The next day was the day when Lin Yi officially joined the team.

When Lin Yi was on trial, most of the players of Dortmund U23 had already seen him.

And everyone was impressed by this extremely fast Chinese boy.

So when Daniel officially introduced Lin Yi to the whole team, most of the players smiled kindly at him.

Except for one person.

That was the team's striker, the German black player Moukoko, known as the "Black Lightning".

He was the one who felt the most threatened by Lin Yi's arrival.

Because Lin Yi's technical characteristics were so similar to his.

They were both speed strikers, and their positions were the same, both left winger.

Moreover, Lin Yi's performance during the trial was really amazing.

As a result, the opponent posed a huge threat to him as soon as he entered the team.

So he was very wary of Lin Yi's arrival.

When Lin Yi took the initiative to shake hands with him, he frowned and let go of his hand after just a light touch.

Lin Yi seemed to have noticed that the black guy in front of him seemed to be somewhat hostile to him.

But he didn't know why the other party was like this.

But he didn't care much about this hostility.

In a group, you can't make everyone like you.

Especially in a competitive group like a football team.

In addition to being teammates, the players also have a competitive relationship.

Because there are only 11 people who can play after all.

And the members of a team are as many as 20 to 30 people.

With so many people competing for those 11 places, the relationship between the players is very subtle.

Especially for players in the same position, the relationship between each other is even more subtle.

Lin Yi had also been in professional football, so he naturally had a clear understanding of this.

As soon as he saw Mukoko's attitude, he knew what was going on.

So he also did not continue to show goodwill to the other party.

Aren't you not convinced? Then wait for me, I will beat you until you are convinced.

Professional football, strength is respected.

If you have strength, I respect you.

If you are not strong enough, then I'm sorry, I don't recognize you if you want to show your seniority.

Lin Yi put away his smile and his face became serious.

The other players seemed to feel that the atmosphere between the two was a little wrong.

But no one was surprised.

Because this kind of thing is too common in the team.

Head coach Daniel didn't care either.

He was even a little excited in his heart.

Before Lin Yi arrived, Mukoko was the fastest player in the team.

On the left side, his breakthrough was extremely sharp.

He is the team's top scorer.

This inevitably made the opponent have a lot of arrogance.

Sometimes, even the head coach dared to contradict him.

This made Daniel very dissatisfied.

However, for the sake of the team's performance, sometimes he could only endure it.

And now it's good.

The team has another fast winger.

If you dare to be uncorrected like before, don't blame me for replacing you.

After introducing Lin Yi to the team, Daniel announced the start of a day's training.

At this time, it was the training period before the start of the league.

The main training content was to restore the players' physical fitness.

So at the beginning of the training, the physical trainer became the busiest person.

At this time, Lin Yi was called aside by assistant coach Brandt.

"Lin, I want to do a professional test of your various abilities."

"Warm up for ten minutes first, and then come to me."

Lin Yi agreed and turned and ran to the side to warm up.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yi, who was already sweating slightly, came to Brandt again.

"Sir, I'm ready."

"Very good, our test today includes speed, strength, endurance, and jumping."

Brandt explained the test content to Lin Yi today.

The first test item is jumping.

This test is very simple, mainly to see how high Lin Yi can jump.

In the end, Lin Yi's score was 79 cm.

This result is a good result.

Among football players, it can already be ranked in the upper middle.

After the jumping test, we started to test strength.

The strength test is divided into three parts.

They are upper limb strength

strength, lower limb strength and core strength.

The upper limb strength test mainly depends on his bench press data.

The lower limb strength is tested using a horizontal leg press.

As for core strength, it is even simpler, just to see how long he can hold the plank.

The final result is that his bench press weight is 195 pounds and his lower limb strength is 355 pounds. And the plank lasted for about half an hour.

Brandt was quite satisfied with this result.

Although the bench press strength is not high, it is considered medium in the team.

And the lower limb strength can be ranked in the top three in the team.

And the core strength is even more powerful, which is a standout in the team.

The original plank record in the team was 25 minutes.

Now Lin Yi has broken this record.

Seeing this data, Brandt next to him couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Wow! I didn't expect your waist to be so good. Your girlfriend will be blessed in the future."

His words immediately caused a burst of laughter from the teammates who came to watch the excitement.

Lin Yi was not offended by such jokes.

He even had the mood to make a few jokes.

He is now very proficient in German and has no problem communicating with others.

This also makes his teammates and coaches around him have a good impression of him.

In fact, many Chinese players who played football abroad before could not succeed. In addition to their own skills and personal efforts, language barriers were also a big obstacle.

Just think about it. In the team, you are always confused when others say something.

After a long time, no one will be willing to communicate with you.

In order to improve your skills, in addition to your own efforts, frequent communication with coaches and teammates is also a very important part.

Those international players who can succeed have basically passed the language barrier.

Of course, if you are a genius like Messi and Ronaldo, that is another matter.

Now Lin Yi can communicate with others without obstacles, which at least has been ahead of many people.

After testing the strength, Brandt let Lin Yi rest for more than ten minutes to recover his strength.

Then the third test, the speed test, began.

The first test was the 30-meter speed.

For football, the 30-meter sprint speed is much more important than the 100-meter sprint speed.

After all, the football field is only about 100 meters in total.

In the game, there are rarely situations where you sprint from one side to the other.

More often, there are short-distance sprints of 20 to 30 meters.

Sometimes there are only a few meters or more than a dozen meters of sprint distance.

So this 30-meter sprint speed is the standard for testing whether a player is a fast horse.

Lin Yi was ready to start at the starting line, and he would rush out as soon as Brandt gave the order.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd watching the excitement.

"Coach, can I run with you? I think my speed seems to have improved recently. Why don't I compete with this Chinese kid to see who runs faster."

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