The ball was taken out of the goal, but the ball was taken out of the goal.

The free kick Dortmund got was about 30 meters away from the goal.

A little to the right of the penalty area.

From this position, you can shoot directly.

But it is very difficult to shoot in.

Perisic is the first free kick taker appointed by Klopp.

At this time, he had already walked over and wanted to take the free kick.

But he was stopped by Lin Yi.

"Let me try this ball?"

Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Well, okay, it doesn't matter who kicks. From such a long distance, anyone who kicks will just miss. Then you come. Maybe you can score another goal like in the last game." Perisic joked and handed the ball to Lin Yi. Lin Yi grinned, took the ball and walked towards the penalty spot. "Ha! We saw that Lin Yi passed the ball. Is he going to take the free kick this time?" "Did he get a taste of success from the free kick in the last game? This time he wants to try again to see if he can kick that kind of magical ball again?" "It's not easy. The last time, the ball was probably a coincidence. It's actually very difficult to kick that kind of ball." "But I'm still looking forward to it! Although the chance is small, what if it happens?" In the live broadcast room, He Jian exclaimed when he saw Lin Yi holding the ball and walking towards the penalty spot. [Haha! Lin Yi is really brave! He dares to try a free kick from this distance. ]

[A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger! Lin Yi is really daring! ]

[Another elevator ball! Let those foreigners see! ]

[Forget it! The last ball was definitely a fluke. If I could score that one, I would be able to brag about it for the rest of my life. If you want to score again, just dream on! ]

[Haha! That's right, but who can say for sure! ]


Lin Yi carefully placed the football on the penalty spot and then slowly backed away.

Out of respect for Lin Yi, Augsburg formed a three-man wall.

Augsburg's goalkeeper Yan Qi was not too nervous.

After all, a free kick from this position is really not threatening.

Soon, the players on both sides were ready.

The referee blew the whistle immediately.


As the referee blew the whistle, Lin Yi started to run.

He rushed to the football with a few big steps, stepped heavily on the side and back of the football with his left foot, and raised his right foot high.

Then he suddenly fell down.


A loud bang was heard.

Lin Yi's right foot was like a big hammer, hitting the middle and lower part of the football fiercely.

The surface of the football suddenly deformed visibly.

At the same time, it also gained powerful kinetic energy, flying diagonally, like a sharp arrow, heading straight for the goal.

In just a moment, the football passed over the top of the wall of people who jumped up and flew diagonally upward.

Yan Qi looked up at the trajectory of the football and breathed a sigh of relief.

According to the current flight trajectory of the football, it is sure to fly over the crossbar.

He didn't need to make any saves at all.

But his relaxed mood did not last long.

Because soon, the football that flew above the penalty area suddenly seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force, and suddenly began to turn around and go down.

Seeing the change in the trajectory of the football, Yan Qi was shocked.

He rushed to meet the football.

However, the trajectory of the football suddenly became a little erratic.

This made it very difficult for the goalkeeper to save the ball.

In the end, Yan Qi could only look in one direction and rush over resolutely.

However, when the football was about to touch his palm, it suddenly changed very slightly.

It was such a slight change in direction that bypassed Yan Qi's palm in an instant.

It plunged into the net behind him.


"The ball went in!"

"Ah! The ball really went in!"

"Elevator ball!"

"Lin Yi! He really kicked the free kick in!"

"It's incredible!"

"Can this even go in?"

"This is too surprising!"

"The score on the field has become 1-0!"

"Dortmund is leading!"

"Within less than ten minutes of the game, Dortmund scored a goal! It seems that today's game is off to a good start for Dortmund."

In the live broadcast room, seeing that Lin Yi really scored the free kick, He Jian and Zhang Lu were all stunned.

Before this

, although they didn't say it, they really didn't have much hope.

But it was also because of this that when the ball really went in, the surprise was huge.

[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is all right! ]

[Awesome! Lin Yi is awesome! This kind of ball can go in. It's really eye-opening! ]

[Fuck! Even if Cristiano Ronaldo came, he might not be able to kick this kind of ball. ]

[Peach Blossom Shadow Falls Flying Sword! Lin Yi's appearance disperses all evils! Haha! When Lin Yi appears, who can compete with him! ]

[Damn! Talent! Brother! This is all right! But your description is appropriate! Thumbs up! ]

[Who else? Just ask who else? ]

[Even a weak team like Augsburg dares to speak so arrogantly. Now let them know how powerful my Lin Yi is! 】


In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, there were all exclamations and praises.

At this time, on the court, Lin Yi saw the ball enter the net, and he immediately raised his arms and roared excitedly.

His hard training during this period was not in vain.

Now he finally saw the effect.

After being stunned for a moment, Dortmund's teammates immediately rushed towards Lin Yi excitedly.

Soon, a group of people surrounded Lin Yi in the middle.

"Oh my God! Lin, you actually scored the ball. This is beyond my expectation!"

Perisic, who gave the penalty kick to Lin Yi, patted Lin Yi's shoulder and shouted.

This ball was completely beyond his expectation.

"Lin, congratulations! Another goal!"

Santana, who loves to joke, said with a smile.

"Damn! I didn't guess that, I was prepared. How about it? Worship me!"

Lin Yi slammed his head and retorted with his chest puffed out.

His words immediately caused a burst of laughter.

Dortmund was bustling, while the players and fans of Augsburg on the other side were dumbfounded.

They could never have imagined that such a bad free kick would actually break their own goal.

This was really hard for them to accept.

After a period of stunned silence, the Augsburg fans in the stands finally reacted.

They began to boo and curse.

However, these boos and curses did not sound harsh to Lin Yi's ears.

Because he felt that was the highest treatment given to him by his enemies.

The more your enemies hate you and the more they curse you, it means that the harm you have caused to them is great enough.

Otherwise, your enemies will only praise you.

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