained it. Take it off."

Noah's face showed a relaxed and happy bad smile, and she casually explained the current situation that gave her a headache, as if it was not a big deal.

I didn't say that, okay!

I didn't say that at all, okay!

And why do you have to take it off!!!

This is not a custom shop, but a sacred cathedral with a statue of the goddess, okay!


Because there were too many things she wanted to refute, the nun calmed down instead.

After being silent for a long time, she sighed deeply.

...Damn it, the nightmare was so bad, and she didn't even wake up. It seemed that this was not a dream.

But she will never take it off!

It's okay in the wild!

But in the church, absolutely!



PS. Three updates!

And I think this update time should be relatively earthly.

127. Sister, I'll show you a treasure

Noah looked at Clotilde, who was frowning and disgusted, and was obviously disgusted. He was in a good mood.

He knew that Clotilde was not simply disgusted with him, but directly disgusted with the whole situation.

She refused to accept reality.

Because she had no intention of accepting reality, she was not so emotional.

But it was true, how could she accept reality?

Things happened a little too quickly, right?

Noah should explain it to her from the beginning!

"Heh, Sister Sister, you look like you don't want to accept it at all. Okay, I'll explain it to you briefly. My situation is similar to yours. I am a special priest, so I have a high degree of freedom. However, I am not responsible for eliminating heretics, but for investigating the movements of the demons."

For the purpose of training her demons in the future, Noah began to talk nonsense seriously.

"The movements of the demons?"

Originally, Clothier didn't even want to look at Noah, as she felt that she would explode if she looked at him again.

But since the demons were mentioned, Clothier still looked at Noah, who was dressed as a priest, with doubt.

"That's right, the human observer is just a disguise for me to move around. My real mission is to investigate the demons. Why do you think we met in the capital of that country in the first place?"

"... So, I did hear that there was a commotion among the demons there recently, and it seems that a princess is very active."

Since she was interested in what Noah said, the serious Clothier was destined to be led by Noah.

She heard Noah say this and found that it seemed to be true.

Moreover, when she first met him, she actually felt that Noah had an inexplicable feeling of closeness, and wanted to pull him into the church as a clergyman.

If Noah also sneaked into the base of the criminal organization for his own duties, then it would be understandable.

"...Okay, I'll just reluctantly accept your identity as a special priest. After all, Sister Belinda wouldn't lie."

After thinking that she had used her brain to think carefully, Clothier accepted Noah's identity with some helplessness.

Mainly because Noah's own statement was half true and half false, making it difficult to distinguish, and there were indeed "witnesses" to prove Noah's identity, so Clothier had to choose to believe Noah.

How could she know that Noah's existence itself was a scam.

She was thinking in a circle specially made up by Noah, and no matter how she thought, the answer she got would be wrong.

"Wait a minute? That means I was actually exposed to my colleagues from the beginning!?"

Suddenly remembered that the fact that I lost to the lust/demon and was cursed with the lust/mark was actually known to my colleagues a long time ago, and I even lost because I didn't listen to my colleagues' warnings.

The nun who had originally refused to accept reality, now began to accept reality, and her face quickly turned red with shame.

"No, that's not right! How can you be a priest? As a believer of the goddess, a real priest would not look at my ugly appearance with such appreciation and pleasure!"

After she began to accept the reality, the nun really began to get excited. She glared at Noah forcefully, trying to deny Noah's identity.

Hey, don't worry, Miss Sister, your church has not only priests, but even bishops with gray beards who are addicted to lust, okay?

Although he thought so, Noah did not say it out loud.

Noah temporarily endured the direct mocking, because she would see it with her own eyes later.

What Noah has to do now is to deliberately look unhappy and stare back.

"You are so embarrassed to say this, Sister Clotier, whose fault do you think it is? If you hadn't lost to the devil/devil, would you be in this situation now?"


Now the nun who had been so angry just now lost her temper immediately, and even shrank her body subconsciously, with a look of embarrassment and self-blame written all over her delicate face.

Indeed, it was true. In the final analysis, it was her fault for not listening to the warning and losing to the devil.

B-but what about that and restoring the magic, and taking off your clothes in this holy church?

Since Noah is a priest, he should know that he is not allowed to do such things here than in the wild!

Even if he is not afraid of being discovered by others, isn't he afraid of being blamed by the goddess who has been watching everything on the ground? !

Even the loving goddess would not be so generous as to forgive the priests and nuns who believe in her doing such things in the church!

"You look like you can't accept it, but that's not surprising. Didn't I tell you that I'm an atheist?"

"W-What?! You're obviously a priest but you're an atheist?!"

At this time, the nun completely believed everything Noah said.

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