"Haha! How dare you say that! You said it as if you wanted to violate me!"

While Noah easily dodged the Priest Princess' sharp slashes, he couldn't help but laugh at what she just said.

Of course, Noah was just teasing and didn't think it was true.

However, who would have thought that the Priest Princess said with a cold face while not missing the attack:

"It's not an invasion! It's a purification ceremony! By sacrificing my chastity, you can be reborn! After you become one with me, you will know how stupid you are now!"

After she said this, Noah was also stunned.

ah? Is that not a joke but serious?

Co-author: No matter which princess loses to someone else, she plans to violate him?

He's not the heroine of a game, so why should he enter defeat play even if he loses?

PS. Fourth update, we will continue to update tomorrow.

166. After talking for a long time, you still want to take advantage of me.

A high-intensity battle on the streets of the capital would logically attract the attention of law enforcers.

But unfortunately, if the law enforcers in this world acted quickly and took care of things, there wouldn't be so many plots that could make the heroine enter the defeat play.

Not to mention that the patrolling guards were not at the scene at the critical moment. Even if they were on the scene, they probably would not dare to go.

It's until one of the two parties in the struggle falls.

As for passers-by, they fled one after another.

What's more, Noah also deliberately seduced the priest princess from passers-by watching the theater, and even drove away all the passers-by who were eating melons around him.

Basically, the battle at this time is that Noah takes the initiative to distance himself, and then the priest princess attacks with a short-range lightsaber or long-range light magic.

Because Noah could always dodge easily, every attack from the Priest Princess would land a few meters away from passers-by, scaring the passers-by into running away in a hurry.

"Hey, didn't you almost hit an innocent person? This is an evil act even for an ordinary person, let alone a priest. Aren't you ashamed?"

And when the last three passers-by watching the show were scared away by Noah and the priest princess, Noah also cast a mocking look at the priest princess who exuded a cold aura, blaming her for attacking passers-by even though she was a priest.

"Sacrifice is inevitable in sacred rituals. Their souls will be purified. Instead, they dare to be grateful that they are lucky enough to sacrifice themselves in sacred rituals!"

But it obviously didn't have any effect, because the character of the priest princess is very close to the heroine after defeating the yellow-haired Allen later in the original work.

But there are serious problems with the three views.

Not to mention being embarrassed, she didn't even hesitate. She retorted to Noah while continuing to release powerful light magic towards him.

The light attribute magic turned into several sword blades and shot straight towards Noah, just like the attitude she showed, sharp and awe-inspiring.

She is the kind of alternative fanatic who has no doubts about her faith, unlike the nuns who were wearing brainwashing devices that Noah had seen before.

This young lady priest just looked at the beautiful girl with a holy and cold look, but in fact she was just a lunatic.

Compared to her, Noah is considered friendly.

"Ha, really."

Although he had known for a long time that the other party was created by a certain existence to disgust him, the priest princess's speech still made Noah laugh out loud.

While dodging the lightsaber easily, he shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, even if she had the same face, she had fallen into this state, and Noah couldn't feel any recognition for her.

"What? Are you planning to surrender to the Evil God? Then just surrender and I will give you a new life."

The Priest Princess thought that Noah shook his head and sighed as he was preparing to surrender, so she paused her attack and asked Noah whether he would surrender or not.

"Rebirth? So you mean that when you violated me, you absorbed me through some evil magic, and then allowed me to re-develop in your womb and be born into this world again as a human being?"

Noah didn't rush to refute her, but said what he understood slightly sarcastically.

"That's right, you are completely made of sin and can only be purified through death. The only person who can use this sacred ritual in the entire cult, and only me, who is directly selected by the goddess to become a priest, can use it."

"So surrender, Evil God! Integrate with me and be reborn in this world as a loyal believer of the goddess! I believe the goddess is looking forward to this too!"

She obviously said something outrageous about going to her grandma's house, but the expression of the priest princess was as if she was talking about some very solemn and solemn mission, with a solemn look on her face.

At the end of the sentence, he gently tapped his finger on the center of his chest, and extended his other hand in the direction of Noah as an invitation.


This time it really made Noah laugh.

Having said so much about co-writing, don’t you just want to be Noah’s mother?

It's a shame she could say this without shame.

I guess she really regarded Se Se's incident as some kind of sacred ritual.

Anyway, it’s the kind of play where you’re obviously doing something Sesel, but your expression is very solemn, right?

It’s not like Noah has never been seen in other little butters.

But how could Noah let her be his mother? It would have been better for her to call Noah dad even if he had to take a step back.

But the other party is really good at making Noah laugh.

Therefore, Noah did not directly refute her invitation, but laughed exaggeratedly.

Such an exaggerated laugh was naturally to humiliate the priestess princess.

"Hahahahaha! What priests, what goddess of beauty! It's just a disguised belief in lust/demon!"

"!? You actually said that the goddess is equivalent to a lowly and lowly lust/demon!?"

Sure enough, the priestess princess's originally unkind face became even colder when she saw Noah's reaction, and her voice became even colder.

"What? Am I wrong? The goddess of beauty you believe in is originally a big lust/woman, and you are just a personality (holy) official. You actually have the nerve to say that I am an evil god? I think you are the one who needs to be purified, Your Highness!"

But even if the priestess princess's murderous gaze seemed to pierce the skin of ordinary people like a sword, Noah still humiliated her belief with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Although the goddess of beauty in the original work is also a background character like the evil god, unlike the evil god who has no specific settings, the goddess of beauty has some basic settings.

For example, she will possess the girl who is chosen as the "saint" during the ceremony and do a lot of things with the believers.

The cult that believes in the goddess of beauty is clearly defined as a "cult" in the original work, and will be destroyed by the heroine who does not lose the battle.

So Noah is not talking nonsense, but telling the truth.

"... Good! Very good! You dare to be so shameless! But don't try to anger me! Your speech only makes me more determined to purify you!"

The spirit of the priest princess is also very mature. Even if Noah mocks her face so closely, there is no blush on her face, not even a blush of anger.

She just launched a certain light magic with a more serious attitude on herself.

Then a layer of light emanated from the surface of her body, and she attacked Noah at a faster speed.

"Heh! Yes, if words don't work, I can only use my body to make you understand!"

This time, Noah did not dodge, but went straight up with a sarcastic smile on his face.

It's time to let this heroine who didn't exist in the original work understand the horror of the hidden BOSS!

Anyway, she is just an 'other person' with the same face as the Valentina that Noah is familiar with. Anyway, she is just a 'phantom' that will disappear in the end, so there is no need to show mercy!

Let her taste the defeat play again!

Noah, the evil god, will give it to her!

167. What a coincidence! I'm looking for you!

It's obvious that this is not an equal battle.

Because even the usual Noah has an exceptional value, and the level is undoubtedly LV99, while the priest princess is only about LV96.

And even if the levels are equal, the values ​​are not equal.

Just like the mage panel is definitely different from the swordsman panel, how can the heroine's values ​​be the same as the evil god's values?

So as long as Noah doesn't want to lose, he can't lose.

And their biggest weapon is not their fighting ability, but their existence itself.

In Noah's view, these heroines with brand-new defeat endings that do not exist in the original work exist to attack his spirit.

But if Noah is determined and unmoved, then their existence itself loses its meaning.

In fact, even the priest princess with the status BUFF quickly became embarrassed under Noah's power.

The two of them just fought for three or five rounds, and the priest princess realized that Noah's previous dodging was not because he was afraid, but because he simply wanted to dodge.

In fact, the sharp light blade in her hand could not cause much effective damage to Noah, and the light magic would not have much effect even if it hit Noah.

"Haha! What's wrong? Come and attack me more, Princess! Where did your momentum just now go!"

The priest princess also saw that Noah was clearly playing.

He could obviously solve the battle quickly, but he deliberately made a similar M-like speech to provoke her.

The priestess princess also gradually realized that Noah was a powerful enemy that humans could not defeat.

Either the magic was not magic that humans could use, or the weapons were not weapons made by humans, otherwise it was impossible to defeat Noah, and even effective killing could not be done.

However, even if she realized that she could not defeat him, the priestess princess continued to attack Noah.

This also made Noah feel very happy.

"Hahaha! That's right! That's right!"

Noah laughed while easily breaking the light magic with fists and elbows.

He wanted to deeply engrave his feeling of being unbeatable in the eyes and mind of the priestess princess.

Let this priestess princess who worships the goddess of beauty see how terrifying it is to provoke a real god.

Noah just wanted to see when her cold and solemn beautiful face would show an expression of fear or terror.

"Oh? Is this your trump card? I'm really looking forward to it."

It seemed that she knew that conventional means could not defeat Noah, so the priestess princess began to chant more powerful magic.

Although Noah could have interrupted the attack by force, he still took an action that was very suitable for a boss - that is, he allowed the opponent to release his ultimate move.

When the priestess princess activated her magic, a sky full of light balls appeared around her. Those light balls were all magic balls with powerful magic power activated by a magic.

At this time, the guards and knights who had arrived at the scene saw those light balls and immediately organized the team to continue to retreat, fearing that they would be caught in the explosion range of the light balls.

It seemed that there were many small suns in the sky above the street, shining the surroundings golden. Except for Noah who looked up at this scene with an excited smile, even mice and ants hurried away from this dangerous place.

"Take it! Evil God!"

When the priestess princess pointed her right hand raised in the sky at Noah, nearly three-digit magic balls rushed towards Noah at a high speed.

Those light balls did not explode at the moment of impact, but exploded actively very close to Noah.

In an instant, Noah was covered by strong light, as if he disappeared in the explosion caused by many light balls.

"What kind of killing power is this!"

The closest knight could feel the storm coming even though he was 20 meters away, and he couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

The other knights also agreed, feeling that this was not a battle that they could participate in with the knight swords on their waists.

However, when the strong light faded, the knights were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Because there was nothing on the attacked street.

Whether it was the traces left by the explosion, or the strange black figure that could be vaguely seen but could not be recognized, or the female priest who seemed a little familiar but had been seen somewhere, they all disappeared.

There was nothing left on the entire street, not even a trace of the two people's fierce battle here.

Now the knights and guards looked at each other in shock.

Unfortunately, no one could understand what happened.

So was it a collective hallucination?

Or was that light magic actually a self-destruct magic that could destroy both the caster and the attacker?

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