The goddess must have heard his wish! I came here specifically to continue creating opportunities for him!

"Yes, yes! Miss Agatha! In fact, there have been a lot of things happening in the Royal Capital recently, and I can't finish them all in a short while. How about we find a suitable place to talk first, and then talk while walking on the road!"

Clyde suddenly felt that the whole world was sunny again. Even his voice became brighter. He was obviously excited, and his face was full of excitement and enthusiasm.

Because he was so cooperative that Agatha felt a little embarrassed...

It's absolutely impossible, Agatha likes this kind of passionate human being.

"Haha, young man, you are really brave. I like this very much about you. You are worthy of being a person living in the royal capital."

Agatha, who believed that humans were the best race, not only did not feel embarrassed, she even praised Clyde generously.

"Ahaha, I'm really embarrassed."

This made Clyde smile shyly and accepted the compliment with some embarrassment.

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Young man, you can be proud... Oh, I see. You feel unworthy because your own magic power is not enough. Tsk, those hateful dragons and monsters are all to blame for taking away human beings. resources.”

Agatha seemed to have remembered something, her expression suddenly became filled with a sense of solemnity, and her sudden change even startled Clyde.

"Don't worry boy, you can become stronger, and instantly. In fact, the goddess specially gave me a certain favor. I don't need that thing, but boy, you seem to need it very much."

"Let's go, let's talk as we go. I also really want to know what's going on with the royal family in this country now. Oh, by the way, although I don't think it's necessary to ask, I still ask, young man, what do you think of dragons? ”

But soon Agatha put away her murderous intent and smiled kindly at Clyde, and asked a question that she had actually asked before, but she had yet to hear the answer to this one.

Clyde didn't know why the other party asked the same question again. He only knew that he had to say it in the most sincere tone and with the most disgusted expression:

"Of course they are all stupid and ugly creatures! There can be no exceptions! So it would be better if they all disappear!"

"That's right, young man! I'm really falling more and more in love with you!"

After hearing the satisfactory answer, the dragon-slaying princess laughed heartily and even patted Clyde on the shoulder.

Looking at Agatha like this, the young man couldn't help but smile with joy on his face.

——That’s great, Miss Agatha, I wonder if she has a boyfriend...

Of course, such thoughts are definitely there. After all, since he likes the current Princess, it is not surprising that he likes the Princess in the past.

Thinking that he must have reached the moment to decide his own destiny, Clyde gave up today's work and skipped work to go on a date with the beautiful dragon-slaying princess... ah, no, it was to convey information.

All the evil forces that trouble his childhood sweethearts Valentina and Miss Agatha, whether they are demons, dragons, or evil gods, must be eliminated with his help!

147. Her Royal Highness becomes more and more fanatical (48)

"Eh? Your Royal Highness, are you serious?"

That night, Marlo had just finished handing over information to the newly resurrected demon Allen, and then he was stopped by his old acquaintance on his way home.

After the other party expertly turned him into a darker corner, he also conveyed an incredible piece of information to him.

"...Yes, I am serious. Mr. Marlowe, you should know that His Highness is kind to us, and we cannot refuse."

Martina, who looked exactly like a maid, nodded calmly and didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Seeing how the former leader of the Fury Group was obeying orders, Marlo, who was originally his deputy, would not laugh at her because he was now a good dog to his master. After all, he was just a dog.

"Oh, there's no other way. If that's the case, then let's do it. Although I think the probability of success is low, let's make her the fake princess that Princess Delia used to slander Her Highness Valentina again. Your Royal Highness, this kind of thing is really not something that ordinary people can do. The internal fighting in the royal family is really terrible. "

Although Marlo was complaining, his expression was excited because he was doing something very exciting.

He originally thought that being a spy to help Delia and the demon Allen would be very exciting, but he didn't expect that there would be something even more exciting, using the magic device that resurrected Allen to 'brainwash' the fake princess and make her think that She is a real princess or something.

This kind of thing is not something that a decent person would do.

But if you don't even have such means, then you are not suitable to be the ruler of any country.

Now it seems that both Princesses Delia and Valentina are dangerous princesses.

"I don't deny that infighting within the royal family is terrible, but the royal family are not entirely bad people."

The maid Martina, who was somewhat dissatisfied for some reason, still had a serious expression on her face, but her eyes were obviously more dissatisfied than before.

Others don't know, but as an old friend, Marlo knows why Martina is angry.

After all, for this maid, the master is everything.

So Marlo just leaned against the cold wall and said in a rather teasing tone:

"Of course I know this. I didn't say that the royal family is a bad person. Martina, you really like His Highness Mori. I heard that His Highness Mori seems to have considered giving up the engagement and marrying you recently. Isn't that great? The long-term secret love is finally rewarded."

"... I don't mean to cause trouble to His Highness. It's you, Mr. Marlo, please act quickly. If you can't satisfy Her Highness the Princess this time, you and I will both go to jail for the previous blackmail of the nobles."

Martina said this rather coldly and turned away.

She didn't look happy or flustered at all.

But Marlo still saw Mathilde's red ears in the not-so-bright moonlight.

"Alas... It's really not frank. It's not a big deal to admit that you are liked by His Highness Mori."

Looking at the back that quickly disappeared in the night, Marlo also shook his head helplessly.

He still remembered the day when Martina, still a young girl, came to him many years ago and said she wanted to help the master she had taken care of since childhood, and then chose him, a down-and-out adventurer who was kicked out of the team, to be a dog.

So Martina and Prince Mori were childhood sweethearts.

Marlo was not interested in love, but he had to admit that the power of love was really great, and it could make people work so hard.

But he always felt that the power of love was sometimes a little scary, allowing a girl with normal values ​​to tolerate the prince who acted recklessly for so many years.

Fortunately, the victim, Princess Valentina, was stronger, otherwise this kind of love would also bring tragedy to others.

"Hey, anyway, I don't have a childhood sweetheart and I've never been in love, so there's nothing to worry about."

Marlo, who doesn't fall in love and only enjoys pure carnal/sexual relationships with women, has only one ideal in life, that is, to pursue excitement.

Since Her Royal Highness is willing to let him go temporarily, not only not letting him go to the execution ground but also giving him such an exciting job, then he would feel bad if he didn't do it.

The man called "Mad Dog" showed a cruel smile like a criminal in the dark night, and then acted decisively for the princess and his life creed - even if it was a more serious crime than blackmail, which would make the goddess furious.

It was 2 o'clock in the morning, even the evil god was sleeping, so it would not be exposed to anyone.

When the sun rose the next day, Valentina, who had just changed her clothes and was ready to go out, heard the good news Martina told her.

"... Really, it's done, that's really great, I'll go now."

Hearing that the first step of her plan was successfully completed without any accidents, Valentina suppressed her smile and left the royal city with Martina's farewell.

But she did not go directly to the destination, but turned into a mysterious shop.

And when she came out again, she had completed her transformation.

Through wigs, makeup and completely different clothing styles, the princess transformed into a completely different person.

Valentina now doesn't look like the princess in special combat clothes, but a beautiful girl with purple hair and golden eyes wearing a black evening dress and holding a parasol.

Valentina's current dressing style imitates her sister Delia, giving people a noble, elegant and quiet female feeling.

She wears black suspenders on her legs that can't be seen from the outside, long black silk gloves on her arms, the same style as Delia, and pure black high-heeled boots on her feet, plus a parasol that can draw out a rapier that she carries with her at all times.

Valentina now looks full of mystery that is unapproachable and untouchable, like a real princess who looks powerless.

If she was Delia's biological sister, she might dress like this, looking like a noble daughter who doesn't care about the life and death of others.

"Hehe...Okay, Lord God, are you still not going to come out? If you don't come out, don't blame me for continuing to act?"

Holding up the parasol, Valentina gently opened her lips full of seductive luster as if inviting someone, and called out with a sweet voice like a silver bell.

But there was no response.

Because a certain evil god was still sleeping in a hotel at this time.

The figure she wanted to see did not appear in her vision, and the originally joyful expression of Her Highness the Princess quickly turned cold, and her dark purple eyes gradually became empty.

" didn't look at me again...then don't blame me? Lord God, it would be very bad to underestimate, dragons?"

Mumbling words like a dream, with a morbid and fanatical smile on her face, Her Highness the Princess, like an exquisite doll, held up the parasol and walked elegantly on the streets of the capital.

Although she immediately attracted the attention of others as always, no one recognized her true identity.

PS. Because I am hesitant about whether it is a poison point, I can only update three times today.

I will continue to update tomorrow.

148. Then, who will be deceived next?

After changing her clothes, Valentina quickly came to the underground room that was used to revive Allen.

After cleaning, it is no longer possible to see what happened here.

Unlike the evil mages who were present at that time, only Marlo was present this time.

Seeing a completely unfamiliar noble lady barging into the basement, Marlo, who was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and waiting for the arrival of Her Royal Highness, immediately frowned.

"I'm sorry, miss, you're lost. This is not a tourist scene."

Marlo used a seemingly respectful tone to warn the 'eldest lady' who accidentally broke into this place that this place was not a tourist attraction.

He was glad that he was prepared with both hands. He had prepared a large iron gate to block the ceremony site from the beginning.

Even if an outsider walks in now, they just think it is an underground warehouse, and a guy like him who doesn't look like a good guy is waiting inside to do underground transactions.

"…Of course I know that kind of thing."

Valentina didn't feel uncomfortable being treated as an outsider. She just raised an ambiguous smile that said she was "interested in the current situation" and walked towards Marlo who was showing off.

"!?, What an amazing way to disguise yourself, I didn't even recognize it."

Marlo, who recognized who the other party was from the voice, inevitably had a look of surprise on his face. He left the wall and turned to face the 'mysterious young lady'.

"I'm just imitating that woman, not worth mentioning."

Valentina chuckled and put away the parasol in her hand, not feeling that this was anything to be proud of.

She was just assuming what she would be like if she were Delia's half-sister.

It's just more pretentious.

"No, no, I don't think this level can be called 'not worth mentioning'."

Her Royal Highness the Princess may not think so, but Marlo knows very well that this is not simple. Even he who has dealt with many nobles did not recognize it. This kind of disguise that can hide one's true nature is powerful enough, but it is not nothing. Worth mentioning.

"That kind of thing will be fine no matter what, so what? How is the condition of 'Her Royal Highness'?"

It's a pity that no matter how much Marlowe praises, because the person who praises him is not the person Valentina wants to hear, so Valentina just laughs it off and immediately changes the topic to the topic.

Marlo was not a man who kept nagging. Since Her Royal Highness the Princess said so, he no longer wasted time, but directly turned on the switch hidden in the wall, put away the big iron door, and let Valentina could see inside.

Inside the imported foreign device that had been used to resurrect Allen, there was currently a silver-haired woman who was almost exactly the same as Valentina.

She was sleeping quietly inside, as peacefully as if she were lying in a coffin.

Of course, she couldn't be the real Valentina.

Her body is the female adventurer that Delia used to frame Valentina. Originally, she was just a woman who was somewhat similar to Valentina. She became Valenti through the magic props provided by Delia. Na.

After she was captured by Allen and returned to the Knights, an investigation into her background revealed that she was a cruel female adventurer who could trap all her teammates in order to monopolize rewards.

Coupled with the crimes of impersonating the royal family and tarnishing the reputation of the royal family, he is basically dead.

However, Valentina spared her life, originally thinking of keeping her alive to threaten Delia so that Delia would not dare to cause trouble again.

But now Valentina decided to let her play herself again.

But this time he didn't lie to her, but to Delia, Allen, and some terrible god.

"It has been proven in previous experiments that as long as a certain degree of forgetting magic is used while summoning, the experimental subject can indeed forget a certain memory. However, it is still too difficult to modify the cognition. I’m afraid this ‘Her Royal Highness’ is unlikely to meet your needs.”

Marlo reluctantly reported the work situation to his leader.

The magic of forgetfulness itself is a difficult and advanced magic to use, and it only lasts for a few dozen minutes at most. The device of this ritual can increase the magic of forgetfulness, and it is said that it can theoretically last up to a year.

In fact, during the experiment early this morning, the first subject, Allen, forgot that he had lost to Valentina, and his memory stayed before the 'suicide' action.

If someone can use magic that modifies cognition, or possesses magic props that can change people's cognition, using this device may make the fake princess think she is a real princess.

But because there was no such person or magic item on the surface of the kingdom, the fake princess was cast into the magic of ‘forgetfulness’, with the help of the maid Martina.

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