Now Noah finally understands that even if Valentina herself does not expect to be defeated, she is also the heroine of this little butter. In addition to her amorous body and stunning appearance, she probably also has sufficient knowledge in that area. .

Looking at the reaction, most likely they were thinking of that kind of coercive defeat play.

Needless to say, there is indeed such a similar development in the original work.

However, Noah didn't do so much just to be another yellow hair who could save her from the yellow hair.

What he wants to see is the heroine's own gossamer yellow hair and suffering master, not him going gossamer.

It seems that Noah's actions in the past two days have been too gentle, and he will have to give her some harsh medicine next.

So Valentina's reaction was to stare at him in shame and anger when her delusion was exposed.

Noah just put his hand on his forehead and laughed exaggeratedly, as if he heard some great joke.

"Hahaha! I didn't realize that, Princess, you are still a bitch! What! Do you really want to be played with by me?"

"!?, There's no such thing, okay!"

Even if she couldn't see Noah's entire face clearly, from his sneer-filled laughter, Valentina could basically imagine what Noah's expression looked like now.

Anyway, it must be the kind of villain expression that treats her like a toy, right?

How abominable! After all, it wasn't the other party's fault that she turned into a dragon!

Being belittled as a masochist made Valentina feel severely humiliated, so she couldn't help but change her retreating foot to take a step forward, giving Noah a fierce retort.

"Hmph, it's hard to tell. No one can tell that you are just a perverted princess who is deliberately seeking to be bullied. It's just that you don't admit it."

Noah snorted disdainfully. He casually spread out his hand and looked at the shy and angry Princess with cold eyes as if looking at a pervert.

"There's no such thing! Evil gods like you who bully everyone regardless of good or bad are perverts, okay?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess was so angry that she stomped her feet and wished she could go up and block Noah's bullying mouth.

She doesn't understand Noah's behavior very well. Is it necessary to teach nobles who don't follow the rules to do this? And it also involves the people around him!

Sure enough, he was once defeated and sealed by the goddess because he was as unreasonable as a natural disaster!

Hey, I really get angrier the more I think about it! If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't beat her, she would have fought hard in the morning!

"Ha, whatever you say, you know whether you are a pervert or not. Let's meet again later, Princess. I suddenly thought of a fun thing that I must do now."

"Wait a minute! Ah!"

Because Noah turned around and left suddenly and gracefully, Valentina didn't react at all.

But in fact, she couldn't stop any of Noah's actions, because Noah left him with a handsome figure and then disappeared.

To be honest, Noah's condescending attitude of not taking her seriously was really hard for Valentina to accept.

But she had no choice but to grit her teeth and endure it, at least at this stage.

"Well, um, Your Highness Valentina, who was that just now?"

As the 'monster' with an overwhelming aura left, the guards who had been unable to stand firm for several consecutive battles obviously felt much more comfortable. The first thing they did when they regained their energy was, of course, to ask the big shot in front of them who was that person just now. What the hell.

"...I don't know, but I'm sure he's not a good person."

Valentina, who was currently annoyed, would not give any positive comments even if she could not reveal Noah's identity. She clenched her fists and thought that she must find a way to punch him next time.

Seeing that Her Royal Highness the Princess was in a bad mood, the guards did not say much. They could only look at each other and smile bitterly, and then looked at the mess around them.

In any case, it is quite troublesome to deal with it afterwards.

Originally, Valentina did not need to personally participate in the aftermath, but the damage was so serious this time, so she stayed where she was to help the guards wake up and calm the people.

Especially regarding the issue of queue jumping, Valentina also took special care of the couple who was jumped in line.

It wasn't that she didn't want the noble son to be responsible. The problem was that the other party passed out immediately and couldn't be woken up no matter how much she screamed. She had to wait until he regained consciousness before asking him about the specific process.

Other people simply fainted and quickly returned to normal without any injuries.

This also made Valentina stunned for a moment, because the damage suffered by the people was much lower than she expected. Could it be that the evil god was not as brutal and unreasonable as he appeared?

"Oh, it's Her Royal Highness who came to express our condolences in person. I'm so grateful! It seems like today is not particularly unlucky!"

"Huh? No..."

Some people even woke up and realized that it was Valentina, as a princess, who took care of the people carefully and decisively made a sound of praise.

Because other princes and princesses never take care of the people personally, their voices are decisively recognized by the people around them.

Being praised and praised by so many people, even though Valentina was used to seeing many big scenes, she felt a little embarrassed.

Is it really okay for her to get so much recognition just by showing her face when she obviously didn't do anything?

...Huh? Wait a minute, could that evil god take the initiative to cause trouble and then ask me to solve it in order to improve my reputation among the people?

Valentina, who was looking after the affected people, suddenly had such a bold idea in her mind.

After all, the biggest victim is actually the son of a domineering nobleman.

It is theoretically possible for her to bear the infamy to gain a good reputation...

No, probably not...but what if...

Thinking of this possibility, Valentina's mood became more complicated.

If it is true, what is the reason? And should she slightly change her attitude towards the evil god?

But I feel like if you ask her, whether it’s true or not, I’ll just laugh at her for being a naive fool...

ah! Enough! What a nasty god! It bothered her so much! One day I will make him look good!

Because she couldn't figure it out no matter how much she thought about it, Valentina had no choice but to put this troublesome thought out of her mind and concentrate on assisting the guards in handling the aftermath.

What Her Royal Highness the Princess didn't know was that Noah had been watching all this leisurely.

As an evil god, of course he can control whether others can observe him at will.

He had given up his plan to operate only at night, and from now on he planned to operate during the day as well.

As for whether he had to bear the infamy and improve Valentina's evaluation.

The answer is of course no.

By the way, why did he do that? He didn't want Valentina to fall in love with him.

He just wants to see the original work of Valentina falling into the gauze yellow hair, that's all.

Originally, he planned to wait for the Yellow Hairs to come out and commit suicide, but now he decided not to wait any longer. He decided to directly encourage the Yellow Hairs to come out and attack Valentina.

The best actor, Allen, will be reserved for the most critical moments. Now just find another Huangmao to use.

That's right, for example, Noah thinks it's quite appropriate for him to be the leader of the 'Rage Group' organization whose four members were easily killed by Valentina.

After all, they were really arrogant in the original work. It would be unreasonable not to use them as props for the heroine to defeat the devil.

Ps. I feel the support from all readers! Starting from today, we must work hard to ensure two updates a day! If you’ve seen this, be sure to bookmark it! I guarantee that the plot after that will be fun!

If you want to add more updates, just buy an 10-month ticket. Anyway, you can’t add many more updates.

15. Huh, you want excitement, right? Let me give you something exciting.

In the original work, the Furious Group is a gangster organization that gathers many dangerous elements.

Ordinary ruffians are not even qualified to join. Only those with fierce personalities and relatively strong abilities are welcome. Therefore, many adventurers with character flaws quit the team or join the Furious Group after being kicked out.

As long as the heroine Valentina is used to teach the wandering gangsters, there is a chance to trigger the side plot. Victory will gain prestige and experience. If defeated, it goes without saying much and directly enters various defeat plays.

Ordinary people, even ordinary nobles, would not know where the main stronghold of the Furious Group is, but even if they knew it, they would not dare to provoke it, because the so-called Furious Group actually has the secret support of a certain royal family, and it is used by that royal family to fight for it. The black glove of the throne.

However, Noah, who had completed the game perfectly, certainly knew where the stronghold was and was not worried about provoking the royal family at all, so he decisively followed the route in his memory and found the stronghold hidden underground in the old city easily.

And he came at the right time. The second-in-command of the organization, a man named 'Mad Dog Marlo', was 'working' in the stronghold.

Because he wanted to see if he was the same person as the Marlowe he knew, Noah remained unobservable and observed from the sidelines.

"Oh, noble sir, do you mean to kill us all?"

Marlo is a middle-aged man about 40 years old. He looks very fierce. He has a pair of fierce eyes and a strong body. He looks like a man who can become the bandit king at a glance.

In contrast, sitting opposite Marlowe was a well-dressed middle-aged nobleman, slightly older than Marlowe. However, this nobleman who usually bossed around servants and civilians was sitting in Marlowe at this time. Luo looked restless in front of him.

Under Marlo's seemingly unstrong words, his face turned pale.

"Wait a minute! I didn't want to do that, but you want to kill me! My wife must not know about that matter!"

Because the mastermind fell into the opponent's hands, the nobleman almost slammed the table and stood up in excitement. He was not afraid of any gangsters, they were just a group of rabble, but they didn't know where they learned their secrets, which made the nobleman feel very embarrassed.

"Oh, so you accept our conditions?"

Unlike the anxious nobles, Marlo, who looked clearly menacing, looked like a civil servant handling official duties, speaking slowly and clearly, and even had a smile on his face.

But there was no smile in Marlo's eyes at all.

It was like a mad dog about to go crazy, exuding a strong and dangerous atmosphere.

"Uh...I, I know..."

Although the conditions were very harsh, the nobleman who was even more embarrassed by his wife knowing his secret finally had no choice but to give in. He fell on the sofa as if his strength had been drained from his body, his face turning from pale to ashen.

Seeing that the noble lord was so ‘sensible’, Marlo was not in a hurry to see him off, but personally poured him a cup of bitter black coffee, and even considerately told him to rest before leaving.

Just as the noble drank the coffee, which was not particularly bitter compared to life, and was about to leave, Marlo’s quiet voice, which did not match his appearance, sounded again behind him.

“Ah, by the way, noble lord, you should know that your meeting with me today must be kept secret, otherwise what will happen to your daughter, you should know~?”

The noble suddenly felt a chill and nodded desperately in fear, because he knew very well what these scum of society would do to the young and beautiful girl.

After all, he had done something similar, but the target was not the daughter of the noble, but the civilian girl who was driven into slavery by him and her family was broken up.

With the departure of the noble, the gloomy hut returned to peace again. Marlo, who was left alone, was unhurriedly cleaning up the cups used by the noble, as if the person who threatened the noble just now was not him.

Although he was called a 'mad dog', Marlo's calmness outside of madness was the most respected, otherwise he would not have been the second in command of the organization.

This kind of threat to the nobles was commonplace for him. He even had the handle of the Knights in his hand. In this capital, except for the royal family, he was no longer afraid of anyone or any force.

It must be said that Marlo felt a little bored. This feeling of always winning was too boring. He wanted to feel the crisis occasionally.

—— Humph, just bite back the prince.

Marlo, who was bored because he always won, had the dangerous idea of ​​biting back his master. His ferocious face finally showed a fierce look, like a mad dog waiting for an opportunity in the dark night.

However, even a mad dog that was feared by people would be scared.

"I didn't expect that you, a violent criminal, have good taste, uncle. I should be able to take this bag of coffee beans, right? After all, you see, you are embarrassed to let me go empty-handed, right? Anyway, you sit down first, uncle."

! ?

That was the voice of a young man who suddenly sounded deep in his room. Although the other party seemed to be non-hostile and even a little leisurely, the fact that he had sneaked in without his awareness made Marlo tense up instantly. He immediately turned around and looked at the source of the voice with a terrifying expression that was completely different from the one he had faced before.

He knew how terrifying it was when he exuded murderous aura. Even the vicious members of the Fury Group did not dare to look directly into his eyes when he was seriously murderous.

However, the black-haired young man, who was about 20 years old, seemed to be completely unaware of his hostility. He was sitting casually in his seat and fiddling with the coffee beans he bought from abroad at a high price.

"Boy, when did you...!?"

Marlo originally wanted to ask the other party how he sneaked in.

However, something suddenly flew past his ears at a super high speed. Because the speed was too fast, it even caused a sonic boom, and then exploded behind him.

The unexpected scene made Marlo feel that all the hairs on his body stood up in an instant. It was precisely because he could see more clearly that he felt fear first rather than confusion.

It's coffee beans.

The other party flicked the coffee beans in his hand with his thumb, and the result was that the high-speed coffee beans hit the wall behind him and made a small pit before exploding.

If the human body is hit by coffee beans at that speed, it will undoubtedly be directly penetrated.

What a sophisticated magic, it can turn coffee beans into a deadly weapon.

No... Is this really magic after all? If so, why didn't I feel the fluctuation of magic power?

It's incomprehensible. Something beyond imagination happened in front of him. Even Marlo realized that there is a more terrifying existence than a mad dog like himself.

"Oh, sorry, uncle, because I saw that you didn't seem to hear it, so I wanted to remind you. What's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost, don't you want to sit down?"

The young man who seemed to be the incarnation of darkness was sitting in the seat where he was supposed to sit, smiling and asking him to sit down, but those eyes that were as deep as the abyss did not show any smile or coldness, but only disordered chaos.

Is this guy really a human? !

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