And there are also women among them. The high-level demon who triggered the story is of course one of them. In addition to her, even the seemingly honest Sister Belinda is a yellow-haired character.

It would be fine if she didn't know that Clotil had a lust mark. Once Sister Belinda knew it, she would not be able to suppress the desire to defile Clotil, and Clotil would not end well if she lost to her.

There are only a few well-known NPCs in the entire Water City Cathedral. As a result, Bishop Horace and Sister Belinda are all villains.

It is conceivable that Clotil, as the heroine of the story, is not easy, with internal and external troubles.

And in addition to these people, there is another person who must be mentioned, that is, the researcher named Dean.

In the later part of the story, if the heroine loses to him when she goes deep into the church to eradicate the church's cancer, she will be brainwashed into a fighting doll without personal feelings.

It is very similar to the defeated nun Miss Noah met before who craves his divine power. The difference is that the original work is a doll without personal will and only listens to the words of the designer.

The one Noah had met didn't seem to lose to Dean, but seemed to be brainwashed by someone more powerful.

Because after her original personality was washed away, she was given a new virtual personality, which obviously requires more advanced technology.

According to the original setting, the person who did this might be Dean's boss, the director of the Relic Research Institute.

But she was a background character in the original work, and Noah only knew that she was a young woman, a genius researcher, and didn't go into the plot.

Because he didn't know what this person looked like, Noah had no way to find her through the magic circle monitor.

Unless Noah was willing to go to the secret research institute in person to try his luck.

But Noah didn't plan to do that because it was unnecessary.

When Noah was walking towards the bishop's office on the second floor, he happened to see researcher Dean coming down from upstairs.

Dean was a man with green hair and a bitter face. He looked like a researcher who often studied until midnight. He looked like he was forty at the age of thirty.

Dean was also quite surprised to meet the young black-haired priest walking towards him, but he still greeted him first.

"Father Noah, do you have something to see Bishop Horace?"

Dean's tone was not flattering or respectful, he was just talking to Noah in a very ordinary way.

"It's nothing big, I just want to chat with that old man. But have you found a suitable experimental subject? Otherwise, how about using yourself as an experimental subject?"

If Dean was still talking in a very ordinary way, then Noah's side was very outrageous.

He had no intention of playing the role of a priest, but did not hide his dislike for the two people at all, and directly mocked them.

"I'm really sorry to make you, Father Noah, who is already very busy, worry about it. Although I haven't found a suitable subject yet, I am still collecting data. The princess of a foreign country is my assistant, and I guess she has already started the experiment now."

However, the strange thing is that Noah's expression and tone are very unfriendly, but Dean seems very embarrassed. Not only did he smile awkwardly, but he also took the initiative to mention something that he would not mention to most priests.

"Oh~ Your Highness, the princess from a foreign country, must be a particularly troublesome and bad princess."

Because he heard the news that was similar to what he expected, Noah showed a malicious and bad smile with great interest.

To be honest, Noah now looks more like a villain than Dean.

"Well, you are right, you are worthy of being Father Noah. Speaking of which, you have been on a business trip to that country before, and you must know the selfishness of the princess better than me."

Dean is like Noah's subordinate, and his attitude has become more and more humble from the beginning.

This is because Noah's evil god ability changes his cognition.

Unlike Noah's ability to actively change his appearance, this ability modifies the cognition of those who see him.

No matter what Noah says or does, the other party will perceive it in a good direction, and the degree will deepen as the contact time increases.

Using this ability, it is not impossible for Noah to directly pull up a new force with him as the leader within the church.

But Noah has no interest in ruling the church himself.

It would be much more interesting to watch the fallen heroine Clothier kill them one by one.

After chatting with Dean casually for a few more words, Noah did not stay any longer and let him go directly.

Because Dean was exactly the same as the original Dean he knew, the only difference was that there was a new plot because of the "linkage" between the two little yellows.

And since it was about the princesses of that kingdom over there, Noah could not help but care.

After he met with the old pervert Horace, he would go to see the situation of the princesses over there. Anyway, the nun lady should not trigger the lust/mark again in a short time.

With his back to Dean who was gradually leaving, Noah continued to walk towards the bishop's office on the second floor.

When he finally reached the door of the office, Noah did not knock on the door to say hello, and just casually broke into the bishop's office as if he was returning to his own home.

Of course, the other party also thought that Noah had greeted him properly under the cognitive modification ability of the evil god.

So Bishop Horace did not react with dissatisfaction, but greeted Noah with a smile.

"You are so polite, Your Excellency the Bishop. By the way, what do you think of Sister Clotilde?"

Noah, who sat on the sofa, could actually speak in a more arrogant tone, anyway, he had the ability to change the other party's cognition.

But he still used his own style here, asking the other party's opinion sarcastically.

"Wow! Of course I love her! I love her so much that I want her to scream and wail beautifully!"

As expected, the old man who originally had a kind face suddenly changed his face and became sinister and terrifying. With that evil look, I really don't know whether he is the bishop of the Goddess Church or the bishop of the Evil God Church.

Of course, even if he wants to become the bishop of the Evil God Church, Noah will never admit it. Such an old and ugly thing with no lofty ideals and firm will in his heart is not even wanted by dogs.

"Really... That's really... That's great."

Because he heard an answer that was no different from what he knew, Noah also laughed like Horace.

Noah must thank Horace.

Otherwise, if Horace decides to clear himself, then Noah would be embarrassed to let Clotilde, who has fallen from the devil, seduce him!

PS. Okay, four chapters today! A little late is not late!

(I have returned 3 chapters of extra chapters in the past two days, and there are 52 chapters left. It’s okay, I will definitely return it within this month.)

135. Her Royal Highness is very upset

Valentina is in a bad mood.

Especially at a certain point in time, it becomes very bad.

To be honest, even if the annoying demons escaped or lost a certain game, she didn’t feel so bad.

And she can only think of one person, or God, who can make her feel so bad.

Although there is no evidence, she strongly suspects that something happened in this week, and the protagonists of the story are her God and other women.

This is just her intuition as a woman, and there is actually no substantial evidence.

But if she insists on finding evidence, she has it.

That is, in the past few days, the God who messed up her life always looked very happy.

Valentina was also happy to make God happy.

But she knew that she had not done anything yet, and she had not even had time to show her "hateful" emotions, but the other party was already very happy.

This proved that besides her, there must be other people who were "pleasing" her God.

This made her very unhappy.

Other women made her God happy, but Valentina was not happy.

That was her God, and he should only pay attention to her.

It is true that Valentina had known that there were other women, but one thing is one thing, knowing does not mean admitting.

When she thought that when she was being messed up by the demons and greedy nobles, there were other women who were "pleasing" her God with a hateful attitude.

Valentina felt that it was terrible.

That was obviously her duty.

As a result, a thief took advantage of her adjustment to secretly attack her god.

This really made her feel unhappy.

However, she had experienced many things after all, and Valentina, who had grown up, would not be incompetent and furious and look for someone to vent her inner dissatisfaction.

She was just waiting for an opportunity to temporarily change this situation, while thinking about how to fundamentally change the status quo.

In a blink of an eye, a week had passed since the commotion caused by Allen.

During this period, although a certain evil god would appear in front of Valentina once every one or two days, the time he stayed was not long, and he did fewer "annoying" things to her, both in terms of frequency and scale.

Therefore, Valentina became more and more convinced of her guess that she must have been taken away by someone recently.

It seemed that it was time for a certain evil god to appear again, so Valentina decided to stay in the royal family's exclusive bath after 6 pm to clean her body, and planned to stay until 8 pm before returning to her room.

If nothing unexpected happens, then the source of her troubles should be waiting for her in the room.

In fact, even if she meets, she can't change anything, but if the princess wants to try to change, she must break through this situation.

For example, it would be best to get information about other women.

In this way, she can also assassinate... No, it's to make the other party disappear to make her feel better.

For this reason, the princess has a serious expression even when bathing at night, as if she is thinking about something.


And what interrupted Valentina's thinking was a voice that didn't sound strange.

No, it's not just not strange, it should be said that it's very familiar.

"...Is it Veronica? Sorry, just pretend I don't exist, I won't disturb you."

There are only a few people who can enter this royal bath. If it's not the maid who helps her wash her body, then it can only be other women in the royal family.

And that voice is obviously not the immature voice that someone older than her can make.

Then there is only one answer, that is the third princess of the kingdom, Veronica, who is Valentina's half-sister.

After Valentina looked back and found that it was Veronica, she did not ask her to go out or go out herself, but quickly retracted her gaze to the pool and told her not to care about her existence.

The two of them should be able to do their own things without disturbing each other.


At first, Veronica did not respond, and her soft footsteps could still be heard faintly in her ears, so Valentina thought that the other party acquiesced to her statement.

However, Valentina soon noticed that the footsteps stopped very close to her.

——Why did it stop suddenly? Was it going to push her into the pool from behind?

Confused about this, Valentina looked at her current situation and made a guess.

She was now sitting on the edge of the bathtub wearing a bath towel, with her feet soaked in the water. In theory, it was possible to be pushed directly into the pool and struggle to stand up in the water.

In fact, Delia had done this to her before.

And Delia said innocently outside the bath, "Oh, I just wanted to try it and didn't expect it to work. Sorry, Valentina, but your training doesn't seem to be useful. You were attacked by a fragile beauty like me. It's really embarrassing for our royal family~".

But this idea was quickly ruled out by Valentina, because even if the other party was Delia's biological sister, it would be impossible to do the same thing, after all, the personality is different.

Unlike the arrogant and conceited Delia, Veronica is very introverted, although there is indeed a possibility that Delia might force her to push her into the swimming pool.

But if this is really the case, then Valentina will just remain in a state where she cannot be pushed, and then quickly leave the bath to find Delia to "enhance" the sisterly relationship.

"... Is there anything? Veronica, if you don't want me to be here, I can go out first."

So Valentina didn't look back this time, but asked her sister's thoughts in a softer voice.

"No, no, it's okay! I just want to ask Sister Valentina, elder sister, to teach me how to take a bath alone!"

"...Huh? Me?"

Valentina, who had never expected this to happen, turned around in surprise.

As a result, she found that her sister, who was not far away, looked as if she had made a great decision to say this. While her body was a little stiff, her cute little face was full of nervousness and fear.

It's no wonder that she was nervous, because in fact, the relationship between the two of them was not good. When other royal brothers and sisters looked down on Valentina, the youngest and most introverted Veronica naturally chose to stand on the side of her brothers and sisters. She was not friendly to Valentina and was even unwilling to call Valentina sister.

And this time, Veronica not only called her sister, but also took the initiative to ask her to teach her how to take a bath alone?

Valentina was very surprised by this.

This kind of thing is just like a fake.

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