Looking at the two people who were knocked to the ground by him after a few moves, Allen was silent for a while.

What happened? Didn't the people around him say that he had died once before when he lost to Valentina?

If that's the case, how could he win so easily?

He even prepared hostages, thinking that if he couldn't beat Valentina, he would use hostages to threaten Valentina, but it turned out that he prepared them in vain?

"... The winner has been decided, young man, you really seem to have room for growth."

However, when Agatha, who did not join the battle, said this.

Allen suddenly thought that forget it, it doesn't matter, as long as he wins.

I guess I must have been careless last time and lost to Valentina. It's normal that I didn't lose this time because I was so cautious.

Now he has to enjoy the body of someone else's girlfriend!

"Did you hear that, Clyde, it seems that this is all your fault for being too weak. As expected, you are not suitable for Tina. I will accept Tina."

In order to enjoy the pleasure of the Minotaur, Allen deliberately stabbed Clyde.

Although it was not in the form of physical or magic, the words were murderous.

"Ah! Wait! Wait a minute, ah!"

Clyde struggled to get up from the ground, but after trying several times, he gave up because it was too painful, and had to shout for Alan to stop walking towards his childhood sweetheart.

But that was useless. It was obvious that the victim's scream would only make the smile on the yellow-haired face more excited.

"Woo... Clyde..."

It can only be said that the victim is the victim. Even the fake princess who was also severely injured stood up with pain, desperately holding the sword in her hand to stop it from shaking.

Even in such a mess, she planned to resist Alan who was walking towards her.

But it was useless. Before she swung her last attack, Alan casually slapped the long sword in her hand away. The sword made a crisp clang sound on the gorgeous ground of the palace, and slid for a distance, just flying not far from the victim Clyde.

"Tina, I know you hate me, but it doesn't matter, I will make you like me, of course - I mean with your body!"

Facing the fake princess's resistance, Allen's face showed an excited smile, and then he suddenly tied up the girl's body with the tentacles behind him.

"What?! You, you are actually a demon! Guwu!?"

Agatha, who realized that Allen was a demon at this time, immediately changed her face and wanted to draw the sword passed down from generation to generation by the royal family at her waist to fight Allen.

However, she did not notice the suspicious magic circle under her feet.

The result was that she was tied up by the tentacles that came out from her feet before she could draw her sword.

Agatha, who realized that she had made a big mistake, wanted to get rid of it by bursting with magic power, but she remembered that her magic power suddenly dropped a lot since yesterday and has not recovered until now, so she had to curse Allen's meanness in the end.

"Despicable demon! You bastard, wuwu!?"

But Allen didn't give her too many chances, and immediately put a thick and long tentacle into her mouth, stopping her vulgar words.

And the tentacles below began to gradually dissolve her clothes and wriggle on her beautiful body.

Obviously, she was going to play the defeat play in front of the fake princess.

"What a speechless woman, didn't you ask for this? Sorry, since you have decided to be a bystander, just watch from the sidelines, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Of course, Allen didn't feel ashamed, but felt that Agatha was really stupid. It was obviously her own willingness to watch, and it was her own carelessness. How could he be blamed?

Well... Although she has a little problem with her brain, she is also a serious beautiful swordsman. It's not impossible for His Royal Highness to play with her after he has had enough fun.

"Ah! Stop! Stop, I'll listen to you! Stop now!"

At this moment, Clyde seemed to realize what was about to happen and shouted desperately, his gentle face was full of fear, he knew what would happen next.

Don't do that kind of thing!

Her Royal Highness is his childhood sweetheart! She is his girlfriend!

"Oh? Will you listen to anything? Then Clyde, you should cut off one of your arms now. If you really do it, I swear to let Valentina go and choose to reluctantly use the queen over there to complete my goal."

In fact, it would be enough to just take off his pants and move the third leg in front of the victim, but Allen didn't want to. He wanted to humiliate Clyde more because he was obsessed with Clyde.

So he deliberately made his tentacles not as active as Agatha, just simply tied up the fake, and looked at the queen with interest, acting like a gentleman.

But of course, this was a lie. Even if Clyde did it, he would just laugh at him for being an idiot and continue to violate his girlfriend.

"That, that kind of thing..."

However, Clyde, who was originally very excited, seemed to have regained his composure all of a sudden, and looked at the flying sword with a complicated expression.

His face was full of hesitation.

He really liked his childhood sweetheart, but asking him to cut off one of his arms was a bit...

Right, right, he didn't have the strength to stand up!

And there was no guarantee that Alan would keep his word!

Although it was true that no one could guarantee that Alan would keep his word, Noah could see that Clyde was a classic kid who was deceiving himself alone.

In fact, he just didn't want to cut off his arm. In the end, he still cared more about his life.


When Noah looked at the purple-haired maid with a malicious smile on his face, he could see that the maid was in a very bad mood.

Haha! How about it! Princess! This is what your childhood sweetheart really looks like! The so-called gentleness is only based on the premise that you are not hurt! When he is really worried about his life, he will no longer care about you!

Allen's actions are almost the same as Noah predicted.

Now, the cowardly character of the victim is exposed, and the princess should face the reality.

Her childhood sweetheart filter should also be taken off. Clyde is just an ordinary boy. It's okay to keep him as a dog.

But if you are equal to such a spineless man, you can imagine how difficult life will be.

It's not easy for the princess to find a good man casually? Why do you have to find a guy like Clyde?

Although Clyde did not refuse at this time.

But his hesitant expression has answered for him.

"Haha! Can't you do it! Clyde-kun! Then you just stand there and watch! Tina looks happy because of me!"

On one side is the yellow-haired man who makes fun of the victim's reaction.

"No! No! Stop it!"

On the other side is the victim who just screams and shouts but does not take any action.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will end up like in the original work where the victim cries and follows the director.

Noah originally thought that if Valentina was not at the scene, it would be his turn to help the fake suddenly "cheat" and kill the yellow-haired man.

Then the fake will be recognized by others.

When Valentina took the initiative to appear, Noah stood on the side of the fake and laughed at her for being a fake, so as to continue to annoy her.

But since the real princess was at the scene at this time, Noah did not rush to act.

Because he saw that the purple-haired maid lady who had been ignored was walking towards the throne while taking off her wig.

“…Really, you really disappoint me, Clyde.”

When Valentina’s cold words rang out in the throne room, Alan, who was about to tear the fake’s clothes, and Clyde, who was unwilling to give up, were both stunned.

Ah? Why, why is there another Valentina?

172. It’s time to settle accounts with the victim and the yellow-haired man! (37)

“Huh? Tina?”

Clyde, who was still grief-stricken, was stunned when he saw the familiar beautiful face, and then showed a look of astonishment.

His brain was about to short-circuit.

Of course, Alan was almost the same. He looked at the girl tied up by the tentacles that came out from his back and the girl in the maid uniform with a surprised look.

Suddenly, he felt like he was being fooled.

"Yes, it's me, but Clyde, don't call me that from now on. It will be a headache if people misunderstand that we are close... No, I hate it."

The princess with silver hair and purple eyes did not continue to walk over, but stopped at a relatively distant distance from Clyde.

She looked down at Clyde, who was still crawling on the ground, with a cold and disgusted look. She was just wearing a common maid uniform, but the strong aura between her eyebrows was like a queen.

She even stopped using euphemistic words to reject Clyde, and directly used the word "dislike".

Clyde, who had no time to feel happy that his childhood sweetheart was safe and sound, and felt that he was about to be abandoned, hurriedly tried to explain:

"No! No! Tina! Me!"

But when the words came to his lips, he was speechless for a while, not knowing what words to use to explain his hesitation just now.

"No? Clyde, let me ask you, you should have recognized that person from the beginning that it was not me, right? If so, why did you accept it so easily? As long as the appearance is a princess, it's actually the same for everyone, right?"

Valentina's voice was like a sharp sword, easily piercing Clyde's self-deception.

Yes, he did recognize that it was a fake, but because the other party looked no different from the real Valentina, he agreed, and even wanted to treat the other party as the real Valentina and do things with her that cannot be described in detail at night...

But, but he really likes Valentina!

"Shut up! Clyde, quibbling will only lower my evaluation of you, and that was the last time just now. If you don't change the way you address me, I will lock you up for "disrespect for the royal family" next time."


But this time, before he had time to explain anything, the impatient and disgusted voice of Her Royal Highness the Princess interrupted him first.

That was the first time Clyde saw his childhood sweetheart look so disgusted, not looking at others, but at him.

"Ah! Ahhhh!!! No! No, Princess!!!!"

When his childhood sweetheart looked at him with an expression of disgust he had never seen before, Clyde was also shocked by the courage, and he changed the way he addressed his childhood sweetheart, crying with fear and regret.

He cried like a coward who was caught cheating and asked his girlfriend for forgiveness.

But it was useless.

Valentina, who didn't want to say anything more to him, turned and left, walking towards Allen.

Seeing his childhood sweetheart so strange, Clyde felt that his childhood sweetheart had been taken away.

The childhood sweetheart who used to share interesting things with him, who was honest and kind, and who was afraid of loneliness and wanted to get attention, would never come back.

——Whose fault is this! Who should he find responsible! ! !

Anyway, it was definitely not his fault. Clyde, who felt that his heart was about to break, hung down to the ground in regret, but soon hugged the ground and buried his head and cried shamefully.

"Oh, oh, so that's it, no wonder I lost once last time, it turned out that you used a trick to beat me, but so what? Tina, you don't want your father, mother, brother, and this acquaintance here to die, right?"

Looking at Clyde's clown look, Allen actually felt very happy, because he thought that even so, he would still be the winner.

What, even if Valentina came out, could she still beat him now?

After making a very standard yellow-haired speech, Allen also ordered the independent tentacles on the other side to increase their output against Agatha.


Then, an ugly bulge like a snake appeared on Agatha's originally smooth and neat belly.

Allen's meaning was very simple. If Valentina did not surrender, the tentacles would pierce Agatha's body and penetrate her directly, causing her to die in pain.

"Acquaintances? What are you talking about? I don't know the people over there at all. As for my father, mother and brother? Oh, why do you think that those three people will be a threat if they die when you haven't even caught the first prince and the first princess? It's better to say that my brother and sister will be happy."

"As for my thoughts? Sorry, my family is only my late mother. It doesn't matter if that kind of person dies. Anyway, just like they hate me, I actually hate them too. By the way, you can't really control me, right, Allen, who do you think you rely on to resurrect?"


However, Allen's evil yellow-haired face did not last too long, and he was choked by Valentina's sneering answer.

But what made him speechless was the expression of Her Royal Highness at this time.

Because that expression was clearly looking at an incorrigible clown, the smirk with the corners of her mouth curved upward was full of contempt, and her dark purple eyes were full of contempt and amusement.

Even her cheeks were slightly flushed with charming blushes because she wanted to laugh.

But the blush was not because of shyness or anger, but because of pure joy.

"What do you mean by that...?!"

Like Clyde who was still autistic, Allen was obviously unable to accept what had happened for a while. He was so defensive that he wanted to loudly question the princess in front of him about what she meant.

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