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"Oh my god! I was so scared! I thought the ball was going to go in again, thanks to Kerber's outstanding performance. Did that Chinese kid come here to cause trouble?"

"The Chinese kid just stopped the ball. Like shit, I really don't know why Daniel asked him to come up here?"

"I'm already beginning to despair about today's game. The black guy just now didn't perform well, but at least he was able to stop the ball. But now this guy can't even I can't even stop the ball. No wonder I can only be a substitute. "

"Forget it, let's watch it for a while. We'll leave the court during the halftime break. I can't watch this game anymore. If I watch it again, my heart will break. The disease must not flare up. "


The home fans in the stands applauded when they saw Kerber save the one-on-one shot.

At the same time, they were very dissatisfied with Lin Yi's performance just now.

They have already determined that Lin Yi is just a fake, there is nothing to see.

Thomas in the stands was a little silent at this time, no longer as excited as when Lin Yi came on the court just now.

Seeing his expression, his friends did not mock him.

Instead, they looked at him with sympathy.

They could understand the feeling that the players they favored did not perform well.

Even a friend came up and patted him on the shoulder. to comfort him.

"Okay, man, you have done your duty as a fan. Maybe that boy needs to continue to polish. Maybe after a while, he will make some progress."

"Yes, after all, not many players can It was smooth sailing from the beginning."

"Okay, let's go out and have a drink. But you have to buy the beer."

Hearing his friends' words, Thomas forced a smile and shook his head and said, "No, I want to watch it for a while longer. . I think the kid needs more support and encouragement at this time. ”

He suddenly put his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly to the court: "Lin, come on!"

Seeing Thomas's actions, almost The old friend was also somewhat helpless.

On the court, Lin Yi was looking down and thinking about his previous stop.

When he stopped the ball just now, he made a mistake in judging the speed of the ball, which led to a big stop.

And the reaction of the Regensburg player who was defending him just now was indeed fast enough.

He just made such a small mistake and was The opponent caught him.

It seems that there are many experts in this German third division team.

However, just as he lowered his head in thought, Lauetto, who had just stolen the ball from Lin Yi, walked away leisurely. Come here.

With a mocking smile on his face, he reached out and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder and said, "Thank you very much for your pass just now. Keep it up next time."

After that, he burst into laughter.

In that laughter Full of sarcasm.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!"

Lin Yi clenched his fists tightly, trying his best to suppress the urge to punch out and smash that hateful face.

"Just wait for me! We have a feud. I will make you kneel down and sing "Conquer" later."

Lin Yi said this harshly and ran to his own half, ready to participate in the defense. Corner kick.

After hearing Lin Yi's threat, Laoeto was stunned for a moment.

Then he was furious.

He was actually threatened by an unknown new kid.

This made him, an old player who was almost 30 years old, How could I bear it?

So he quickly followed.

I must guard the opponent tightly and not give him any chance.

I want to see who will kneel down and sing "Conquer" in the end.

At this time, Regens The corner kicker of the Burg, Alibas, has already placed the ball in the corner area.

The referee saw that the players from both sides were ready in the penalty area, so he blew the whistle.

Alibas, who heard the whistle, Si kicked the ball directly.

He kicked the ball into the middle of the penalty area.

There, the players from both sides jumped up at the same time to compete for the header.

In the end, it was Dortmund U23's tall central defender Zagadou who got the ball first.

He headed the ball out of the penalty area.

This was a successful header clearance.

But Regensburg didn't care much.

According to normal At this time, the defender or midfielder of Regensburg will wait in the middle circle, then come up, receive the ball, and organize another attack.

However, Dortmund U23's defense will be quickly arranged. , and won't give the other side too many opportunities to take advantage.

Then both sides will enter the position to attack

Defensive war.

Who will have the last laugh depends on the actual situation.

Now Regensburg's defensive midfielder Temur is preparing to do such a thing.

He ran up to the football.

He wanted to control the flying football under his feet as soon as possible, and then launch a quick counterattack.

But he soon found something wrong

Because he found that there was a person on the opposite side approaching him and the football at high speed.

"Fuck! That's..."

There was a sudden cry from the stands.

Lin Yi saw Zagadou push the football out and fly towards him. He estimated the landing point of the football and found that he had no way to catch it.

Because the ball was heading for the area behind him.

However, Lin Yi did not give up, but turned around and chased after it.

The flying speed of the football was very fast, so he ran very fast, and he rushed out as soon as he started.

Like a flash of lightning, he shot at the football.

And Laoeto, who had been staring at Lin Yi, saw Lin Yi turn around to chase the football, and he hurriedly followed.

What shocked him was that his speed seemed to be unable to keep up with the opponent.

What kind of speed was that?

Laurito felt like he was chasing a cheetah sprinting at full speed. No matter how hard he swung his legs, he could not close the distance with the opponent.

Not only could he not shorten the distance between the two sides, but he was also being pulled further and further away by the opponent.

This discovery immediately shocked him.

How could it be possible?

He was one of the fastest players in the Regensburg team.

Many forwards who were good at speed had to bow down in front of him.

Now he was actually pulled away by an unknown Asian boy.

This was simply unbelievable.

Anxious in his heart, Laurito hurriedly exerted force again with his feet, trying to try harder.

But suddenly, his feet slipped.

Caught off guard, his whole body lost its center of gravity, and he fell out like a dog chewing shit.

He could only look at Lin Yi's back, which quickly disappeared in front of him.

Lin Yi, who was being stared at, did not notice the poor Laoeto behind him at this time.

At this time, his eyes only saw the football flying in the air and Temur who was heading towards the football.

In terms of distance, Temur was closer to the football than him.

And the football and he were moving in opposite directions.

In this case, Temur would definitely touch the football before him.

But Lin Yi did not give up chasing the football, but increased his speed again.

Like a sharp arrow, it went straight to the point where the football landed.

I will never give up!

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