It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but she may really have a tendency to be a bitch. She always feels an indescribable pleasure when being bullied by Noah.

The irritability and jealousy seemed to have never been there before. Her Royal Highness, whose face was pressed by the pillow, was finally able to no longer control her expression, but showed a joyful and enthusiastic look, laughing silently under the pillow.

"Now you know who is the boss. Your Highness Princess, you can just be pressed there for a while. These replica pillows can last for about ten minutes. It is impossible to knock me over! It will last a lifetime. It’s just my toy! Hahahaha!”

Noah, who was outside Pillow Mountain, was also proudly clasping his waist with both hands. He didn't know it but tried hard to add resentment BUFF to Her Royal Highness.

Little did he know that these words, which were equivalent to a confession, made Her Royal Highness the Princess so satisfied that her expression collapsed. She blushed on both sides of her cheeks and couldn't help but lick the pillow in front of her with her tongue.

She can smell it! This part of this pillow smells like her favorite god!

Ha, ha ha ha?~! Is this happy feeling love?

Ah! That's right! It must be love!

His god-sama loved her dearly!

And she also loves the god who dotes on her!

Surrounded by a strong sense of happiness, Her Royal Highness's expression at this time was really outrageous. That expression was as crazy and evil as a crazy believer who believed in the evil god.

At this moment, Her Royal Highness the Princess even felt that everything didn't matter anymore, including the nuns.

But as ten minutes passed, the hill of pillows that made her feel happy suddenly disappeared. Her Royal Highness, who suddenly woke up from the feeling of being pampered, immediately got up and looked for Noah, but she did not see him.


Her Royal Highness's expression quickly turned ugly.

——Withdrawing my preamble, everything cannot be indifferent. She must resolve this situation as soon as possible, especially the unknown nun who stole the attention of her god.

Her Royal Highness the Princess will not cause trouble in front of Noah because she only thinks about Noah.

After Noah left, his mind was naturally filled with evil thoughts.

But she didn't just think about it, because if nothing else happened, that person should have been resurrected at this time.

——Hehe~ Mr. Allen, do you have to work harder to let me and God be together?~?

Her Highness the Princess grabbed the only remaining pillow beside her that was also her true body, and then buried her face in it.

Because she also knows that her current expression must be full of morbidity and madness, and this cannot be seen by God~

At least not yet!

PS. If nothing unexpected happens, we can update four times today.

Although 132 was also blocked because it was said that the description was too large, it made me a little nervous.

How big is it! It’s always been this big, okay!

140. Evil rituals carried out in the dark - in fact, they have been exposed long ago

In the royal capital at night, in a room in an underground facility.

Delia, who was wearing a white dress, was impatiently waiting for the results of the experiment.

Three disguised maids stood around her, looking at the scene in the summoning array not far away with equally serious expressions.

At this time, there was a strange device placed on the summoning array. It was said to be a magical device that could control living things. However, because their country had little knowledge in this area, they were not sure that it would really work.

"...It's too slow! Didn't you ask me to come here because you promised to succeed today! What happened? Are you deliberately making me angry!"

Because it was five minutes past the scheduled time, Delia, who couldn't wait any longer, asked the evil mages not far away in dissatisfaction.

This made the already very nervous evil mages even more so nervous that their fingers became stiff and they didn't know what to do.

They did use the device according to the instructions of the foreigners who called themselves "researchers". How could it not work?

Could it be that they really should be allowed to come in person?

After all, they can only use magic and are not very familiar with magic devices.

"Hey! You passersby! Are you ignoring me?"

Seeing that no one answered her, Princess Delia's anger increased further, and she scolded these evil mages who gained power by making deals with the demons without giving any face.

This made them really angry.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the other party was the first princess of the kingdom and there were several bodyguards standing beside her, they would have given this blond and busty princess a taste of tentacles!

This arrogant little cherry mouth is indeed more suitable to be blocked by something!

"Oh, Your Highness Delia, don't blame them. They are just newbies in this area. Although you are very charming when you are angry, your smile is even more beautiful. You are like a goddess descending to earth. "

Just when the evil mages who had no way to fight back against Delia were preparing to be scolded, a young man's voice came from the side.

That man seemed to know how to handle relationships, even with a difficult femme fatale like Delia.

"Hmph, I remember you are Mori's subordinate. Remember your name is Marlo. Even if you flatter me so obviously, doesn't the experiment fail?"

Delia snorted and looked at Marlo standing in the other direction with dissatisfaction, as if her temper was still very bad.

However, Marlo had come into contact with similar women, so he knew that this difficult princess had actually calmed down a lot.

"No, no, no, this is not flattery. Even His Royal Highness Prince Mori once told me that he was proud to have a sister like you who was like a saint. I have the same idea. This is not flattery. As for the experiment, it did not fail. It's just that the progress is still a little bit short."

Marlo bowed to Delia in a low-key and skillful manner, and then looked at the magic device of the magic circle not far away and explained.

"Oh? So what's the difference?"

As expected, Delia's anger had almost dissipated. She said that she didn't like flattery, but when she was really praised, her face couldn't help showing the arrogance of "Of course! I am so beautiful and charming!"

Her performance looked very similar to Prince Mori, so much so that Marlo almost laughed out loud.

They are indeed siblings.

However, Marlo knew that if there was no result, the princess would still be angry, so he had to find a way to complete the experiment as soon as possible.

He was actually just an outsider in the field of experiments. He didn't know anything about demons, evil magic, or magic devices.

But he understood human nature very well.

If the object of resurrection was the "gentleman" who was defeated by another princess just like him.

Maybe he should choose to stimulate him and succeed.

So Marlo didn't continue to answer Delia's questions with words, but took the initiative to approach some motionless magic circles.

After using his eyes to convey the meaning of reassurance to those equally embarrassed evil magicians, Marlo stopped about seven meters away from the center of the magic circle.

Then Marlo picked up his old tricks, and said to a corpse in the device in an ambiguous tone, just like he used to threaten the noble grandfather to keep the secret for money:

"Master Allen, how long are you going to sleep? You are not really going to die like this, right? I have good news for you. Princess Valentina can't help but announce that you died in a woman's bed because you were too excited. She also plans to write you into a clown character in the novel to set off her love with "that person"! Oh, it's pure love. A man like you, Mr. Allen, seems to be a coward who dares not speak out after being robbed of a woman!"

-Huh? What is that? Can the demon clan be resurrected by just a few ridicules?

Delia, who was surprised by this vulgar ridicule, seemed a little confused. She doubted whether Marlo's behavior was useful.

However, less than three seconds after Marlo's words fell, the magic circle that had been unresponsive suddenly lit up. The evil wizards, who were surprised and delighted, quickly supplied magic power and completed the final step of the resurrection ceremony.

After a minute of magic power supply.

The magic device that could lock a whole person suddenly opened from the inside, and there was a very handsome yellow-haired man sleeping peacefully there.

The fatal wound on the neck only left a little scar at this time, and there was no difference from the original.

And his naked appearance made several of Delia's disguised maids blush a little, and their eyes could not move away from a certain place.

Only Delia herself opened the fan in her hand with a "swish", put it in front of her mouth to block the stench of the corpse, and looked at it with eyes as if she was looking at something dirty.

She spent so much effort to resurrect this idiot man, she just hoped that this idiot would live up to the huge amount of money she spent, and hoped that he could produce some results.

I hope he will completely destroy that arrogant sister this time!

"Hmph, since he's resurrected, tell him to act early. This time he must succeed, understand? Otherwise, none of you can think about it! Hey! Stop looking, let's go!"

As the biggest sponsor behind this experiment, Delia did not wait for the resurrected man to open his eyes.

Instead, after scolding the three disobedient maids, she left the dark and damp broken room with an arrogant and noble look, intending to go back and take a good bath to wash away the filth.

"Oh? Although the plot is completely different, does this guy, Alan the Yellow Hair, still intend to appear in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess for the second time? He really won't give up."

However, next to the stairs that Delia just stepped on to the ground, Noah, who was rushing from Valentina, also looked at the resurrected Alan the Yellow Hair with interest.

Noah did not think that Alan the Yellow Hair would bring him any trouble after his resurrection.

Instead, he thought it was an opportunity.

Perhaps it was time for Clyde, the victim, to disappear from the side of the heroine Valentina.

Hmph, let him take advantage of the situation of Eren's resurrection.

PS. The third update, the fourth update will be around 2 o'clock.

141. Do goddesses have such dressing preferences? (50)

As a yellow-haired man, Noah actually had a premonition of Eren's resurrection.

The main reason was that Noah actually considered whether to revive Eren once and let him taste the feeling of defeat and being a victim again.

As the second to last BOSS in the original work, Eren's resurrection was originally the original plot.

But because of the changes in the process, Allen would definitely not be able to directly show his amazing strength like in the original plot to make Valentina, the heroine, surrender.

Allen would definitely use other methods, such as working with Delia to get rid of Valentina, whom they all disliked.

So Noah decided to wait and see what method Allen planned to use to avenge Valentina this time.

Allen began to regain consciousness five minutes after the resurrection ceremony was successful.

He also killed several evil magicians who were kneeling in front of him excitedly to replenish more magic power.

And the shrewd Marlo noticed something was wrong and slipped away in advance. It can only be said that the difference between the villains is also very large.

As Noah guessed, Allen's fighting spirit was burning after his resurrection, and he planned to give Valentina, who had humiliated him, a good surprise.

But his initial idea was to find his own demon remnants instead of contacting the demon army, which disappointed Noah.

"Tsk, I thought I would definitely see other demon leaders. Are you really unwilling to tell your colleagues about your defeat?"

At this moment, Noah has returned to the Ruined Temple and is monitoring Alan's actions.

Alan disguised himself so that he would not be recognized, and then tried to contact the remnants of the demon clan.

Then he found that more than half of his remnants had been eliminated by Valentina and was furious. After he got angry, he laughed like crazy and said something like "OK, OK, such a woman is worthy of my conquest".

"Look, I said that Huangmao is Huangmao. It's so classic to just whitewash and join the protagonist group after finally resurrecting. But he continues to die."

Because Alan's speech was too clown-like, Noah was a little speechless.

How did this guy become more embarrassing than the original?

Isn't it just a loss to a beautiful girl who he looked down on? What's there to be upset about?

Look at this princess who also lost to Valentina. Although she is also very unconvinced, at least she looks normal!

Noah looked at another magic circle monitor, and the one that appeared on that monitor was the eldest princess Delia, who had just returned to the palace and was going to take a bath when everyone else was going to sleep.

Because Delia acted very steady, Noah was willing to give her about 80 points.

So while Alan was looking for his remnants everywhere, Noah was ready to watch the development here for a while.

The eldest princess, who didn't know that she was being watched, was in a bad mood because of the smell all over her body.

She was a bit of a germaphobe, and she didn't want to wait in the basement just now because the environment there was dirty and poor, and those evil wizards and the resurrected Alan were also dirty and smelly.

Delia, who thought that the smell would taint her noble body, asked to take a bath to get rid of these dirty and lowly smells after returning to the palace.

This was originally a very ordinary thing, and there was nothing strange about it.

But suddenly a maid came out and told Delia something, and Delia turned around with an ugly face and went somewhere before taking a bath.

Noah didn't think about where she was going at first.

It wasn't until she walked into the room and called the little princess who was already lying on the bed to sleep and scolded her that he realized it.

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